
toil until death edish
temporarily on pause sub-edish

Attached: Quackser Fortune has a cousin in the Bronx.webm (698x408, 2.48M)

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first for coronachan and israel


if you've got a small cock don't workout legs. makes it look even worse

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nth for girth

I have been saying this for weeks, the next deadly outbreak will be airborne HIV. We have way to many incels for the regular HIV to infect more people so they have to find a better way of spreading it.

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alors on danse

seaside is getting steaming as a rocket

havin a wank. no really intae it to be honest

Sophistication? Don't talk to me about sophistication, I've BEEN to Leeds

small pp brigade reporting in

*gets fired for saying the word nigger*

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I've been self-isolating my whole life


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new latteASMR video is up

dinner plates hurtling towards my head, courtesy of the gf

pandemic 2 was a good flash game if i remember correctly

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Is it normal to cum in under 1 min?

what did he mean by this?

>airborne HIV infects everyone
>requires treatment for your whole life
>need pills provided by the government to even live, so everyone is dependent on the (((state)))
it's going to happen isn't it

bit late lad x

is this what they're doing to corona patients?

todger status: shrivelled

depends on the situation and your age


Link? Cheers

literally never happens

if she's with me yeah

New Chinese HIV-like virus is seemingly transmittable through saliva alone

They need to be nuked

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Brits wouldn't know civil liberties if they were right in front of their fat faces

forget about papa john did we?

aight m8 say it in front of your boss and see what happens

I apologise for clogwog.

Who is she?

Let’s just get through this outbreak first. We’re currently in the boring part where there’s nothing to do but wait until they drop the lockdown. It’s after that where things get exciting.

calm down, you can't say he's glorifying terrorism because the IRA itself does not and never has officially condoned or encouraged any acts of terrorism whatsoever.
There was actual terrorism perpetrated against both communities during the Troubles.
The purpose of the balaclava is to keep your face warm and also to protect your identity, the former being a necessity for a guerrilla force in an urban combat environment. The balaclava should not trigger you to think of terrorism, also both sides wore them.
You can csll him a nigger, we're Irish we're all niggers it's not even taken as offensive here.


That was a hit job takeover

Cheers x
he's on a portugese proxy tonight as well

coffee has been making me sweat and consequently have BO recently

not accepted

Who is he?

accepted x

just imagine the episodes of Police Interceptors we'll be getting once this is all over

3 chavs who don't give a single shite about self-isolating in a pool car doing at least 120mph down completely empty streets followed by 5 BMWs driven by overweight bully-victims going on for miles and miles and miles because there's no risk to pedestrians until either a horrible crash happens or they decamp and there's a kino foot-chase through empty streets where the only sounds you can hear are echoing footsteps and police yelling

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So is coffee good or bad for you?

hi lads :3

*reminds you its just a flu*

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typical cuck

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Americans do not believe in workers rights. Your boss can fire you for whatever he wants. If he finds out you watch anime - boom, fired.

good in moderation

anyone remember these

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I miss caralad

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> meet girl on tinder
> we fuck
> she admits she really likes me
> we see each other a few more times
> becomes distant
> ends up finding a better guy who she becomes exclusive with

Rinse and repeat this has been my experience for years. As a 5/10 man I am not an incel, I can get sex with enough effort the problem is that these apps have made it possible for a woman to upgrade with the click of a button. It’s impossible to keep your looks match held down. At best I’m gonna have to settle for a 3/10 goblin.

Fml. Gonna try moving to Mexico and try my chances there

how long would you wait?

what is this?

bad but so is everything in life thats good

it's just the one swan actually

didn't ask mate. fuck off.

imagine this was your daughter

Why are girlfriend's so neurotic?

Asked her for her Netflix password and she said ok and before I could say anything she said 'you're welcome' and I told her not to be passive aggressive and she hung up.

Genuinely better alone lads.

been edging all fucking day
would be a shame to spaff now, although I'm barely functional but who cares

i reckon the reason why the asians are handling the virus well is because they're more naturally introverted, and vice versa why the southern wogs are copping it bad because they're more socialble people. my hypothesis.

thinking about the black comedy film Fargo (1996) and the spin-off television series

the problem is you have a deeply flawed personality like every other human and you crave intimacy but have impossible standards because of propaganda telling you what a big strong man has.

0 no wait. for whgat?

>At lunchtime on Friday, Johnson’s chief adviser, Dominic Cummings, appeared to have recognised the urgency of the situation and was seen running out of the building by a back exit with a large rucksack on his back.

When did this timeline become a literal meme lads?
It's fucking hilarious

Attached: cummings.png (760x511, 202.9K)


Better than having a son that posts on /brit/ tbqh


>over 1 month to make a 27 minute video
>no props
>background is a fucking curtain
>theme is "face wiping" i.e doing nothing

Fucking ridiculous. Unsubbing my tier 3 patreon dono. She clearly doesn't care any more now that she's a millionaire.