What the fuck, can americans chill a bit?
What the fuck, can americans chill a bit?
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Over 2000 of them already chill a bit.
We HAVE to go back to work. We wouldn't be fulfilling our duties as American citizens if we weren't willing to die for the benefit of the ruling class.
If this doesn't prove the inferiority of the American healthcare system, I don't know what will.
10 days time and Drumpf will be begging emperor XI for help
Not enough, IMO.
this thread will get deleted
>100 confirmed cases here
Nope, they're too far gone
>American healthcare system
Nope, American emergency system, ofc having more public resources would help but healthcare should be for the daily basis.
i love economy now
did each of them pay 3000$ for a tampon?. thats a lot of money for 120.000 tampons (plus the non positives)
Delete pensions now
Which country is this?
Just wait until you get all the fucking retards back from the US like we did with the dumb cunts that went to China/Europe and refused to self-isolate
help us
Only China and Cuba can help you
US is the fattest country on earth, what did you expect?
>Spanish advice on healthcare and emergency
because I'm not a Jew Y*rker
most are negative, it is just a flu bro
>wow americans aren't testing enough can you believe it
>wtf americans stop testing so much
>Jew Yorkers getting covid 19
wtf they are fighting for the tips?
>~20% of tests come back positive
Not good
There's like 50k cases in my city, NYC
what's the plan user? Hear you're going to get quarantined soon
crazy that NYC has 42% of all US cases...
If my cousin who took advantage of the price discount returns here, I swear I'll keep away from him.
Fuck, can't you get out of there?
It's too late
>"Yeah there might be a quarantine, maybe, probably, idk"
>*every fucking infected retard gaps it back to their parents/vacation home in flyoversota to 'wait it out'*
it will spread the flu all over the country, happened in Milano and Madrid too.
Because they are the only ones testing.
Economy is too vague. All I need is food, drugs and electricity, all economy apart from those can just fuck off.
Yeah cause we have 300k gypsies and they die 40 years old. Now post corona deaths and infections.
That has surprisingly little to do with healthcare and is mostly caused by lifestyle
That's the diagnosed ones
1 out of 10 gets diagnosed
Take care
it's over
>cause we have 300k gypsies
We have 1.7M
>Americans are going to keep going to work at 7/11 and getting infected and infecting 700 other people before succumbing to the disease themselves so that shekelbergstein can keep making dollerinos off the funny green line
the comments looooool they all deserve to get cornoa every single one of them
I hope we reinfect Europe.
>Mr Maduro our shelves are empty and our goverment is killing us
>We need to be liberated
>Or as you call it in Venezuela
What a massive retard he is. Leftists were right, he is incapable.
No. You're American, you are the master of your own life.
>Brother moved to LA with his American wife last year
Fucking hell, stay safe big bro
>Still only 1.5% death rate.
>Euros have topped China in total deaths
Why are these threads always made about us? And then some shiteating Eurangtuan says just give it time like this hasn't been happening for a month
>more confirmed cases in NY than the entire UK
i seriously hope they're just testing an insane amount
>20% positive
That's actually awful.
that place is a petri dish
we have Italy death threads everyday
Fuck math and modeling.
We will actually American patients at one point, I can already see that happening.
More so than london?
prolly the same
Spoken like a true бeзмoзглый caмoвлюблённый циник-дeбил.
I think I'm going to be charting this.
USA is now 14th at deaths-per-capita.
I'll update every day. I think the US will go up a rank every few days.