Post a cursed image and state a weird fact about your country

Post a cursed image and state a weird fact about your country.

Attached: 1581769866726.jpg (2048x1536, 248.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wtf is going on in this picture

Attached: 1584067203873.jpg (1200x1200, 332.96K)

We own per capita half as many guns as the USA

Attached: one two.png (1260x676, 725.06K)

Squish mouse

The fate all men deserve

they're milking the coom out of him

please don't bulli the rodents

Attached: 1579897307353.jpg (486x469, 16.4K)

Attached: db5lveo-5dfaf2cf-d1de-4965-983d-a74229a3b7bd.jpg (640x186, 23.24K)

Attached: godiwishthatwasme.jpg (241x241, 9.68K)

Hey we both uploaded pictures related to mice seconds appart

These two did the same

In Alabama we have a store that resells peoples' unclaimed baggage from airlines all over the country

Attached: FB_IMG_1531294826223.jpg (453x540, 37.93K)

Pretty based

Attached: 1534212761731.jpg (304x331, 25.8K)

How do you mean?

Attached: 1574462790757.jpg (640x411, 36.66K)


My picture has a fatass getting the shit kicked out of him for masturbating during a mouse fursuit stripper show in 1993.

Sounds cool


Attached: 1585189734309.jpg (303x335, 13.32K)

A bridge in Copenhagen is the bridge in the world with the most passing cyclists daily.

Attached: nagatoroeddy.jpg (1280x1491, 152K)

Have this image pack from 94'

Attached: 1585266280149.jpg (2732x1920, 220.33K)


Where's the fact

This thread is kinda hard to see in the catalog for some reason

Its entirely criminals who own them


Attached: Hello mase.jpg (200x262, 21.89K)

that's a history channel show lol. I thought they weren't sold but rather auctioned tho

Attached: 1581342276793.png (480x635, 244.08K)

Corona patient

Posting more of my weird furry collection mega database

Attached: snakes.jpg (512x384, 51.62K)

Now that we got rid of Helsinki, Finland is at last perfect

Attached: 1436785632510.jpg (2048x1150, 308.39K)



If you wish. 97'.
You can ask me anything about any image.

Attached: 1997 - Copy (1).jpg (5944x5960, 2.1M)

did any woman that was more than a 3/10 ever attend this shit?

Yeah. They were very rare though

Attached: not me.png (931x662, 878.58K)

This is Miranda from TheBondageMistressClub

that's the level of cooming I'm on

in 1959 we elected a rhinoceros for mayor in são paulo

Attached: cursed image brazil.jpg (480x360, 37.49K)

Attached: 1581527347651.png (720x960, 505K)

I want to crush them to death. I want their eyes to bulge out as their ribs crack and they shit their guts out.

great minds think alike

Ok Jeffrey Dahmer


Attached: 1584103803179.jpg (1024x667, 125.05K)


t. Sociopath


Attached: 1585319715191.png (865x626, 581.54K)

weird way to spell based

Yeah. These images are pretty based.

Attached: 1585258620200.jpg (1024x1536, 155.66K)


Ok Fela Kuti

>That godzilla furry

Attached: F69B3FCD-F1BF-4121-8556-909AD28D2DC4.jpg (398x376, 32.5K)

At some point Riga was the biggest city in Sweden.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 112.07K)

How did a Uruguayan end up at a furry con in 97?

chose this glass on accident for the task

Attached: spood.jpg (4032x3024, 1.7M)

I'm not Uruguayan. I'm from the UZN. What you see as my flag is fake and should be disregarded.

Attached: Zulu.png (728x724, 599.96K)


That's a band. Where and how you ended up at these things is the interesting thing

Latvian men have the biggest dicks in the world.

Attached: flushingtoilets.png (952x836, 715.88K)

70's Sci-Fi Bay Area conventions had a furry section which developed into its won convention in 1989 which gained following during the early 90's.

Attached: 123 - Copy.png (746x517, 494.89K)

Latvia Toilet Review?

Where do you get all these images of people strangling rats

I don't get what you're saying


It was some guy on youtube who was really into toilets and ceiling fans. Very interesting hobby. Anyway did you go to these conventions?

Attached: file_1.png (873x581, 824.15K)

Oh I've know people addicted to counting every time they drink water. Hobbies are very diverse.

>Anyway did you go to these conventions?
I refuse to answer this question.

we have tradition that after wedding one relative of bride goes to house of newly married couple after they fuck for prof of bride's virginity this relative takes blody sheet and shows other relatives. if sheet is not blody groom's relatives shave head of this relative and bride and sent them back to their home. sorry for my fucked up english.

Attached: azeri.png (542x366, 468.37K)

General James Wolfe who fought the battle of Abraham (and won) was shot 3 times before he died, once in the wrist and two times in the chest. his victory marked the end of french rule in Canada

Attached: haha funny.jpg (386x518, 35.5K)

to capture the spider, chose a spiderman glass))
idk I just dug up an old picture of mine without much sense to it. I just picked the first glass I could and it turned out to be the spiderman one

Fucking based

based desert nigger


we really do
all of it

Attached: 1546749426256.jpg (620x734, 59.87K)

I think at that point it becomes a compulsive thing that sort of haunts you wherever you go. The toilet guy is on the fence between those two.

>I refuse to answer this question.
So you have? :-p

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