Amerifriends, in which state do you live in?
Which state is your favorite?
I'm such an ameriboo I could talk about America all day even if I've never been there.
Amerifriends, in which state do you live in?
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i dont know if i have a favorite. for the most part i like my state.
I live in arizona I don't have a favorite state
New Hampshire is kinda based
I live NJ (central). My favorite state as of now is Utah. They are pretty unique.
Actually I change my mind Maine is my favorite state
i live in missouri
my favorite has got to be either michigan (UP) or north carolina.
I don't know much about Missouri. Is there anything unique about it?
Nice. Phoenix? Do you like the climate? Are you a transplant?
they call new hampshire the south of the north. why is that?
utah is weird man. those weird religious cult types scare me.
I live in Reykjavík but I'm from California.
California is also my favorite state.
wait what the fuck where are you from nigga im in kc
what made you live in iceland out of all the places out there?
Never heard someone say that but I always here something about how they have a heroin and poverty problem and that they have ancap tier legislation
We have a pretty large national forest and some fairly unique geography. A lot of the geography in the south is defined by the Ozark Plateau.
I'm half Icelandic, Mom moved back home and took me with when I was a kid.
I've been back and forth a bunch of times since though.
I live in Colorado
My favorite state that I've lived in was without a doubt New Hampshire but my favorite state for visiting and vacationing is Washington
don't forget that st louis and kc are kind of hidden gems in the country. lots to do with little tourism bc everyone outside the state thinks they're crime-ridden mini detroits
>Nice. Phoenix? Do you like the climate? Are you a transplant?
yes phoenix, not a transplant
I work outside it can get very hot (worst experience was when it was 121 for two weeks 49c I think?) it has been nice outside tho lately
From South Carolina. Charleston is fantastic, the rest of the state is fairly boring.
Idaho is the best state, been to every state, lived on both coasts... America is okay, better than most of the rest of the world, and more free than Europe generally, but with costs
what? the most I've experienced was 42c for one day and it felt like fucking baghdad.
The reason why Saint Louis gets a bad rep nationally is because of the county/city split.
Phoenix is an actual desert
do you prefer cali or iceland?
in some ways Alaska is better, but it's pretty remote and cold
I don't know. Maybe Colorado? Libertarian left-wing politics, but with lots of nature and outdoorsy type people.
honestly no offense, but doesn't it get boring in the countryside?
I'm from a mid sized city and I've been living in İstanbul for the last 4 years, whenever I visit my village I get bored to death within 3 days.
It's a mindset thing. Living in the city gives stimulation, living in the countryside gives contentment.
I like the climate and the cities and the food in California more.
But I am glad to always be able to come back here where I have more rights and I get the sense that people are working together instead of trying to fuck each other over.
Americans who like these regions tend to hunt, hike, fish, do all sorts of outdoor activities and self-sufficient stuff. It isn't very cosmopolitan out there, but you are usually only a few hours away from some civilization.
I live in south carolina. What do you think of us Turkbro?
yeah it was made worse because we were working on top this calcium carbonate substrate which acts like concrete it was pretty rough
Just FYI, while the hottest inhabitated place in the world is in Ethiopia, the place where the highest temperatures are recorded is located in California.
It's because those places are warm deserts at Sahara-like latitudes.
Nah, Mormons are cool.
I honestly don't know anything specifically south carolina. it's the heartland of dixie mindset I would suppose.
we do eat a lot of charleston peppers however, they're very common here.
Do you hate Evangelicals?
Charleston has a nice historic area, a lot of black people around, places like South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama had a lot of big plantations
Charleston was a major slave port
yeah, the danakil depression.
just look at this place though, it looks like somewhere you'd see in elder scrolls.
if you say so. maybe I was judging too harshly without actually being around them.
I had this phase a few years back where I wanted to work in trades/outdoors. do you like your job?
looks better than I thought it would. is it a yankee meme that the south is a second world backwater?
aren't they religious nuts going around telling people that they'll go to hell?
we have those kinds of people here too, only they come in an islamic flavor.
>do you like your job?
it's ok I work in crm archeology, some of the features we find can be interesting but mostly it's just pits and hornos, survey sucks tho
absolutely a meme, but some parts are definitely shitholes. yankees have been moving to the South by the millions for years now, because they ruined their own homes.
Central Florida is peak comfy. Come visit and don't just visit the theme parks.
it's basically a meme, and northerners currently move to the south in huge numbers because of overcrowding, cost of living, and taxes... but in terms of hospitals and schools, it can be a bit second rate, sort of. but not really, like Houston is a giant medical hub in the US
I was waiting for someone to mention Florida. Obviously it's not the same as Central Florida, but pic related is what started to shape me into an ameriboo.
I wish I could be a coke dealer in the 80s...
Why the fuck would anyone go to central Florida?
some parts of the south are depressing though, and very poor, especially near Mississippi and Alabama and stuff
interesting. is that why the rust belt seems to be losing population (or staying the same)?
to be quite honest my friend they are mini Detroits. we need to save our cities.
what job did you manage to get over there?
>If you say so. maybe I was judging too harshly without actually being around them.
I think the reason why they have a strange reputation is because people confused them for Jeovah's Witnesses.
I'm from Virginia. I think my favorite might be Washington, had a great time there. I also still miss Arizona, it's beauty is indescribable.
Minnesota. I like it here, Minnesota is my favorite state. I like it so much that I've almost never traveled outside the region, and have literally spent 95-99% of my life in the region/state depending on how you count.
Have you ever seen the Cappadocia mountains in central Turkey, user? What parts of Anatolia are nice?
Maryland. It's hard for me to choose a favorite state. I've visited a bunch.
I work at a school where I assist kids with learning or behavioral problems in class, usually because of ADHD, Autism, Tourette etc.
I also have a second part time job where I hang out with socially isolated kids, I have 3 kids that I meet once a week each and spend about 5 hours with them going to movies, playing vidya and just generally being a friend and role model.
Currently here but I like Indiana because nostalgia.
no, that's not really because of high taxes and a high cost of living, more lack of industry/jobs and dilapidated cities 100 years past their prime.
>tfw you will never live in Indiana with a gf named Diana so that you can say that you're in Diana in Indiana
no, not yet. my brother works as a teacher close to there however and I plan to visit there in the next few years.
honestly, anatolia is kinda boring. it's just a hilly plateau with not much uniqueness going on.
the western coast is like a second greece, same climate and similar culture. also a shitton of historical sites if you're into that.
the south from adana to gaziantep is a place you can feel the middle east without actually being in there in relative comfort and security.
the pontic mountains in the northeast are pretty unique, it's definitely a place you need to visit if you plan to come here. pic related.
the central plains also have a big saltlake, but I don't see why you'd want to visit that.
I'm from the European part by the way. like you I spent almost all of my life here in this particular region.
I suffer in Florida
Probably Massachusetts since I used to visit Nantucket a lot.
We have bluffs and fishing spots in my hometown which aren't too far off from that. The trees aren't as nice but the river country is nice to look it, I took it for granted growing up.
well, I meant unique as in in this geography and country. I hear minnesota has plenty of lakes so it makes sense that you'd be familiar with ponds like these.