
Cultural foods edition

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Nice bar. I like the design

It's a dumpling bar

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Is this a meme food in any of your cunts?

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when you think about it XL pelmeni are really just khinkali

Is this the good one the Lithard was meming about in previous post?
Looks nice.

i was talking about this one

oy, you polish fuck, go this place

good stuff

I want to believe...

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butter capybara

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looks nice but fat literally pours out of the plate

choose one

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Memetro. Pick something and build it... now you have the stupid football stadium fiasco. We're gonna build ours in Kaunas much faster, you weird coat of arms having fuck.
>>No offense doe

>ne Žuvėdų
Apgailėtina, bet suprantama.

why would you take bread?
theres no soup or salad...

I've said it many times but I will repeat it again

just build that damned tramway network, it's better to have a real tram than a dream about subway

When will Vilnius have and actual vilnonian meras?

Yes. You need it to survive. Welcome to the north.......................... (of the PLC).

that was Zuokas

when his surname ends with -ski or -ic

Mate, Zuokas was from Kaunas.

We eat bread with every meal

I think a tran network is more realistic for them. Networking trannies COULD be their thing, you never know. They already do that with different religions there.

we will lithuanianize the ending of the surname, don't worry lmao

btw, here in Warsaw we call immigrants from small towns and rural areas "słoiki" (jars), it's because every weekend they leave Warsaw to go to their village for jars with food made by their mums and on Sunday they come back to Warsaw so there's great traffic on the roads

do you have a similar phenomenon in your big cities?

yes my brother get food from parents too when he goes to university.

haha, that's lovely

Vilnius can build a partially underground tram, we have it in Kraków


Šūdas. Dabar Paleckis sėdi pasislėpęs kažkur Rusijoj ir išsišiepęs skaito. Pamatysit, šiemet grįš kaip "Algirdas Paleski".

After noah's ark why did balts go north and ausnz go south even though we're the same people

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Anonai? Ar tu žinai kažką ko mes nežinome? Paleckis sėdi izoliatoriuje ir laukia teismo.

sorry I don't understand (but I wish I could)

here it's pretty common for adults too

we're pretty Mediterranean when it comes to the relation parents-children, it's not uncommon to live with parents even if you're already married with children

Apie ką tu? Jis gi sėdi suimtas

"The construction costs amounted to 164 million złoty, of which 67 million was covered by the EU funds." They definitely could, specially with conditions like that.
But why do y'all think it's worth it? Is it? :) Is it gucci shit?

>we're pretty Mediterranean when it comes to the relation parents-children, it's not uncommon to live with parents even if you're already married with children

btw I think one of the reasons why it is possible here is because most of houses in Poland, until very recently, were built for 2 families, so they're pretty big, 2 or 3 floors

as far as I could see, in Baltic countries it was rather uncommon, your houses have mostly 1 floor so it's impossible to divide the house for 2 families

>a Kaunietis insulting another city's coat of arms

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>tjk VSD postina /balt/
viskas, seni, išsidavei

Pedo catholic santa carrying his pray over a field of poison ivy and two balls around him making him literally look like a dickhead > based mighty euro beast with massive dick?
I think not.

The Norf-Souf split
Eternal tragedy

BLET..... Algirdai Paleski, kai grįši ir paimsi valdžią - IŠTRAUK MANE

>tfw my gf orgasmed two times while I only coomed once

daily reminder that corona is a plot created to prevent uncontestable LITHUANIAN victory at eurovision

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>They definitely could, specially with conditions like that.

And? Lithuania also gets EU funds.

>But why do y'all think it's worth it? Is it? :)

Well, yes, it's very important for Kraków, but Kraków is planning to build a real subway too, because the tram network is simply not enough, even though it is quite extensive (27 lines), unfortunately I think because of the upcoming crisis this idea will have to wait for the next decade or so. Warsaw spends only on the subway almost as much as Kraków on its whole public transport, it's not a very rich city and subway construction is very expensive, the cost of subway construction in Kraków is expected to reach 2 billion euros only for 1 line.

but that's why I can't understand how Vilnius can survive without trams at all, only with buses and trolleys

That's Saint Christopher carrying baby Jesus, you uneducated cow.

everyone point and laugh at this cretin

Most soviet built houses are pretty big here even if very shit quality, doing anything with these houses is a nightmare, everything is uneven. They're a bit too small for 2 families though.

Building big houses used to be a big meme here in late 90s early 2000s. Then massive emigration happened + a lot of kids didn't want to live with their parents anyway and a lot of those houses now only house some middle aged or elderly family that has to pay the heating expenses for that massive fucker.
So they went out of fashion and in the last decade - smaller houses became the overwhelming meme, yeah.

>without trams at all, only with buses and trolleys
fuck trolleys

hope they change those shits with busses asap

>having sex

Victory in Eurovision
Estonia - 1
Latvia - 1
Lithuania - 0

Some followed a compass. Some got confused. What can ya do

nah, those monstrosities were built right after SU collapse
my coworker lives in one, uses the ground floor (cokolinis aukštas), first floor is for when his children and grandchildren visit, then there are THREE more floors that aren't even finished + an attic

Idk why you took that as some insult meme. I was just trying to say that if Vilnius is able to cut a deal like that (cutting the costs by more than 1/3) it would definitely be achievable without a huge loss to the budget


>Most soviet built houses are pretty big here even if very shit quality

Well, as far as I can see a typical commie-era google.com/maps/@54.5540017,23.3650159,3a,75y,235.35h,85.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfHOZeE9GXAAnPBvEFKgsFg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656house in Lithuania looks like that:

ok, maybe it's not very small but still it would be rather uncomfortable for 2 families

in Poland houses from that era look like that:


you can see the difference I think

>Idk why you took that as some insult meme. I was just trying to say that if Vilnius is able to cut a deal like that (cutting the costs by more than 1/3) it would definitely be achievable without a huge loss to the budget

Ok, I thought you meant that only Kraków could do it because it got EU funds, sorry.

Yeah, those monstrosities are pretty bad even worse when some tried to make it look like a castle, someone near me is still trying to sell one for over a year already.

he's just mixing up eras

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DESU never rode a tram or sub in my life anywhere yet :O
Well... I might be a retard for asking this, but what's the magic in a tram? Vilnius has quite a lot of space, buses/trolleys - not jam packed or anything.

I talked to a guy who recently sold one, it goes for the same price as a decent two room apartment. Literally no one wants them.


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Worst houses, burn them all down.

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I wonder why all your houses are made of white bricks and you rarely paint them.

Here everyone paints his house. So many cultural differences lmao.

Because white bricks were abundant in the SU for some reason.

>all your houses
These house were built during a very specific time, and are inhabited by a very specific subset of people.

man, i know what you mean

for example, in belarus for some reason all houses have blue fences or thick concrete ones, unseen here

Those literally look like the ones around my grandparents memeberhood :*(
You can burn down the houses at Nida if u want. Fuck those houses.

me on the right

>but what's the magic in a tram?

1. it's much more efficient than a bus, it takes a lot more passengers

2. it is faster because it has an independent track (and no, bus lanes are not the same, especially that in most of cities other vehicles like taxis, police cars, ambulances etc. can also use them and they block buses)

3. trams are more durable, a bus must be changed for a new one after 10-15 years, a tram - even 30 years

4. it makes the city look more European - you can laugh at it but it's true

Most of those houses people built themselves. Lack of resources back then. Why they didn't bother painting them later? Idk. Maybe were content compared to the past xD
My father's uncle told me all about how he had to build it by himself. Helluva story.

>metro in a 550k city

well, our houses were sometimes built of these bricks too, but as I said, here painting a house is a must - not everyone does it just after building the house because the house must be insulated first and it's pretty costly so people wait for some years until they collect money but sooner or later they do it, while in Lithuania I can see you simply keep them without painting - I don't say if it's good or wrong, just a cultural difference - here an unpainted house is considered unfinished

Some lithuanian reported me and I got banned.

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these guys are right

if you see something weird from that period, it's literally because the soviet shithole did not create some product or created just one type of some product, that limited the end result (like a house in our case)

Overwhelming majority of trams seem to be in middle east/asia/brazil. Hm
But good memes anyhow. Thank you for the info.

For what?

Am I still manly for liking this song?

it was the same in Poland, every boomer tells stories about how he built his house, who he had to bribe with vodka to get bricks and concrete (usually they bribed construction workers who were building commieblocks in the city, then it turned out that for example three blocks in the neighborhood are lower than all other blocks - because there was not enough concrete to build the last floor as the concrete was sold for "private" purposes, lmao)

my uncle was lucky because he came from the US with several thousands of dollars so he could get basically everything and built a big ass house near Warsaw

being estonian
and i just did it again.

Manlets are dangerous

>Overwhelming majority of trams seem to be in middle east/asia/brazil. Hm

I don't think so, you must have thought about trolleys. Trams are typical for western Europe.