Oh boi we're divided again
Oh boi we're divided again
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Fug it's Slovenia not Croatia in blue my bad.
We gonna start WWIII over some currency bonds then? I mean, all the other excuses aren't sticking so far.
yes my tax evader friend
Croatia is probably in blue. Slovenia is probably in red.
What's eurobond? Continental James Bond?
Can't we just borrow money on our own and loan it to you guys again? I think we'd need constitutional amendment for the bonds.
why is Yas Forums memeing this so hard i literally haven't seen a peep about it in the news
not a surprise that lazy meds are attempting to get productive countries to pay their debts, but using a crisis like this is really low.
Actually Croatia has both colors
wtf is eurobond
Northtrons started it
the heck is eurobonds
>Luxembourg, Ireland, Slovenia
I laughed at this... The absolute state of me. And of you of course.
Could the nine countries just band together and get bonds as a group?
they need countries to leech off
>Common debt instrument
Fucking hell, good luck Germany.
France is the only nuclear power in the EU so they, by default, will decide.
only an amerimutt could make a post this retarded
The virgin prot g*rms vs the Chad Catholic Romans
Blue = soul
Red = soulless
Fuck tax heavens like the Dutch and autist Nordoids. I'm with Italy and France defending Spain.
At least Romans managed to civilized Celtoïds, too bad Germanicoïds weren't properly civilized
We will have a great depression tier economic melt down which will take decades to recover no matter what we do. This will also result either EU break up or total federalization
>created civilization and Europe
>barbarians that haven't done anything but rape, pillage and war
based swampbrothers dabbing on retarded meds
Blue = money
Red = moneyless
reminder that the regions outside the roman empire had the stickiest dirtiest cities during the middle ages, full of feces
A eurobond is like the loan to greece. now you are all indebited and will default
t. conquered people
>tfw Swedish parents but brought here at age 2
>tfw feel Portuguese
Please take me my Med friends, I'm with you against Northern Euros.
>t. savage that despite not being conquered LARPed as a Roman because he realized being med was better than being germ
Mutualized debts coronachan bonds for reconstruction.
It would be logical if;
a) the EU were anything else that a nigerian internet scam club to keep the northern euros economies competitive
b) the southern euros weren't going to use coronachan bond denbts to acquire black dildos and fund transgender feminist policies and subsidies to a variety of such associations and political clientelism.
So a bit of right and wrong on both sides of the wall though. The redpill solution is place an embargo on ING and Shell and Volkswagen and etc, leave the EU (or at least the euro) and execute by hanging all lefties.
>the redpill solution is to become (even more of) a poor third world shithole
med intellect at work
>catholic/orthodox countries are trying to be united and helpful
>filthy protestants are going every man for themselves
>g*rms seethe at Rome
>dedicate hundreds of years and thousands of tribes to destroy Rome because you can't stand them being better than you
>cause absolute economic and cultural collapse in europe
>immediatly resort to LARP and try to get recognition as the new Rome because you can't achieve shit
>cope about it for the next 1500 years
t. thirdie browngentinian
Don't chimpout, Wolke, you'll still have Poland and the rest of Reichgouvernement Ostland to sell them your cars and shit
For spain leaving the EU might be a good idea, the eurozone is being fucked over just to keep germany from dealing with deflation
You brown mutts were in fucking Africa 200 years ago eating chimpanzee meat and coconuts, you are not even roman rapebabies, just moors with a little bit of European blood
If anything, it'd be Italy first quitting the Euro. That means the euro is dead, but I don't think they'll go as far as quitting the EU.
>says the country that has the biggest threat to the whole Union and the western world in the form of Deutsche Bank
>Portugal defends Italy and Spain saying the Dutch are disgusting
>French defends Italy and Spain, saying people to not be selfish
>t. kevin jhonatan sosa
Imagine writing this post seriously or ironically
Cope harder germanoid
a little crisis turns up and we need to bail out brownoids again, arent regular eu gibs enough, god
>Please take me my Med friends
You are med in your heart, we got you fren.
Don't talk to me, brazilian
Thanks. If you tolerate cumskin Iberianoids you can tolerate me.
red = based empire
blue = ummayad caliphate
Unlike low iq nords, we know how to welcome people into our ranks if they are deserving
Italy has been a net giver of EU funds for ever and Spain has been almost there for a few years.
Us paying for your gambling addiction
No, because the Euro. And the EU rules regarding levels of deficit, inflation, etc.
All countries hit by the crisis, starting with Murica, will obviously go into reconstruction budgets increasing spending, deficit, monetary expansive policies, etc. We just can't do that because we don't have control over our own budget and monetary policies.
>da noos
Why is it a single currency anyway?
It's not like other countries start sharing a currency every time they wrap up a free-trade agreement.
>Primary surplus of Italy from 1995 to 2016, one of the few countries in Europe (and in the world) to have run a significant primary surplus – meaning that, on average, it has consistently earned more than it has spent, excluding interest payments – since the early 1990s
Shitalians and other southrons are running out of room to loan(they're all at 140%+ GDP debt) so they want Eurobonds (EU wide debts) instead.
Europoors vs Eurocucks, who will win this time?
How are you peeps ever going to go federal if you don't realize some regions are always going to be unproductive and lag behind and thus in need of subsidy by richer regions, bail out your lazy southern euro brethren.
Nobody wants to go federal. Only people who are brown and poor as fuck want to go federal because this means they get to compensate their horrible numbers by mixing them with ours.
So are you lot fine with being sandwiched between a mercurial USA and a totalitarian China?
I'm fine with that because I don't want to sacrifice our proper financials because of lazy money squandering southrons?
it's very simple, if everyone manages to keep their government budgets in check nobody needs eurobonds. Only brown shitholes that cannot keep a proper budget balance require eurobonds.
Italy are net contributors.
For a few years we've been though.
Since the 2008 crisis our economy got destroyed and our debt jumped from 30% to 100%.
We never recovered because the austerity measures imposed on the EU didn't work. Austerity in general doesn't work, even the IMF realized that.
Hello mr Abdelhak Lopez
If you are all net-payers why do you require Germany and the Netherlands to take on your debt in the form of Eurobond?
Because if we try to get out of the incoming crisis the same way we "got out" of the 2008 we'll go into bankruptcy.
Austerity doesn't work.
Which would be worse:
borrowing money at a slightly higher rate than usual for germany
eurozone fallout of italy collapsing entirely
t. Tax Haven
>Northoids help: Muh 4th Reich imperialism
>Northoids don't help: Muh selfish Nordicks
There literal is no win scenario for us.
Ok so you suppose our way of getting out of 'our'(your) crisis is by levitating our economy to lower your (your) debts.
Next time I loan money from the bank I will ask the Spanish central bank to pay for 50% of the interest.