Szelánik edition
Szelánik edition
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My life dream is to become a landlord.
Have an old photo from Dedeağaç...
ela da mi lapash kura i shte te napravq landlord na Birmingham.
your mum is soul
In the wake of the death of Ivan Alexander, the Bulgarian Empire was subdivided into three kingdoms among his sons, with Ivan Shishman taking the Tarnovo Kingdom situated in central Bulgaria and his half brother Ivan Sratsimir holding the Vidin Tsardom. Although his struggle to repel the Ottomans differentiated him from the other rulers on the Balkans like the Serbian despot Stephan Lazarevic who became a loyal vassal to the Ottomans and paid annual tribute and participated in all of the Ottoman campaigns subsequent to the battle of Kosovo, contributing a 5,000 strong contingent of christian knights. Although Ivan Shishman has been categorized as indecisive and inconsistent in his policy in the past, this was done with little regard for an understanding of the context of the conditions and limited resources that this ruler had at his disposal. It is notable that Ivan Shishman is the only Balkan ruler for whom there is no evidence of tribute paid to the Ottoman empire or any military aid provided. Based on historical evidence and the numerous folk songs of the region glorifying his struggle against the Ottoman invaders, the image of Ivan Shishman is one of fierce and concerted resistance to the Ottoman incursions. Regardless, in 1393 the Ottoman Turks seized the capital Tarnovo. Two years later, Sultan Bayezid I captured Nicopolis with a surprise approach from the north of the fortress after two failed campaigns in Hungary and Wallachia, summoning Ivan Shishman on the false pretense of a discussion and had him executed by beheading.
We beat ourselves and fell to a turkish cheap shot. Sad.
a be Thomas Shelby
no u
Bugars on suicide watch
koj e nenormalniov sto spama tredovi cel den so mk zname
Kur za MONGOlija
What the hell, Solunbey??
at the end of all this they say we need more refugees
Wow, that is really cool. I think that Mongolian script is really pretty and that is amazing that they return to their roots
If only...
and that's why you don't listen to a female
no they should keep using cyrillic
bulgaria will conquer the world through our alphabet
Give me back my Emperor's head first.
>Give me my legions back tier request
first your mom gives me head
No, I don't think she will.
It's a joke.
Looks nice, it gives me this like really ancient vibe, like those letters kinda remind me of, like, petroglyphs and that is quite based
Thought of having,for example, Arabic written in Cyrillic kinda spooks me. It fits Slavs, but it could be unfitting for other languages, so they will need to create new weird alphabet on Cyrillic base
I support ΝΔ
koga li shte se nauchat bulgarite da pravqt vmesto da mrunkat?
>refugees bad
Yes I agree. Go back to Tatarstan mr. bUGAr.
You say that as if you're actually a part of the civilized world.
im not a mongol/russian/asian in any shape or form
the civilized world is soon to be ENRICHED
Sorry sweetie but you can't just wish away what you are. M'kay?
Oooga, ooga buga, buga uga. M'.kay?
Turkish song
You should enrich Yas Forums with your amazing insights and stop polluting this board with your cringe.
I do it all the time. Its about it spreads here as well.
speaking of pulling things
how did you like your meal?
>There are unironic /p*l/acks itt
>imagine unironicaly browsing Yas Forums for anything other than making bait threads
>he's so starved of attention he needs to beg for (You)s in Blacked threads
You have more in common with turks and arabs in thinking(and probably genes as well), just reflect on that...
>bulgaria will conquer the world through our alphabet
>our alphabet
how long will you keep stealing history you damn gypsies
Theres one person using this here and it's a filthy ventilator proxy. Yes, we are better than you, yes, we will be better than you, yes, whilst you post this our respirators save your lives, our pilots bring home your filthy diaspora. And theres NOTHING you can do about it and NOTHING will stop these people from spreading it whilst you sperg day in day out to the very same people, with or without proxy. And save your breath, I couldn't give two shits about your subhuman reply.
macedonia needs to pay reparations for making me stare at their flag
look at this dude
verno si mn baven, na sichko se fashtash hahahahahahah
I understand, the truth is really painful. I hope you can still be the same after this interaction but that is the truth.
based ma edva li shte spre malkoto ciganche kumanovsko
Dont you think you revealed enough here so that it would be fairly easy to bash your skull in irl?
In my class there's a FYROMian that said Bulgarians are the Mexicans of Europe. I asked what he thought of Albanians and he said "pretty okay people"
Wtf I thought Alabanians were hated except by Kosovo and Turkey
kaam vi chesno pichove, pregledaite se kat mine karantinata
Stfu you fucking roach, say thank you for the equipment and medicine we shipped today to the third world shithole your parents escaped from. Albania Albania, move there and then talk or just stfu once and for all with your bs.
Not arabic, but Slavic languages and Indo-Iranian languages have a lot of the same sounds and even numbers. This is why the Tajik alphabet works well and doesn't need too many extra letters.
Persian should use Cyrillic and instead of those dumb squiggly lines.
I don't really know anything about Persian, but, i guess, if they wanna use Arabic script, it is their choice
Kato mu davate yu-ta kvo se chudite
Nigger I'm just telling you what that slavshit told me in class. Iove Bulgaria but if you keep being a fag i'm going to murder the Bulgarian shop owners in my town.
Was Bowie an aoid /balk/?
Well, that escalated quickly
Even if true it's obvious nobody would offend you in your face when you ask this.
well it sure got quiet in here
that's because we're tired of solving capchas for baits