How is the far right seen in your country?
How is the far right seen in your country?
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white trash hicks or chinless incels
incels, although we don't use this word
Used to be bad. Nowadays seen as a necessity. Rapidly growing.
You can not be a white nat, white is neither an ethnicity nor a race
That was me around 2016 ngl. So glad I grew out of that shit
well at least you admit it
disgusting mutt cope posting
What about german, italian, english and so on?
r u a catholic or a cuck?
far, incels fags manlets
Only rootless people identify as white
infinitely based.
whats wrong with being an incel or a manlet
I'm german, therefore I'm white.
Who else is white besides germans in your opinion?
>I'm german, therefore I'm white.
say hello to your grandfather
True, but Americans are a disgrace. I hate to identify as American.
That's a russian.
People with roots in europe. Meaning americans too, if they are white that means they have european roots. Easy.
Is this a /ss/ thread?
Identifying as white is not a good idea, there is lots of mutts who identify as white and give you a bad name and it also makes it easier for people to blame you for things such as slavery. I suggest you just go by your ethnicity, specific subrace or nationality.
What race do you belong to? White is not a race.
>People with roots in europe.
Europe has lots of subraces and ethnicites, you can not be a european nationalist
don't take the bait from a "subrace" mongrel
> blame you for things such as slavery.
irrelevant garbage
if american niggers like to blame white people for slavery because their ancestors did it, then they should also affirm that their ancestors abolished slavery
In reality no one blames peoplefor what their great great great great great grandfathers did because that is stupid. yet again so are nogs
>Only rootless people identify as white
White Americans are a new ethnicity on its own, like Brits, Germans, Italians etc.
Moreover, Europids are the only ones who have effectively abolished slavery worldwide.
M*ngoloids and N*groids are yet to follow their lead.
>Identifying as white is not a good idea, there is lots of mutts who identify as white
If they have adequate roots I don't see the problem.
>give you a bad name
American whites are by far the most law abiding and hard working people in the US. Don't see the problem.
>easier for people to blame you for things such as slavery
>Giving a damn about Kangz
>I suggest you just go by your ethnicity, specific subrace or nationality.
So if someone is proud to be a white american, he's proud of being part of that specific nationality and european ancestry? Meaning exactly what you just said.
>Europe has lots of subraces and ethnicites, you can not be a european nationalist
Sure you can, I can be proud to be german and I can still respect italians. We can both be proud about being european.
they are considered pretty based and have a far wider support than the votes they get. people wanna vote for the right but they're afraid so they end up voting for likud because its safer (a vote for them is less likely to give the far left knesset seats)
its a prisoners dilemma type situation, just replace betraying with voting likud and cooperating with voting right wing, only this prisoners dilemma is played amount a few hundred thousand people because if they dont get enough votes to pass minimum they get 0 seats.
also Arabs
>if american niggers like to blame white people for slavery because their ancestors did it, then they should also affirm that their ancestors abolished slavery
It would be better to not associate yourself with a fake ethnicity that is blamed for slavery
>In reality no one blames peoplefor what their great great great great great grandfathers did because that is stupid. yet again so are nogs
Stop being hateful, nationalism should be about improvimg your nation/ethnicity/race not about hating others
oh shit - yeah, those fuckers are caucasian, too, innit? Fucking c-c-combo breakers
>blamed by association
nice gymnastics, sweaty
>nationalism should be about improvimg your nation/ethnicity/race not about hating others
>blamed for slavery
again, irrelevant garbage, if nogs want to blame whites for slavery, then they should be liable for abolishing it.
>Stop being hateful
Stop using false discourse to pomote your agenda. Slaves from Africa wer sold by black slave owners
do people still vote for the communist party in russia?
Very based and true
Usually a bunch of ice addicted bogans
of course not - they're a fucking butt of the joke.
You'll get over it,(shall you ever be taken over by the "equality" snake oil for the sake of power shift), just like we did.
whiterer than you jaroslav
I mean blacks and non-whites identify you as white though so it doesn't really matter how you identify yourself as.
>mr. "please rape my daughter and melt my viking relics, cus they're offensive"
you're the one to talk sweady
Identifying as German / Swedish / Italian / Finnish etc is the correct way to go about it, not this blanket "white" term. Dont group all of us together.
Americans who identify as european ethnicities are pathetic. I'm not a fucking swede, I'm a fucking American.
You say america sucks but your too chickenshit to own it, like your just visiting or some shit.
the fuck do you mean you brainlet? I despise everything about Sweden's current situation, what are you on about?
Maybe if you look back into your ancestry? Besides how is australia handling the chinese virus?
Why deny what is obvious?
but you do have many common contemporary values (or at least used to) that have propelled your countries ahead of the game - like value of free speech, question everything sceptical, reward private success but never forget about "out of the race" players (that is you both have most successfull business infrastructures, along with welfare program for those the system has left with no tire on a curb)
It's okay to be wh*te.
You're conflating race with nationality. Generally Swedes are more racially similar to Germans, English, French, Danish, etc relative to Arabs or other human groups. An Arab migrant searching for white girls to rape doesn't consider what nationality they are.
Get your people to start identifying as their ethnicity. Calling yourself white just makes it easier for people to stereotype you in a negative way.
The problem is that many people who identify as white feel guilty for slavery even if their ancestors had nothing to do with it.
>Dont group all of us together
I will never do that
It would be better to identify as your subrace or ethnicity. Modern nations are too ethnically diverse
Losers and loners.
>The problem is that many people who identify as white feel guilty for slavery even if their ancestors had nothing to do with it.
it started with the recent wave of liberal garbage because people kept pushing an agenda
What is my ethnicity? Being Canadian is just a legal status, it doesnt really represent a set of cultural or traditional values since anyone can come here and call themselves Canadian.
>That's a russian.
Should we tell him?
I wanna see that pic without the text
use ai filter
>What is my ethnicity?
If you do not know you do not have one, you should assimilate into an ethnicity you like or create your own with your family and friends.
The easiest way to get of white guilt is by destroying the concept of whiteness and identifying by subrace/ethnicity
This caricature looks whiter, than you, mexcrement.
>The easiest way to get of white
The easiest way to get rid of white*
All of these peoples you metioned are distinct ethnicities, although Danes and Swedes are very similiar, originally from the same tribe. I would rather call myself a Swede than "white", if I call myself "white" i can be lumped in and blamed for everything ever done by americans for example.
Thank god, last thing in life I want is being a wh*teoid
What's the point though since every other race still identifies you as white?
>Should we tell him?
Grannies and children are usually too young to get children. Especially if you kill them afterwards. Not to mention that all eastern european nations that were annexed by the soviet union were also suffering from "liberation."
Makes the nazis look like saints, doesn't it?
The only reason people identify you as white is because most light skin caucasoids accept getting called by white.
>"i don't get it but will gonna reply anyway"
the post
couldn't care less - we don't make so much fuss about different ethnicities in our country mainly because our media never fanned the flames of slut-shaming a race/gender for acting "offensively".
I understand this but you're still going to be dealing with immigrant groups that are not "white" coming in and identifying you as "white" so you insisting that you're Swedish and not white doesn't matter in their view. Nor does it matter for the white privilege gender studies types in university.
The Red Army definately made the Wehrmacht look like saints, that much I can agree with
If you go saying "i'm not white, I'm American" you'll just get laughed at and you'll still get the short end of the diversity quota stick
>The Red Army definately made the Wehrmacht look like saints, that much I can agree with
The wehrmacht may have been decently humane with its occupation, the SS on the other hand...
This isnt necessarily true, there are certain "white" people who are seen as fellow immigrants here by middle easterners, for example, balkan "white immigrants. They are definately treated differently than Swedes. I'm always referred to as a Swede, not "white" by immigrants.
The first step get rid of anti "white" racism is by identifying as something else. Identify as an ethnicity, what ethnicity or race is most of your ancestry from?
I'm can probably agree with this, but anything done by the SS was matched by the Red Army when invading germany
that won't make a lick of sense - "whites" (that is working white males who go to church and value family) are painted as a sole target. Those "whites" are literally the joooooce of 21st century.
Different experiences I suppose. Here in the Americas Caucasians are referred to as white without exception.
I have like 4 different European nations in my ancestry. I'm literally a mutt in that sense, I'm still seen as white though.
Only rootless people identify as German.
race has nothing to do with values
"we" are culturally "western" (i mean we're more christian than yuros ffs) but we're not white
>have german roots
How does this make any sense at all? "German" is a clear ethnicity, unlike "australian" or "american" , both of which are nationalities comprised of an endless mix of peoples
i know it doesn't - i'm talking about how the brainwashing clap media painting the image of a "white". Next time read carefully a post you're replying to.
>white guilt
no such thing exist, it's all propaganda