Do you love Italy? Be serious or you're gonna get kicked right in the balls where it hurts the most.
Do you love Italy? Be serious or you're gonna get kicked right in the balls where it hurts the most
Love the Two Sicilies
‘ate homosexual atheist polentoni
i love you dying
>a*glo puppet state
Oh boy, some things sure never change
And, historically speaking, most faggotry happened south of Rome. During the unification, the law against homosexuality had to be suspended in the ex-Two Sicilies
yes, gib gf
zitto ateo
No one on Yas Forums is female. We hate femoids here.
you stupid allies
thank you for this
Bianchi bikes are for poorfags, buy a Pinarello
don't lie it's expensive don't lie
O yes.
I rovu italy!
t. another jap
Good online translate, tovarisch.
because it's history
happened once means will happen forever
I can't say I love italy, but I don't hate it either, I hope your country recovers soon, I need my pasta
イディ ナホゥイ
ポチェム ウ テビャ タク ゴリット?
I am convinced Italy is where God kissed the earth
I have never been there and I haven't really talked to an Italian either, so I just don't have any strong opinion about that country. I like its history and culture tho and I'm quite thankful that this country gave my mother possibility to earn some money during the shittiest crisis we have ever had
Of course I do Italy is so cute
>I'm quite thankful that this country gave my mother possibility to earn some money
How much did she charge per hour?
They do it for free.
>How much did she charge per hour?
wow so original and fun. she was a sempstress
Mate I can knock that cunt out with a left hook.
look at my flag and take a guess
I love Italy-chan!
Yes, why i should't? However I'd prefer living in Scandinavia.
Also, gay lefty Bavaryan here.
Why are Italian boys SO MUCH cuter than Italian girls?
>Why are Italian boys SO MUCH cuter
You're looking at effeminate n*rdoids i guess
You sound black.
We don't look like the femboys in your pornhub playlist. You're looking at northern italians who are descendants of the g*rmanic barbarian who raped their mothers and therefore effeminate, weak and prone to double down on HRT.
You sound black.
I like Italy but I usually dislike Italian posters and I hope their average citizens are better human material
Are you a cute boy? Can you be my bf?
>Can you be my bf?
Can you be mine?
If it's required to not be a cuck then i am BLACK BVLL
No, I'm a manly man who eats pussy for breakfast
Fuck you dumb
No one cares about 第二次世界大戦
Eat my boi pussy daddy
I have genuinely been an Italiaboo all my life. My Dad wanted to call me Enzo, but I’m kind of glad I escaped that fate.
We didn't change side in ww2, uneducated pvt gomez
We just lost the war
We...? is that Italians? not us ok?
Maybe, I could. But you're so distant...
But are you able to lay on my chest and slowly fall asleep as I hold you tightly ?
>Maybe, I could
You had me at "maybe, I could"
You're not cute.
Deoends on where you live and if you're not gonna ghost me like the others
Italy doesn't exist.
It's true name is Tuscan Empire. Because that is what it is.
We, italians.
Italy have lost and the winners did what they want with our country.
Now ask me this question: Why the fuck you, japan, even thought about provoking usa?
>Italy doesn't exist.
>It's true name is Tuscan Empire. Because that is what it is.
If you keep making pasta and cheese, yes.
Aw, you're so loving user. You must be really sweet :3
Near Rome, why would I ghost you? Have you had bad experiences before?
>ghost me like the others
Are you UGLY?!
Love you Italy!
I like Italy but aggressively hate that silly anime.