This is an appeal to foreign diplomats. Our federal government has failed us. They wish to wall us off and let us die. I'm here to request help from the international community. If you are a diplomat of a foreign country or you can contact one please request they reach out to: CT Governor: Ned Lamont NY Governor: Andrew Cuomo NJ Governor: Phil Murphy to begin to coordinate the shipment of supplies and personal. Since the rest of the country has shut their borders to us we will gladly open our borders to you. China, South Korea, Japan, Europe, and Russia are all allies in this effort and we will welcome any supplies or manpower you can provide.
Our government abandoned us and left us to die. Who are the real traitors here? It sure as shit isn't us.
Gavin Torres
I hope China swoops in and provides the most supplies and gets a lot of media attention for solving the crisis. I know the president would be FURIOUS if China stole the spotlight from him. Would be amazing.
Brandon Powell
If you don't want us to go running off to foreign powers you best be willing to get serious about solving this crisis then. Start with supplies. We want millions of N95s and as well a millions of tons of soap and hand sanitizer and 100,000 ventilators for starters.
Guarantee shipments starting within 3 days and the whole order filled in a month and we will obey a federal quarantine and will not request foreign aid. Deadline to respond is by daybreak EST tomorrow.
Camden Martinez
kill yourself retard
Ryder Mitchell
just hurry up and do it so we can murder you faggot
Do you really think New Jersey New York and Connecticut could take on all 47 other states and win?
Charles Robinson
And we would have the support of China and Russia. You would not stand a chance.
Austin Hill
With the support of the rest of the world? Yes. Also we're more motivated than you will ever be. Bedroom warriors stand no chance against people who have been hardened by hardship.
Adam Hernandez
Why would any sane country come to your help to fight a war against 95% of America during a crisis like this. Think about this logically.
Jaxson Roberts
Also it's not treason for a foreign power to supply medical aid to the US. It's only treason in the mind of delusional Trumptards because it makes the president look bad.
Aaron Jackson
I don't think you would though in all honesty. Confederates thought Britain and France were going to rescue them during the Civil War and we all know how that turned out.
Parker Reed
It's their golden opportunity to control physical slice of America and establish a military foothold on the continent.
Parker Ward
Yeah but I don't think Cuomo is going to doing anything like that.
Isaiah White
China please invade. My country yearns for freedom.
Adrian Jackson
Then forget the governor. The people will let people in. New England is being isolated from the rest of the US now so I'd say we're no longer bound to enforce US border controls. The citizens can just allow people to walk in and do as they please and I suggest we do just that.
Aiden Torres
Yes yes sure. We'll help you, now please get on your knees and close your eyes. Good. Now answer this, does God exist?
Nathaniel Cook
You weren't invited.
Hunter Miller
New York isn't a part of New England and neither is New Jersey. You literally don't know what you are talking about.
Aiden Watson
Carter Rogers
it's fucking flu, stop being a faggot
Lincoln Thomas
Semantic difference. Literally only matters in textbooks. If you weren't autistic you'd realize it doesn't matter.
Jose Edwards
Don’t know if baiting or gay
Alexander Turner
You are the autistic one thinking there is going to be some kind of grand revolution by the people of those 3 states.
Nathaniel Edwards
just IQ 200
Julian Wright
Why shouldn't there be. I think we have just cause. The federal government has overstepped their authority and deserves to be held accountable for it as do any "Americans" that get in our way.
By all means feel free to let @realdonaldtrump and Fox and Friends know about this plan. Maybe then they'll realize how mistaken they were to fuck us like this.
Sebastian Mitchell
jew york are being niggers and trying to steal ventilators from the rest of the country by overtesting to make it look worse than it actually is
i'm glad trump isn't falling for it and i hope hundreds of thousands of you die in agony
Christopher Turner
The only good yankee is a dead one.
Ayden Butler
that's rich coming from the original traitors your opinion is worthless
Isaiah Barnes
verpiss dich du wertlos untermensch
ironic youu posting this as well considering the reason the image exists at all is because of how non-white coasties are
Zachary Collins
They have more patients than the rest of the country. Why send 1000 ventilators out to East Bumblefuck Texas so that one or two people can benefit when we can send them to New York and have 1000 people benefit?
Logan Jones
Nice grammar, ESL-kun.
Landon Campbell
reminder that it's that stupid wop Cuomo's fault that it spread in NY
Zachary Edwards
Germans were never white to begin with but we made sure that you were never going to be white a while back (and of course more recently with all that libya/syria refugee shit we did for Israel.) Cope more leftoid.
Neither of those sentences need a comma faggot. They were literally separate sentences and each one reads correctly without a pause. Never mind omitting periods because that happens all the time on forums like this.
Jeremiah Green
NYC has wall street and Trump which are both based. Fuck off Muhammad.
I'm so glad your chance of death is elevated compared to good states
Grayson Ward
I hope you die of the disease as well.
Nicholas Sanchez
we're not a third world shithole like you
Levi Carter
Don't forget who helped rebuild your country after you guys fucked up half of Europe. Don't forget we protected you from the Soviets. Don't be a fucking ingrate after everything we've done for you. We can come over there and take all the generosity back.
Austin Turner
>This is an appeal to foreign diplomats. >Our federal government has failed us. They wish to wall us off and let us die. I'm here to request help from the international community. If you are a diplomat of a foreign country or you can contact one please request they reach out to: >CT Governor: Ned Lamont >NY Governor: Andrew Cuomo >NJ Governor: Phil Murphy >to begin to coordinate the shipment of supplies and personal. Since the rest of the country has shut their borders to us we will gladly open our borders to you. China, South Korea, Japan, Europe, and Russia are all allies in this effort and we will welcome any supplies or manpower you can provide.