qt injun felon waifu ediiton
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im r1b please remember this
if god was food, this is what he would look lke
first for this thread is gay
>haplotype autism
well lets just pretend I said third
in the pickle jar
cant believe god turned into a pickle
no u
figs are pollinated by wasps that crawl inside the flower and die and then the fruit forms around them
It was the funniest shit I've ever seen
hate figs theyre gross
I don't know why but a lot of degenerates play Animal Crossing now.
so what, you absorp the wasps life force
Dried figs is where it's at
Or fig chutney with goat cheese
never played animal crossing isnt that a game for kids
btw that movie was shit
>t. brapfag
it's got lgbtq shit in it now so it attracts the mentally ill
that's not a 'go 'za
girl rejects are older and degenerate now and cr1tikal recently endorsed it
thats my theory
Wait what
Since when
You sure it’s not furries?
There basically isn't genders anymore, any character can have combination of hair and face styles when before it was locked by if you were a boy or a girl.
hitler. was he wrong?
That seems more like nintendo wanting to make the characters more like miis than endorsing a gay agenda
Also in other versions under the pictures of which you chose whether you are a boy or girl it says "boy style" or "girl style," but they removed the subtitles in the english version.
I am the only real human
real human bean
This still seems like nothing but I can see why gender people would flock to it
>hes still human
>'go 'za
what did he mean by this
there is also this
i dont care about homos but i wish they stopped being so gay
Yeah okay that's pretty gay
Why do you know so much about animal crossing
I don't know
Yeah, but Animal Crossing allows me to escape to a world in which people are happy to see me
Animal crossing peaked on the wii
Just like everything
don't make me sad
boat can you stop being so depressing all the fucking time
i've been thinking about buying a 3DS
it's got some cool games like Animal Crossing and Professor Layton that I'd like to play
okay that one was a joke
I don't even play Animal Crossing
specifically the end
ah I gotta torrent Cheers!
thanks plant
ALBW is very good
what's that?
The zelda game for the 3ds
ah, I never played any Zelda games
do you know anything about pirating the games for 3DS?
You can buy a cartridge that takes SD cards so you can download infinite games and run them all as if they were the actual legal copies
There's also a homebrew channel for it but idk anything about that
Tucker Carlson thinks that Biden is going to be replaced with Andrew Cuomo as the nominee
chicago deep dish pizza
it's a shitty /ck/ meme
>I never played any Zelda games
i know exactly zero people who would vote for andrew cuomo
3DS by itself doesn't have an SD slot?
except for PS1 when I was a kid, I never owned any consoles, only PC
>it's a shitty /ck/ meme
not as shitty as chicago deep dish pizza amirite
more like andrew cum
life must me horrific in soviet czechoslovenia if you were too poor to afford both a pc and a ps2
There's an SD slot but the anti-piracy stuff is hard to get around and even if you do the games kinda run weird since all the system is supposed to do with the SD is load save data
>only PC
Surprised you didn't end up being an anti-console guy with a childhood like that
Figs hate you
i hate you
>he had a ps2
>he wasn't the first kid on the block with Halo
>What’s a FIG? It’s a Field Intelligence Group, one for each of our 56 Field Offices. They take raw information from local cases and make big-picture sense of it…fill gaps in national cases with local information…and share their findings, assessments, and reports with fellow FIGs across the country and with our partners in law enforcement and intelligence to, say, shut down that money laundering scheme or keep a bomb from going off. Intelligence analysts (IAs) are key to the effort. Some are dedicated to the big picture—others are actually “embedded” in squads to work with street agents on specific counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal cases.
I didn't really wanted a console when I was a kid, I liked playing on PC
I remember playing games on PS2 at my friends house but it didn't really make me want to own one
I know you don't mean it.
remember when Gerald Ford died and everybody had to pretend to care about Gerald Ford for a week
Gerald Ford isn't dead
I was going to ask you a plant question and I can't remember what it was now. Let me think about it...
People who get legitimately sad when famous people die confuse me
Except for when it's Christopher Lee
i was sad when robin williams died
what's the name of the cartridge and where can I get it?
I read something about homebrewing but it seems kinda risky since there is a chance for it to brick your system
>Surprised you didn't end up being an anti-console guy with a childhood like that
well, I don't really care
I wont be sad when barb dies