FACT: you are cute!

FACT: you are cute!

Attached: 1570466697811.png (560x680, 71.39K)

don't tarnish mimmi like this

Attached: punc.png (540x540, 11.12K)

i'd tarnish mikko if you know what I mean

Attached: 1547194579042.jpg (800x1200, 385.78K)


>its another episode of mutts taken ownership of a mascot they cannot relate to

Attached: the truth hurts.jpg (244x270, 47.26K)

Can anybody upload the lewds?

Attached: finnish autism lion17.jpg (860x1080, 285.97K)



nobody cares about mimmi
I want the mikko lewds

Do you take Yas Forums memes that seriously, Chicano?

No I'm not a girl

Did I say I was? I just like mimmi

Attached: mimm.jpg (640x860, 199.43K)

There are others, thou. Already have that 1

Based. There were a few colored lewds as well, do you have them?

On Twitter @lewdfarm.

@wildintfarm used to have a lewd counterpart. Does anybody have the handle?

Wew lad. Thanks


Attached: tobacco.jpg (1280x1000, 455.97K)

mad lad even did shahar

Attached: ENIp-e_VAAAJqws.jpg (1000x1280, 124.08K)

I'll probably give them a cameo in the game.

do it


Attached: shhr.png (1080x1080, 44.84K)

I couldn't give Shahar a full game so that's the best I could do. It'll be too controversial anyway since the mage is an Israeli weapon created with the purest Ashkenazi and Nazi DNA and meant to kill Palestinians but she escaped and fell in love with Shahar.

Kek the backstory is top-notch


Thanks Mimmi

Attached: original.gif (500x300, 496K)


Mimmi about to chokeslam a Dane.

Attached: 032 - dane homo.png (900x1090, 279.66K)

Attached: 1551008060902.jpg (800x960, 235.4K)


Cute Danish girl, but she'd look better with black hair

Attached: 1578348952514.jpg (860x1120, 134.88K)

Anyone have the picture of the med bvll with spear?

>I couldn't give Shahar a full game so that's the best I could do. It'll be too controversial anyway since the mage is an Israeli weapon created with the purest Ashkenazi and Nazi DNA and meant to kill Palestinians but she escaped and fell in love with Shahar.
Make sure to have a filthy room as his spot

Attached: P91003133238 Shahar.jpg (3008x4000, 2.97M)


Attached: 1579381442933.png (643x645, 138.28K)

no the other one


Attached: 1546594703187_yhoyc3qma4.png (1710x1825, 935.07K)

I'll make sure where ever you find him is messy.

Inb4 get global banned again for nsfw stuff

I made a skech of it

Attached: put it in.png (800x600, 5.89K)

Not going to happen :)

Attached: 1547021559512.jpg (800x1000, 288.45K)

just post it faggot so I can fuck off

You think i can be arsed to find that pic from my massive pile of Yas Forums pics i have hoarded? Yeah, no thanks

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No posters during the day?

Attached: 1577900141856.png (500x600, 11.37K)

Eurogay hour has not arrived.

Yeah i guess so. I have forgot when the active hours were after over a month of not being active on int

All gay Euros died of Coronavirus

Attached: 1535310977934.jpg (750x849, 122.9K)

I-is this the gaythread?

Attached: 88yibk1_d.jpg (251x270, 10.43K)

I guess so

Attached: 1578353881491.png (500x400, 24.46K)

You're not cute.

Hello there Eesti! Haven't seen you in a good while, how are you?

Attached: hap set.jpg (400x457, 39.91K)

Hi! Just been doing things in the mean time. Things have finally settled so i was thinking about posting on gaythreads again. Not going to have as much time anymore to post because not a neet anymore.

You're cute, even if you don't know it!

Attached: mikaila grin.jpg (85x94, 5.08K)

fuck this thread every time it shows up

Shut up Italian faggot, I'm getting tired of your faggotposting

Attached: cute.jpg (741x649, 83.63K)

Then why are you here?

Attached: 1578349795445.png (300x350, 41.8K)

I'm glad you're doing goon, eesti, hoping to see you post more in the next threads :3
>Not going to have as much time anymore to post because not a neet anymore.
Isn't there a lockdown in place in Estonia yet? But that's good, I'm also looking forward to stop NEETing around. What activity/job have you gotten into?
Then hide the thread and move on? Or stay here and enjoy the comfytalk. What's going on with your life, french user?

Attached: Annotazione 2020-01-12 011707.png (160x558, 109.81K)

To shit up your fucking fag thread
Just make a fucking discord for your pathetic prison gay circlejerk and fuck off

I am not attractive in any way shape or form

I read on the internet that elephants think humans look cute. So yes, I am cute.

Come on now, lmfao

There is a lockdown kind of thing here yes. But my job is kinda isolated from other people so its fine desu. Working in agriculture, basically on a tractor. Currently fertilizing crops.
yeah thats a big no from me, fuck that thing

No, fuck YOU. Just contain yourselves somewhere else