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America, much like The Simpsons, has become a parody of itself.

What a fucking shithole

uhm, may I say BASED!


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based alert





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undeniably and irrefutably based. you cant even disagree with this without appealing to pathos

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fuck boomers, they're the ones who vote for these people anyways

Yeah so what? How else were they going to spend the final years of their lives besides shitting and pissing themselves in total senility?

I wouldn't mind a bunch of retirees dying.

What are some kinos about implementing quarantines a month later than every country on Earth?

Attached: quarantine.png (640x400, 50.93K)

>it's real
Oh say can you shart

So quarantines work now? They're not just a shamelessly racist way to fuck over asians or whatever?

why would he announce a potential quarantine on twitter? Thats jsut going to make everyone panic and spread the virus more

>that desperate red herring

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Since when were quarantines racist? Every European countries locked their cities already and made sure people don't go out.

wow another thread where dirty foreigners dont understand freedom

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You're confusing "travel bans" with "quarantine".

Holy shit

This is about quarantines you fucking idiot. Nice attempt at changing the subject though.

redpill overload

holy shit

Coping hairsplitters. All this shit should've been done months ago, but "the experts" were as retarded as Trump about it

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its the price of freedom
thank you for your service

I thought Yas Forums hated boomers and wanted them to die for the same reason?

Slaves that take pride in their slavery

Shame on them for trusting the federal government which is run by Trump and his merry band of pathetically weak people.

>Europe implemented quarantines at the beginning of March
>same with Canada
>everybody did as soon as they reached 100-1000 cases
>USA hit 120,000 cases, most in the world
>"hmm, I MIGHT implement a quarantine, not sure"


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>We must abandon this detestable nation! This nation must be destroyed! I do not have a single constructive proposal!

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>"Trump is a fucking moron lol"
Do you even hear yourselves lol

>these desperate attempts at reframing the issue around muh racism

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The federal government is supposed to be trustworthy on these issues, not fucking feminine and ineffective. That's Trump's doing. Have fun coping with that.

Time for your fish pills.

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Absolute KINO (he didn't say anything fascist tho )

me after I had too much mouldy bread

It should be the duty of every American citizen to infect these retards with coronavirus. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the pulmonary mucus of boomers.

It said he was a left-wing activist

>The federal government is supposed to be trustworthy on these issues, not fucking feminine and ineffective
And the excuse for state level incompetence like NYC's commissioner for health telling people to attend a festival is...?

Yeah he seemed like an Anarchist ,but they have "fascist" in the title

>hydroxycholorquine given under medical control by a doctor shows some results
>Murrikans start going to petshops to buy heavy doses of chloroquine sulfide used as aquarium disinfector for self-treatment

gee, I wonder what could go wrong when people gulp aquarium bleacher

more like boomberg haha

Holy based

How does it work? Go to another country, enjoy a sunny day at the beach then go to the restaurant while the people are in quarantine?

Why do people act like “the economy” is just something that exists to benefit rich people? You do realize the longer we sit around like this the worse the inevitable recession is going to be right?

>boomers will die knowing they died for one thing they always wanted more than anything, money

life is one hard poetry

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americans are stupid hahaha

because Yas Forums is hypocrite and want all boomers to die, except their relatives

Nobody is sick.

Stop lying. Nobody is dying. You're all fine. Go back to work.

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what if lenin was right after all

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I will take over the US and become eternal emperor of the Holy Roman-American Empire


we're a union of states dumbfuck, it's their fault for not taking local elections seriously and electing a dumb fuck

What he really means is that YOU should die to save the economy. Guys like him can get access to quality care regardless of how overwhelmed the system is. These creatures are downright demonic.


You're going back to work on Monday, aren't you?

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why yes, how could you tell

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what the fuck

i didnt work in the first place

You think the Japs took a day off when they got nuked twice?

Go the fuck back to work.

im a neet though