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طلع البدر علينا


Die fat American piece of shit


Real thread when this gets inevitably deleted

لا تبكي يا عبدي

Salty crakkka gonna freak!

الجانيز عليهم لعائن علي واهل بيته..

How many old white boomers died of corona today? Lmao

لا تتكبرو على بعضكم البعض
إنكم عباد زبي

no idea what this gayass lord of the rings nazgul alphabet says

الأمريكان ليسوا بشرا عادي نتكبر عليهم ربي

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Feeling guilty about that glorified demolition project, cleatus?

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This is your family getting killed by a high school dropout with an Xbox controller

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your "soliders" are literally dying in anbar so i can enjoy my internet lmao

your soldiers as well rafidi dog

Your country is literally a pile of rubble because of us hahahaha

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Your family is getting killed by a Chinese sniffle lmao


my country is more comfy than your soulless shithole

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Yes I’d LOVE to live in Iraq over America hahahahahahaha

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I want a devout muslim wife to suck bwcs with


So what do we think about ISIS?

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I like how you post all these beautiful monuments built by the Ba'athists while seething over the ba'athists.

chai wa haleeb

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I don't seethe lol

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for free..

>الللللللله أكبااااااار

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من ثنيات الوداااااااااع

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وجب الشكر علينااااااا

Do you really hate Palestinians?

nah lol

>بجيرتك يا خضر

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نعم لإبادة المسلمين

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@salaleaf did you feel the earthquake?

Good morning /Mena/

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>take a flower
>will I stay a loser
>will I not stay a loser
>the last one is will I stay a loser

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fucking cringe i forgot about that stupid thing that kids do

fantastic post

اكره الامريكان، بعيد عن السياسة
يخربون كلشي حتى بهذا الموقع

٢. العلاقة. لا تعويض. أنت تفهم وتوافق على أن هذه وظيفة تطوعية غير مدفوعة الأجر وليست علاقة عمل. هذا المنصب ليس لفترة زمنية محددة وسوف يكون "حسب الرغبة" ، وهذا يعني أنه يمكنك أنت أو 4فورشان إنهاء مركزك وعلاقة الخدمة في أي وقت ولأي سبب ، مع أو بدون سبب. على الرغم من أنه يجب عليك أداء واجبات الإشراف وفقًا لجميع الشروط والأحكام الواردة في اتفاقية الخطاب هذه ، أو على النحو المنصوص عليه بخلاف ذلك بواسطة فورشان ، إلا أن فورشان لا تتطلب أي التزام زمني محدد لهذا المنصب (أي أنها ليست "بدوام كامل" أو "دوام جزئي") ، ومقدار الوقت الذي تقضيه في أداء واجبات الإشراف هو فقط حسب تقديرك الخاص. أنت تقر وتوافق على أن فورشان لن تدفع لك أي أجور أو تعويضات أخرى (بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر أي حصص ملكية أو ملكية في فورشان) في أي وقت ، الآن أو في المستقبل ، تحت أي ظرف من الظروف ، لأداء واجبات الإشراف ، وسوف لن تكون مؤهلاً للمشاركة في أي مزايا ترعاها شركة فورشان. يتم استبدال أي إقرارات معاكسة قد تم إجراؤها لك بموجب اتفاقية الخطاب هذه. فورشان قد ينهي منصبك وعلاقات الخدمة معك أو بدون إشعار لك.

كسم الجانيز

so cringy thread

>Is that what God does? He helps? Tell me, why didn't God help my innocent friend who died for no reason while the guilty ran free? Okay. Fine. Forget the one offs.
>How about the countless wars declared in his name? Okay. Fine. Let's skip the random, meaningless murder for a second, shall we? How about the racist, sexist, phobia soup we've all been drowning in because of him? And I'm not just talking about Jesus.
> I'm talking about all organized religion. Exclusive groups created to manage control. A dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope. His followers, nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their dopamine of ignorance. Addicts. Afraid to believe the truth. That there's no order. There's no power. That all religions are just metastasizing mind worms, meant to divide us so it's easier to rule us by the charlatans that wanna run us.
> All we are to them are paying fanboys of their poorly-written sci-fi franchise. If I don't listen to my imaginary friend, why the fuck should I listen to yours? People think their worship's some key to happiness. That's just how he owns you. Even I'm not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality. So fuck God. He's not a good enough scapegoat for me.

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>He helps?
>How about the countless wars declared in his name? Okay. Fine. Let's skip the random, meaningless murder for a second, shall we? How about the racist, sexist, phobia soup we've all been drowning in because of him?

>>Is that what God does? He helps? Tell me, why didn't God help my innocent friend who died for no reason while the guilty ran free? Okay. Fine. Forget the one offs.
>>How about the countless wars declared in his name? Okay. Fine. Let's skip the random, meaningless murder for a second, shall we? How about the racist, sexist, phobia soup we've all been drowning in because of him? And I'm not just talking about Jesus.
>> I'm talking about all organized religion. Exclusive groups created to manage control. A dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope. His followers, nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their dopamine of ignorance. Addicts. Afraid to believe the truth. That there's no order. There's no power. That all religions are just metastasizing mind worms, meant to divide us so it's easier to rule us by the charlatans that wanna run us.
>> All we are to them are paying fanboys of their poorly-written sci-fi franchise. If I don't listen to my imaginary friend, why the fuck should I listen to yours? People think their worship's some key to happiness. That's just how he owns you. Even I'm not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality.

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>>>Is that what God does? He helps? Tell me, why didn't God help my innocent friend who died for no reason while the guilty ran free? Okay. Fine. Forget the one offs.
>>>How about the countless wars declared in his name? Okay. Fine. Let's skip the random, meaningless murder for a second, shall we? How about the racist, sexist, phobia soup we've all been drowning in because of him? And I'm not just talking about Jesus.
>>> I'm talking about all organized religion. Exclusive groups created to manage control. A dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope. His followers, nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their dopamine of ignorance. Addicts. Afraid to believe the truth. That there's no order. There's no power. That all religions are just metastasizing mind worms, meant to divide us so it's easier to rule us by the charlatans that wanna run us.
>>> All we are to them are paying fanboys of their poorly-written sci-fi franchise. If I don't listen to my imaginary friend, why the fuck should I listen to yours? People think their worship's some key to happiness. That's just how he owns you. Even I'm not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality.

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>بابا ماما انا بسمع صوت ربنا في دماغي و هوا بيقولي اقتلكم

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>انا بسمع اصوات بدماغي بيقولولي كهيعص

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>لاااااااا يابني ده مش ربنا انتا اتجننت
>بتعمل ايه؟ سيب المسدس يابني لاا

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>hey son god is in my head, just told me to mutilate my dick.. And uh
>stand still please he also told me to kill you

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ربنا عز وجل جا بمعجزة المسدس قبل ميتعمل ب ٩٠٠ سنه
سبحان الله

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I prefer the term majoosleaf because he is more ashamed of being majoos than he is of be a salafi