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يا علي

How to make a shroug and a salafist seethe

Attached: 001218_xgaplus.jpg (586x864, 73.05K)

holy based

t.K*rD zanji

>60$×100k barrel×365day
الكرد احفاد عائشة


how could the bakri sibhumans ever recover?

عشت من اشوففففااااككككك
بعد ما اشوففاااااااكككك
لعد ماتجينييييي
اكبل ايديااااااا

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يااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا مظلووووووووووووووم

ستالين استنجد بأم البنين قبل الدخول على برلين

يقارورة دمه الغالي
على احبابي انشغل بالي
اراقب واني حذره
الرسايل كلة خطرة

اول مراسيل الحزن
نسمة هوه جايبته .. الي
مخنوك اجه بصدري النفس
شميته بي ريحه .. هلي

من والدي جايب عطر
مو ذاك عطرة .. الاولي
بيه ريحة الفاكد ولد
يمكن مشه الاكبر .. علي

يقارورة واخاف اني
تجرحيني بخبر ثاني
واموتن قطرة قطرة
الرسايل كله خطرة

يقارورة دمه الغالي
على احبابي انشغل بالي
اراقب واني حذره
الرسايل كلة خطرة

ثاني رساله من السفر
مكتوبه الي بكطرة .. دمه
كالتلي عطشان الورد
مات الندة ويشرب .. ضمه

عبد الله موذاك الطفل
جن والدج شايل .. سمه
اترف قرابين العشك
راد الحبيبه .. يقدمه

رسمتيلي يقارورة
مهد خالي بحظن صورة
اثر دم على صدره
الرسايل كلهه خطرة

يقارورة دمه الغالي
على احبابي انشغل بالي
اراقب واني حذره
الرسايل كلة خطرة

ثالث مكاتيب البعد
هذا اصعب واكثر .. خطر
يحجيلي سالوفة سمه
مثلومه ويطيح .. الكمر

I fucking love you lads

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>bootleg turk
>follows a bootleg version of islam

Such a life in the wasteland

يااااااااااااااااا شهيد كربلااااااااءءءء

why are turks so alpha

Attached: turkish man.jpg (640x640, 80.34K)

ياااااااااااااااااااااااا سبط روسول الللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللله

shut up s*nnishit


كر ب و بلا

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shaism is the pure muhammadian religion which was plagiarized by ayisha عليها اللعنة و العذاب

I lived in Kirkuk (multicultural city) around 2008 and every arab neighbourhood looked like this

He was based

اخوتي الكرام
ما بال الروافض؟ لماذا هم بهذا التخلف؟

يا اميررر الثقلييييننن ما نسينا ذكراك لا والله!

لا تاخد كلام الي هني أبجد

One of the things i hate about Kurdish history is my people opposing him

سنأتيكم بالقامات ننادي حيدر حيدر

seethe, bakris
ما دينك؟

>''Looks like we found us a s*nni, hêval''

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/MENA/ threads are the funniest and most pathetic thread in this whole website, kek
literally mentally ill self-hatred araps & muzli using proxies pretending to be whites/jews to insult their own kind .

they became so much invested in their character that they unironically started to believe that they are what they pretend to be

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كربلاء ما أجملك!

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fuck you fucking niggerkike, you got me banned for another 3 days
ابن المتناكة بيتصيدنا لما أقول نيجر


Attached: Hear+me+out+just+imagine+living+like+this+_9b7bc80097179ffac4f41230785550d7.jpg (1000x1232, 174.76K)

They have been weakened with the airstrikes or maybe they all joined the syrian kurds

no jokes all next mena threads should be 9/11s

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I keep searching for the answer but I can't find it anywhere so I thought this would be the best place to ask. In Islam, if I have, say, two wives, can I "be intimate" with both of them at once? Just wondering if that's haram or not.

If so, can they "be intimate" with each other during our joint act?

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من هو ولي الله وحجته في الأرض بعد الرسول صل الله عليه وآله؟


They can't be intimate witch other
But I guess you can make them suck your dick at the same time

بس أسأل من هو خليفة الرسول، موب لازم تخربط

sunnis believe that you should always see them having gaysex while watching pathetically in the corner

shias believe that you should fuck both of them at once and it's haram to give them a moment to breath

>make them
That's not nice, achmed. You should always have concern for the feelings of your wife. What if she has a cramped jaw? What if she has strep throat? Be considerate of your wife.

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The feelings of my wife matter less than the feelings of my dick.
You got your answer, now get out white devil.

is this an actual gook?
الحمدلله على ولاية محمد و آل بيته الطيبين الطاهرين

based bakri

Meanie. You're not very nice to your hypothetical wife. That's haram.

See Surah An-Nisa [4:19] for guidance.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا يَحِلُّ لَكُمْ أَن تَرِثُوا النِّسَاءَ كَرْهًا ۖ وَلَا تَعْضُلُوهُنَّ لِتَذْهَبُوا بِبَعْضِ مَا آتَيْتُمُوهُنَّ إِلَّا أَن يَأْتِينَ بِفَاحِشَةٍ مُّبَيِّنَةٍ ۚ وَعَاشِرُوهُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ۚ فَإِن كَرِهْتُمُوهُنَّ فَعَسَىٰ أَن تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَيَجْعَلَ اللَّهُ فِيهِ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا - 4:19

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Are you a Muslim or larping?
Btw I don't think I'll ever have a wife.

What the fuck?
I love Americans now

you are yazidi kaffir not kurdish

Shia? Sunna? Sufi? Who the fuck cares? At the end of the day we are all muslims and believe allah, together we should fight our common enemy, al yahood wal amerisharts عليهم لعنة الله

tfw no 90s cute bf

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no, its only one at a time sex
you cant do group sex with them
then its lesbianism

But user, I'm a kaffir

عفانا الله و إياكم من عائشة واحفادها

dont u understand
shiites are subhuman heretics

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I'm just some american. I'm quite interested in studying the quran, though I don't really know where to start (as in, if there's a best way to go about it besides just reading the thing cover to cover).

For the quote, I just looked up "treating your wife well Islam verse". So yeah. Sorry for being ignorant.

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It's ok fren I'm not even a Muslim.

hi everyone

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Yeah, I just looked into it further. I don't know if this is a good source but they have more to say.



best translation is sahih international
best tafsir is ibn kathir
check out sealed nectar for the sira biography
and read kitab al tawhid for creed theology
for hadith a good start is 40 hadith nawawi
and 40 hadith qudsi

yeah this is the most comprehensive fatwa website its run by scholars

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ignore this niggerleaf ---> read tafsir el zamakhshari (alKashshaaf)

I reccomend read it first
then read sira
then read quran 2nd time
you should understand it better and for tafsir, i dont recommend reading it all, but rather searching specific verses you dont understand, since most verses are self explanatory

holy cringe

why people still believe in fairytales this seriously is beyond me.

ignore this larper
hes an ex coptic christian atheist

I'm so hungry Bros.

why are they white

because Allah has not fully sealed their hearts yet

You genuinely know that's not gonna happen right? Pan Arabism is a meme and impossible now that all the different Ara*s have their own respective "Muh national lineage and shieeeet"

christian coptics are too low IQ to know about tafseer al zamakhshari

I'm starting to think this isn't a place for reliable responses. Thanks anyway, I suppose.

you're not even muslim , you admitted it few threads ago, you just googled zanji tafsir

فَكُلُوا مِمَّا رَزَقَكُمُ اللَّهُ حَلَالًا طَيِّبًا وَاشْكُرُوا نِعْمَتَ اللَّهِ إِن كُنتُمْ إِيَّاهُ تَعْبُدُونَ - 16:114

>sectarianism can kick mutts out of our threads
يا علييييييي! لعنة الله على الخوارج!

/mena/ isn't a religious general, fren. Are you the American that created a thread couple days ago?

كيف حالكم

>you admitted it few threads ago
just like your mother ayisha, you lie like a hymar

No. Sorry for derailing the thread.

its mostly atheists and such, but im an unironic muslim and will try to answer you as best as possible

are you learning this for conversion or just intellectual curiosity?


t.rafidhi mushrik majoosi quboori nusayri murtadd shadh munafiq khariji nasibi takfiri


It's alright you're nice so you can stay someone sane might eventually answer your question

/mena/ is about arab related stuff
islam is mena related
even if the atheists are butthurt

shut the fuck up

دابة يا زبي
تعرف غير الأكل

I'd like to notify you that here we call this niggger salafileaf. he's an ISIS supporter and I'm warning you, if you listen to him, you are going to get radicalized
>inb4 masri being a sisinigger as usual

are you a cute brown hairless twink?

ok persian scum

A little more than intellectual curiosity. I'm genuinely curious but it's also because I have read some of the good things to do with islam (Zakat, for example) and that makes me wonder what other wisdom I can glean from it.

i bet you're a fucking donkey burner (*l*st*n*a*)

>you will never kill murtadoon

ATTENTION SAND PEOPLE. Please take off your shoes and stomp your feet on the front mat before walking onto my porch. I do not want sand on the porch.

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احكي انكليزي
كسم الي فاهم شو عبتحكي

t.sisi zanji

give me good high res soyjaks for based OCs like this

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من قال الصلاة في بيوتكم فهو آثم

A persian muslim (sunni) is better than an arab mulhid


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