
virustoil looms edition

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First Indian itt


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For me, it's big meaty cocks

the cascade:
provincial seethe about london
londoner seethe about the uk (including london)

Any kino book recommendations for quarantine de lads?

>our workers have more pride than to work for lower than minimum wage
Lmao. Not even we wanna do that for your petty penny and shit living conditions. Especially after Brexit. Why dont you make your pakis and indians do it?

that is what it looked like when i hit the bong just now

>life would be so much better if only I had £90k pa instead of £50k pa
got some bad news for you bucko

i want to kiss andy samberg so much

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Minerals, ice deposits
Daily drop off the first shiny robe
I've got a lot of things
I want to sell but not here babe, don't go...

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The ultimate guide to gay lovemaking

Now that the biggest video game franchise in Japan has fallen, what's next?

For those that don't know in Pokemon Sword & Shield every major character was a black/brown male or a white female

>black/brown rival
>black/brown champion
>black/brown villain
>8th/strongest gym leader is black/brown
>white female secondary rival
>white female professor
>white female secondary villain (subservient to the main black/brown villain)
>interracial npc couples everywhere

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the hungry catepillar

expect a big unexpected twist...

my work is basically checking emails of which I get about two a day the real work is the odd jobs I’m made to do around the office but that only happens when I’m in the office this work from home is a friggin ace

> A pyroclastic flow (also known as a pyroclastic density current or a pyroclastic cloud)[1] is a fast-moving current of hot gas and volcanic matter (collectively known as tephra) that moves away from a volcano about 100 km/h (62 mph) on average but is capable of reaching speeds up to 700 km/h (430 mph).[2] The gases can reach temperatures of about 1,000 °C (1,830 °F).

t. person who watched a lot of programs about volcanoes and also has GCSE geography

Chilli con carne for dinner

Going to put habaneros, carolina reaper chilli sauce and chipotle chilli in it with some jalapenos mixed in for good measure

Very scary, pyroclastic flows

my life would be better if i didnt rent a room in a former council flat

pavement is the absolute goat band. imagine if pavement was british

grow up

vile pseudoyank freak

Used to watch national geographic docs after school every day in primary school me
Went into my teenage years knowing an awful lot about natural phenomenon

I shall be re-reading Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro the next couple of days. Feels like an apt time to be reading some about wasted youth and the inherent fragility of life 2bh

fantasising about the flat I could buy if prices fell by 30%

Reading basic math for dummies

ice deposits daily
drop off
for a shiny robe
i've got a lot of things i want to sell but
not here babe
don't go

One of the best feelings in the world? Getting your celtic cock sucked by an english rose
My ancestors in the old country would be proud


town full of dumb shits

Why do people name their children Angus?

Anglo women crave BBC (big brythonic cock)

it's "tokyo" mate

Except you have been doing it for more than a decade, friend. I live in a rural area, and it's well known that the farmers were exploiting Bulgarians/Romanians/Polacks/Lithuanians to work for about £2-3 per hour, by giving them minimum wage and then making loads of spurious deductions from their pay packet.

No one gave a shit when it was just the eastern Euros being exploited, but now Brits are realising that instead of working like slaves in a field for no money, there are lots of other easier jobs that will pay a proper minimum wage

>are there any good books?

can you narrow that down a bit?

beefy looking babies


The only sensible suggestion, but I think I've read that one

based, me too

remember correcting my geography teacher once when she was absolutely sure that a solar flare was called a supernova. Naturally everyone thought I was a big aspie when I told her that an actual supernova wouldn't just fry electronics it would fucking atomise everyone and the entire solar system. She hated me after that.

She's got the radio active and it makes
me feel ok I don't feel ok


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Want a selection desu, not too fussy. For fiction, I guess I'm looking for something readable but with clear literary value. Something like Roth or McCarthy

Genuinely reckon pensioners are being paid too little, they built modern society from the ground up and they're reduced to begging for scraps in their old age

You read Grape of Wrath? Not related at all, but an incredible book imo

for a small donation of just 50 cents i day, i could narrow down a list for you and your family for just 50 cents a day

grumpy little goth

E-toil looms...

My Friend Dahmer is good if you're into serial killers

Never have, I'll add to the list ta

indulging in a crumpet

she's got the radio active and it makes feel ok
i don't feel ok

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Mum is going mental about the virus thing and is moaning at me to not go to work.

depends on the generation of pensioner if that makes sense, my gran who’s 93 gets an absolute fortune from the government.

I am the Jean Tarrou of coronavirus

for the same reasons people name their kids dongus

have you considered not living with your mum


people should be ground up and fed to the poor post 65

led him spend time with her

Found a job I want to apply for, but it's in L*ndon and only pays £31.5k and I simply don't think that's enough

no viet cong ever called me a virgin

Don't know how it works over there but over here super is basically UBI for old people and makes up the largest portion of government spending. Huge burden on the taxpayer.

That’s alright, so long as you don’t mind living in a house share

He's one of our nation's spies
He's one of our first recruits
I click with her leather thighs
He's one of our first recruits


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Can't say that I've ever had too much interest in them, but you never know, might give it a go

mum just called me a thuggish ruggish buster

Ello Australia

no she didn’t
be quiet

i have a head ache in my right eye.

hiding all posts that arouse me

Yes then I considered the cost of rent, council tax and food then decided living with my Mum to save money is the better idea.

Is she fit?

everyone else manages
man up kid

Hide this.

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i wish my mom would call me that

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My mates house share in London was grim grim grim
Every surface of the bathroom was covered in mould, just about everything was some degree of broken and a mouse would dart between your feet every few minutes.
All for £750 a month