What does Yas Forums think of my people?
What does Yas Forums think of my people?
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You guys make the best cornbread.
I eat mine with pinto beans.
You must be really skilled with cottonwork
Blacks are pretty based. My ideal america would be populated solely by WASPs, blacks, and natives.
Why are all of these gentlemen bald?
You're lucky because u cannot be called a mutt
>pinto beans
Sounds like my hometown.
That's what the regular Wojak looks like, but with black skin.
Yes I can. Africa was not just one race.
why "kek"
only people with soul in us
Nice people but extremely stupids
how many white women have u fucked
i thought all black americans were at least partially white
Why don't you do something about your white people!
Stupid American.
Native Americans have soul too
I wouldn't say stupid, but more careless.
I'm a virgin unfortunately.
TikTok thots are the worst. Especially with the shitty music distorted on each and every one of those videos.
I am partially white going all the way back to the 1800's, but I didn't want to go into different skin colors.
How do you feel about American whites?
>zero white mothers getting BLACKED
it's cringe
If I go back far enough I could find black mothers getting bleached, not the other way around though.
Not the first time I've seen blacks hanging on a tree.
can you cook gumbo for me?
>Not the first time I've seen blacks hanging on a tree.
based queens
Despise it.
I'm not white, I'm just fucking with you.
Best music. Rap, blues, reggae, jazz, soul. Perfect race.
Gumbo is a Louisiana thing, but I have had Jambalaya.
rate me
tf is the Australian flag supposed to mean in terms of ethnicity? abo?
>part Jewish
Release the gas
you're the americans I appreciate the most
(on the off chance that this isn't just brandon larping of course)
the flags are country of birth, not ethnicity
I like blacks better than spics, I'd say you're doing fine
Wrong. You're not black, you're mutts.
This is your Real family tree.
Black music is nice, and every time I play vidya with a black dude they're very nice
You steal our names (from Latin names like Marcus or Italian ones like Dante), our food (claiming macaroni are soul food) and try to steal our heritage by claiming people like Amelia Bassano were black, you are quite annoying now that I've noticed.
it goes both ways
>You steal our names
It's not like we had a choice, you ever see blacks with names like Kunte Kinte over in the USA? It's either Marco or DeShawn
>our food (claiming macaroni are soul food)
just because we use macaroni and other pastas in our food doesn't mean we are stealing it
>and try to steal our heritage by claiming people like Amelia Bassano were black
Don't know about this
Idk there are hardly any blacks where I live, you guys seem to enjoy committing crimes though.
Only twenty percent, actually.
>mayate thread
Aren't Maori the majority of your criminals?
what's that mean?
you'll never know, mayate
Do not hate on him
Yes, they are our blacks, 12.5% of population, 50% of crimes, 60% for women. Polys are probably over-represented too I'd imagine. NZ would probably be the safest country in the world if they didn't exist.
Are they also 50% of your culture?
There is one who causes problems but I do not think its him. Leave his thread alone
>Polys are probably over-represented too I'd imagine.
i've never met a poly that wasn't aggressive or a cunt
I have met normal ones, but there are a lot of bad ones
blacks are honestly based
america should be white and black, not brown
please exit we are at capacity
what's the difference between maoris and polys?
Wont happen and you are only saying that to demoralize mexicans who you view as a threat
>13% black county
>still no decent barbecue anywhere
The one thing you niggers are good for and I still don't have it. Explain this
SOUL of the new world
Maori are 'native' to nz, polys come from the islands, slightly different culture and language, Maori only came from the islands around 1350~ though
not much really. polynesians and maoris here imitate american niggers and try to act gangster
You will be replaced no matter how much you seethe
>blacks are honestly based
>america should be white and black, not brown
What's a canadian last name?
The map is about legal immigration by state not about last names
based whites and chicanos need to breed out all the niggers
I do what my people would
Because my people would
But only if my people could
I would if my people would
I do what my people would
Because my people would
But only if my people could
I would if my people would
I do what my people would
Because my people would
But only if my people could
I would if my people would
Support, gravity, my people would
Support, gravity, my people would
My ideal city would be populated with nothing but Chicanos. Oh wait, it already is lol.
She's trying to look latina.
Reminder that all Americans are mutts, no matter their skin color.
There's plenty of good barbecue in black areas
names like DeShawn and Monique are french-originated
Yes, im a CHI watchu gonna do about it?
Nah whites and blacks should mix with each other instead since they love each other so much.
El Paso?