What countries are good for finding femboy/trans girlfriends??

what countries are good for finding femboy/trans girlfriends??

Attached: cute british girl.jpg (828x1009, 85.1K)

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america of course.
canada is probably a good choice too.
they're rayciss to us in europe, so it might be a bit more difficult.

when did you see a racis tranny

Attached: TÜRK.jpg (640x480, 37.19K)

Literally just asian economically developed countries like japan or non-best korea.
Don't fall for the western "cute traps" meme, that shit doesn't exists on this side of the world.

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i dont like asians

too small penis
ugly and weird face

asians are ugly people



Looks like there's a qt in Turkey.
Go gettem tiger.

Is that Willow from /lgbt/?

yeah who cares hes just another whore that hairy middle eastern chads like me masturbate

I just added a trans on snap, what should I say to her(him)

>i want to fill your boy hole with my seed

That's a bit rude, she seems like a nice person. Even posted feet when I asked.

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can you post her feet

Attached: Willowo feet.jpg (4032x3024, 1.92M)


holy shit
if he doesn't take him, I will. Gotta get me a ticket to Turkey

brown and small penis i pass

didn't realize femboys had to be packing

15 cm minimum

it's a femboy, you're supposed to play with their assholes, not their dicks

whats the point i'll go fuck women then

oh hey its this guy, too bad he doesn't have any contact info :(

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but women are disgusting


i need to find crossdresser pinar from toruchan

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why turks so gay?

he posts on the /cbg/ general on /trash/ pretty regularly. It'd be easy enough just to ask him.
first of all, the dude's adorable. I don't think you like dudes, I think you just watch too much porn. Second of all, that's probably around 15 cm. It's enough for a good ride unless you've been wrecking your hole.

big guy

not him but anything under 8 inches is a waste of time
you won't be able to poke his prostate so what's the point

prostate is 2 inches deep
you need curved dick to hit prostate though
my dick settings picture related

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>longer than 7/8 of the world

you don't know what you're talking about man. The prostate isn't nearly that deep. It's only a few inches in (just look the size of prostate toys). You can even poke it from the outside by pressing on your gooch.

If you're like the feeling of being filled, that's a different story. Good luck finding anyone with 8 inches irl, much less a cute trap like that.

8 inches isn't anything uncommon lol, your average gay nightclub in an average night probably has a few 8 inchers

You have to consider that many people are Chinese, Indian or Mutts

aight, you got me there. I don't go hoing myself out at the club, but I imagine that's where the big dudes would go to show off. Still, good fucking luck finding a hung trap irl.

>Turks are gay and hate women
What a surprising.

Attached: D-9k12vVAAAdQYJ.jpg (1200x675, 121.81K)

UK and USA, somehow wearing women’s clothing is the Anglo equivalent of being a furry in a Germanic country

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two guys who probably dislike turkey don't represent turkey you dumb grasshopper eater
or are your eyes so small that you can only see 2 people at once?

there are no gay nightclubs in TÜRKey

I have found a few on grindr desu
They are all fucking insane though

who cares just have sex incel

dont tell them your real name all will be fine

uhhh insane how? im looking for a femboy but i keep hearing theyre all crazy

Find a cute twink instead. Buy him some lingerie once you're bfs.

fem boys and traps are the danger hair version of “right wingers”

b a s e d

only katyn dislike erkek kures

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Yas Forums map when?

yes please, I'm going to assassinate ikibey and end his suffering

calm down

I want sex with a guy

as soon as someone makes one ahaha

but seriously someone make one pls


pretty sure those zeemaps cost money.
And i don't know if there are enough people interested in getting a bf from Yas Forums for it to be worth it

Use tag map
Better and completely free

I'm down to make one if people are interested.
but there's only like 4 of you :
just exchange discords and get a plane ticket

here’s a tip from past experiences, you shouldn’t meet with people from this site.

well duhhh but its still fun talking with people from here

I just want to gaypost with them

It's your national sport, fucking cockroach.

You should always use your judgement when meeting people online. Y'all are grown ass men so you're capable of doing that.

I can see why you say that tho, but there are perfectly well adjusted dudes on Yas Forums too. It took me like 3 years to find 2 good matches and 1 good bf, but that's how internet dating is anywhere when you're looking for a serious relationship.

I've only met 1 decent person from grindr

i lovee femboys

>Rio and SC

No surprise.

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you'd find more if you stopped using grindr

Where else would you find them