>NOOOOOO you can't just nuke France out of existence!
>Think about all the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>German Tourists!
NOOOOOO you can't just nuke France out of existence!
to be fair that is a point worthy of consideration
This kangaroo seems to experience a seizure right now
Faîtes-le. Abrogez nos souffrances.
Daily reminder that at all given time we have at least a nuclear submarine deployed carrying 96 nuclear warheads in 16 intercontinental missiles
You wouldn't go to France
Abrégez, crétin
idk man does jean reno live there
Hello w*jakposters remember me ?
Désolé, je ne maîtrise pas la langue soja.
try it you fag
oh fuck it’s tails
france is the only interesting european country
Somehow I imagine an overly obese manchild in his late 20s with his hands and mouth covered in hot cheetos dust pointing a finger to his screen and saying
>france is the only interesting european country
Hope it brings you happiness, because those obese fucks and thirdies are the only ones who believe it
Oh non, tout les femmes et les enfants sont morts!
I fell in love with a French girl but it turned out she's half Portuguese and I was relieved.
What's exactly Australia's contribution to humanity? A country that went from being a British colony to being a Chinese one in the span of a century, great job
If tomorrow Australia were to disappear we'd see a fluctuation in the prices of bauxite for like a month and then everyone would forget you ever existed. Kill yourself
What's exactly Italy's contribution to humanity? A country that has always been a German colony
, great job
If tomorrow Italy were to disappear we'd see a fluctuation in the prices of frozen pizza for like a month and then everyone would forget you ever existed. Kill yourself
Shut up obese
shut up fat
ever heard of the hills hoist retard?
>american education
destroying the emperor's tomb is a crime against humanity and a declaration of war by the entire world against the aggressor
Kinda funny how the French flag has white on it despite you guys constantly craving Muhammad's BBC
funny how it's always anglo flags parotting the same most stupid posts on this website despite using their mother tongue, you really are as dumb and as we think you are.
No, it's shadow
Still seething over Agincourt? Take ease, Ngubu, it was only the ancestors of the women you breed that got BTFO'd, not your own.
looks like dark sonic to me
If Napoleon wasn't buried in France, I would feel obliged to nuke France without any remorse.
Whenever there is foreigners around often from developing countries they know so much about random stuff
likely explains why they are crapholes since they dont use their time on something useful
says the ones who makes those threads, you must still be seething about 1066 stupid anglois
>Haha! But I predicted you would attempt to kill me, and I killed myself first! Nice try sonic, but I win again!
>starting a nuclear war with the nation with the biggest nuclear fetish on the planet.
This is why we stayed out of the Australian federation mate.
Fun fact. Napoleon had plans drawn up to invade and conquer australia and fully intended to do it until losing in Russia.
I want to see Australia go boom boom kaboom loool
Shut your mouth fr*gposter
it probably would have been better than this mess we have today
worse than being french? doubt it
better be french than american kid baiting in his mother tongue
they helped create america
I really enjoy when French posters get angry. It’s so sexy.
you anglos really are weirdos
The debt was paid in WW1 and certainly WW2. Those frenchmen are long dead and even then they weren’t doing it out of the kindness of their hearts and only joined after we started winning as expected from their kind
Let's masturbate together!
>The debt was paid in WW1
lmao, when you built some roads ? no
>and certainly WW2
lmao, when you bombed and tried to annex us ? no
>helping a country ''out of kindness''
are all french this ungrateful?
yes, they are a despicable race and not worthy of our time
coming from the flags who said their "debt" was paid trying to annex france that's rich
America really didn't do anything in WW1. Hell they didn't do much in WW2 and WW1 combined compared to Britain and/or France in WW1, and let's not even mention Germany or Russia. America is as powerful as it is precisely because they did fuck all.
Name literally one thing Australia conttibuted to the world
Name literally one thing Poland contributed to the world
steve irwin
Well known pianists and physicists uh ?
American support in WW1 helped break the Spring Offensive and aided morale as millions of men poured into Europe during a time when all countries were at their breaking point. Russia was out of the war at this point so all German troops were pointing west. Implying that we weren’t at least of equal importance to the Soviet Union is absolutely absurd. We single handedly broke Japan, saved the British from their blockade, and provided raw materials for Soviet production. Not to mention we were the backbone in the invasion of Italy. Churchill himself said the war was won merely upon our entry into WW2, or do you think you know better than him?
>The debt was paid in WW1
ah! when you showed up for the last 2 months just so Ubisoft could market its BF remake to you?
more or less equivalent to your support in our revolution, except we actually took our troops to Germany unlike you with the UK