Lets settle it once and for all

USA vs Europe, where would you want to live?

Ill go with USA because I already live here and shits pretty good.

Attached: export-sell-cosmetics-USA-Europe.jpg (1000x667, 595.18K)

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better cultural feel
people aren't as annoying

europe is safer

USA is the best country in the world if you are filthy rich.

Neither. I'd like to retire to the seychelles and have a megamansion constructed in the jungle.

Ah yes I want to live in 'the EU', not a very helpful descriptor

American society scares and confuses me
Europe it is

Europe... The sane man's choise.

You're not European, you know.

I just want Islam to take over the world.

Depends on where. I'm from New York and loved it there.

>is literally illegal to praise hitler for example

>it's legal but they'll fire you from your job and make you starve

same shit different sausages



we are european
but we are no longer in the EU
this is not hard to understand

and that's a good thing

Depends on my circumstances. Based on my current situation, I'd stay in the US. I hear coders don't make nearly as much in Europe.

I would never live in usa. usa is a fucking joke to any reasonable person.

literally zero benefits from society. you only pay taxes and recieve nothing. you are wage slaves to your corporate overlords who use you as economic machanics to gain wealth to conqure planet via all kinds of maneuvers.

people are mostly just, like you aint fat and stupid you are obese and ignorant. I know smart americans too but like watching usa things is like watching circus show of retarded clowns. acually good and smart people are very limited in usa.

you understand?

>I hear coders don't make nearly as much in Europe.
thats the truth for most professions when it comes to USA vs EU, which is why I would choose the USA

No we are most certainly not. Only ones here who would stoop to identifying as european are lefty tossers and polshits

poor / middle class -> europe
rich -> usa

it's not up for a debate. If you live in europe (the continent) you are european. Are the swiss not european? They're not in the EU either. Norwegians too?

No you are not. Britain has never EVER been European. Your island is on the continent of Europe, but you are not European. You are as culturally distinct as all of your Children.

I agree.
>you only pay taxes and recieve nothing.
this is what euros ACTUALLY believe.

>Your island is on the continent of Europe, but you are not European.
Are we African? American? Asian?

>If you live in europe (the continent) you are european
No, you are not. Is Iceland European? Not by your definition. But Turkey and all of the *stans are.

Britain is not European. "European" is not a continental consideration, it is a completely cultural one. Britain is not continental.

You are Anglos. Albions. British. Totally and completely your own thing, seperate from the continentals.

you are proud to be britannia

>Totally and completely your own thing, seperate from the continentals.
not genetically
not culturally
not geographically

compared to europeans its nothing. you are being fucking brutally double crossed like fucked to the point of no return.

Because people seem weird. Either extremely outgoing or very reserved. Haven't seen much inbetween so far.

The fact that we happen to share a broad, loosely defined geographic region with Europeans is not any sort of basis for britain actually being european

You're 10 times more likely to kill yourself in this dystopian shithole


Two very overrated places.

and our genetics. our religion (pre-christian). our language.

Europe, there isn't a single drop of culture here

Ah yes another American explaining how all of another country is wrong

So then Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Argentina are European?
Absolutely not. Britain is very culturally distinct. There is a bigger difference between Britain and the Netherlands than there is between Spain and Finland. Britain is cut from a completely different material than any of the continentals. I can instantly identify an Anglo from a continental without even hearing them speak, just from the way you carry yourselves. The difference is night and day.
Very much so, actually, considering how far away and detached you are. You're "geographically similar" like NZ is to AUS: not at all.

>2 weeks of vacation per year

Apart from the crime epidemic, the byzantine medical, education systems and the political situation. This alone is a huge turn-off. I prefer my flexitime + 6 weeks of paid vacation + unlimited unpaid thanks.

USA. European countries are either total shitholes or have shit-tier climate.

Nah. European countries have a huge middle class. And its just better to be filthy rich when everyone around you is middle class, by contrast you will have a much better life

Based. I'd love to move to Brazil but portuguese seems like a meme language and the filthy underclasses seem like they make being rich a hassle what with their pickpocketing and robbing. I could be wrong, though.

Other than those two issues, Brazil is such a beautiful country. You truly are blessed to live there.

Europe, easily.
t. American immigrant

Neither of them

>2 weeks of vacation per year
Seniority sees you getting way more than that, though. There's a misconception that you get stuck with the very bottom line of what's legally required in this country, it's really not the case at all.

8 weeks+ of PTO in your 30s isn't that hard to get if you actually give a damn about your career. If you have less than 12 weeks of PTO in your 40s, that's a sign you fucked up your life.

Shitloads of Europeans try to move to the USA
Meanwhile only American students come to Europe

Go figure

I would rather stay in the EU. But I don't have any problem with the US, and would gladly visit them.

basically this >religion
In what way has the catholic church meaningfully impacted british culture? The only thing relevant about european religion to britain is that we severed that bond centuries ago

By this logic the English have more in common with austria than with wales

>so then Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Argentina are European?
Genetically? Yes. The whites are.
>There is a bigger difference between Britain and the Netherlands than there is between Spain and Finland.
lmao ..i'm guessing because you're american this is something to do with christian denominations? Let's hear it.
>Britain is cut from a completely different material than any of the continentals. I can instantly identify an Anglo from a continental without even hearing them speak, just from the way you carry yourselves. The difference is night and day.
all anecdotal bullshit
>Very much so, actually, considering how far away and detached you are. You're "geographically similar" like NZ is to AUS: not at all.
France is 20 miles away. People have swam it.

have you met any americans irl?

>In what way has the catholic church meaningfully impacted british culture?
Did you not go to school?

>Shitloads of Europeans try to move to the USA
This isn't the 19th century anymore, grandpa
European migrant population in the us is at the lowest point since 1870 and still falling
Meanwhile american migrants are slowly increasing in europe, in Germany and the UK alone there are 300k of them

pre-brexit: USA
post-brexit: EU

Attached: Angloroach.png (489x392, 203.53K)

>they make being rich a hassle what with their pickpocketing and robbing
I don't even lock my car at night
If you are rich/upper middle class you don't deal with crime here

A dutch friend of mine once said to me:
"Everybody living in Europe is only here because their ancestors didn't have the balls to have a go at it in the new world"

I think he might have been maybe not giving Europe enough credit, but there's something pithy buried in there.

he was telling you what you wanted to hear. I've seen americans say that 100 times

I had an inkling that it might be like that, but I was not totally sure. It's hard to get an accurate picture of Brazil from the internet.

Very based user. I'm currently learning Italian, maybe when I've got a handle on it I'll learn Brazilian Portuguese. It really is a beautiful country.

the people who went to the New World were the dregs of their old societies

>better cities/urban life (most of America is suburbia)
>culture & historical places
>life on easy mode
>people feel smarter (even if it's just because of their way of speaking, body language and different way of being polite)
I do like America but when it comes to living in prefer Europe.
Also unless you're rich in America, better pick Europe.

Clearly for longer than you did, or you'd know that Catholic institutions were completely uprooted and Catholics were still being actively persecuted by the state until the early 19th century

It was pretty unprompted desu, and it wasn't what I wanted to hear, so IDK about that bro.

now ask yourself: by who?

Virtually everybody were the dregs. Europe was very different 150 years ago.

this nigga thinks britain has always been protestant

I want to live in japan


>No you are not. Britain has never EVER been European. Your island is on the continent of Europe, but you are not European. You are as culturally distinct as all of your Children.

Lmao are you actually retarded? 90% of England is just a mix of Germany/Scandinavia/France. If anything they're as European as you get.

Based weeb bro

Only an boomer couple when I was visiting Italy a few years ago. They seemed to be nice people. One of them asked me what "37ÂșC" was in Fahrenheit and I looked it up in Google. All I know is that they were from some flyover state in the middle of the US, I don't remember which one.

Don't think it really matters does it

didn't say anything of the sort, I said that Catholic culture (our religious connection with Europe) has been completely erased from British society

No prostitution in the US, 0/10
Wouldn't go unless there's nowhere else and I'm a refugee.

Here, because shit's ok and USA seems really scary. I'd like to visit USA, though, because it's not that I don't like it. I like that the USA is there, just, ya know, emphasis on "there".
I was going to work there this summer with a cultural programme, but that's completely up in the air now.
They are and always will be.

you said
>In what way has the catholic church meaningfully impacted british culture?
there are 1000 years of pre-reformation british chrisianity history for you to choose from

Okay? In what way does that cause Britain to be European when all the residual effects of Christianity in Britain are essentially new innovations independent of the continent

>Better cities
Uh, absolutely not lmao. We probably have more urban area than the entire continent of Europe. The largest city in Europe (Paris @ 2,845 km^2) is still smaller than a small major American city (San Fran @ 2,865)

Outside of very specific places like Ibiza, nightlife in Europe is actually pretty mediocre I've found.

>new innovations independent of the continent
they're not. at all.

I lost my will to live and want Corona virus to take me away


I'm not going to trust the opinion of someone who thinks the Nordic languages are actually seperate languages and not just dialects of the same language.

>Britain is very culturally distinct. There is a bigger difference between Britain and the Netherlands than there is between Spain and Finland.

Attached: b49.png (1200x1200, 43.29K)

>Britain is not European
...he wrote in a 60% French language.

t. Juukio Cortez

Why don't you sing me a mariachi polka while you're at it.

>there are 1000 years of pre-reformation british chrisianity history for you to choose from
Yes, at points in the past European institutions have had more power. They've been irrelevant for centuries

you still need to explain that

>bigger is better
Fucking Americans.

Attached: 1554488427638.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

by your logic the romans had no effect on our culture either

i would rather live in europe but i want to see USA win

When it comes to how fun a city is? Absolutely. The more people, the more things to see, the more clubs to go to, the better.

Helsinki is a fucking snoozefest, by the way.

Attached: dbvw1lj-665eed79-02fe-422a-93e4-0d50ead4392b.jpg (1500x1536, 295.68K)

irrelevant or not, they had an enormous impact on our history and therefore our culture