This guy was hired to play the mexican in a Brazilian soap opera...

This guy was hired to play the mexican in a Brazilian soap opera. Now I really want to know if this is what Mexicans look like

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He looks pardo desu

No, mexico only has the olmec & CHIchimeca phenotypes

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Parece 80% espa~nol 20% preto indio mulato

This is the only chad here

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Mexico has olmecs but olmecs are not mexican. They are central american

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I need a confirm as well

Not really

I think portuguese

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>disgusting looking favela goblin

Cope, Mexico is white, its just the skin that makes our skin browner

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he looks spanish as fuck

That’s not what favelados look like you idiot.

Post jaw and skull shape, sure you mog he, right user?

seething olmec lover

I am an American of Mexican descent and I need a PJ Harvey gf.

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Do you also look like this user

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no, Brazilians are the most handsome men south of the border basically

some Mexicans are pretty attractive though

my jaw is yuge
somewhat covered by a beard currently though

all look like disgusting vermin
drop chemicals on them t b h
clean this world up a bit

Bit random and creepy user. Leave Polly alone

and I should actually say that Brazilians have some of the most handsome.

as for all around which country is most handsome, I dunno, might be Argentina or Uruguay

>roiding for this

Mexico is white

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you are all left lol

Mexico has lots of olmecs tho

Lol pinche güerito whitexican go back to spain.

>all look like disgusting vermin
>drop chemicals on them t b h
>clean this world up a bit

Olmec lover iz mad!

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I love her and I realize that my adoration of here is very strange but I would never do anything to harm her or frighten her. I just need a PJ Harvey gf, that is, a women who looks similar and has similar sensibilities like PJ Harvey.

>Lol pinche güerito whitexican go back to spain.

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mexico and sweden must to be frens again

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>Yes, I am white, how did you know?

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Should be white. Germanic white, if you want me to be precise.

idk what an olmec is
you are all brown abominations
I feel the disgust in my toes even thinking about mexicans for 1 second
I guess this is why Anglos exterminated all the natives
absolutely vile

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Mexico does not favelas and most favelados are pardos not amerindian. You dot know what you are talking about

you fucking criollos are looting the wealth of mexico. all cartel leader and politicians of mexico are the 1% white looking criollo/castizo. you make my country suffer.

>libtard is triggered because new worlders do not agree with his egalitarian views
keep seething

Why do you want to push egalitarianism to new worlders?

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Amerindians should be stripped of their INEs, forced into reservation camps and displayed as the dying culture they are.
The actual mexicans (white) need those lands to improve farming and mining throughout the whole country and finally be 1st world.

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what's the difference and why should I care?
both are savages

Amerindians is not a race, the americas were racially diverse in pre columbian times.

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what the fuck are you farming out there? cactuses?

Mestizo fingers typed this post.

>what's the difference and why should I care?
You should not care since you are not a new worlder. Now stop getting upset when I say they are different
>both are savages
Nothing wrong with being violent or a savage, its a historical fact that might makes right

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T. Viking roman rape baby

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I am actually unironically of viking descent lol

Says the ugliest phenotype in yurope

Being fat is a phenotype? Right looks like left with some chub.

olmecs are short skulled and have wider noses

Nice, vikings where savages btw.

Nah. A mexican is 75% indio, 25% spaniard

He is an egalitarian he is just pretending to be racist because he is triggered by new worlders being racist

some races have high IQs
some races are warriors
only one race has both

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cant invade chad, baby

Azorríllate, indio mugroso.

Im not a member of any pre columbian race

Races do not remain the same. We do not care about what your ancestors did

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this is the average Mexican

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wtf, Julian is Spanish and Danish, nowhere near your 3rd world shithole

We are all different but superiority is subjective, you can not stop me from being racist by claimimg to be superior to me.

ill post average men from mexico

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You're right my white brother

one more

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This one is my favorite

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chad comign through

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