here's why:

finnish social culture can be destribed as collective hell, people are more keen of their collective thinking of the group than actual individuals or truth. they will discriminate you out of the group if you don't follow group collective things. best possible social tactic in finland is to look sound and think like everybody else in your group and definetely talk like everybody else. I'm individualistic and I don't follow some philosophy, politcal ideology, religion, or any type of phenomenoms in society. I think for my self which is a big mistake in finland. People say they don't pretend to be your friend and are genuine people. I think this is cause it's propaganda slogan. More often people will fake the whole relationship with you, even if completely not necessary just to suck blood out of you. When blood sucking is done, relationship is done. and like I said they say they are genuine people? finnish people, no matter who, are stiff and need 8 pints before they can relax. They are mouses, like socially coward, but if they can have 8 pints they are not. As an metaphor nobody is willing you bleed for you. They rather let you alone with your problems, and rather put you down than lift you up. Finnish people never open their eyes for them self. Women hardly ever have soul, they operate on their instincs. Men don't know what to do.

society it self, media houses are nothing but globalist propaganda. everything in news is just bs to make globalism and it's choise of opinions the right one and the noticed one and finnish people swallow all of this like it was the absolute truth cause finland has no propaganda or corruption right? don't believe that. don't be naive. globalist agendas rule there.

finland is country of mediocricy, they like mediocricy. they listen, they read it, they watch it, they think like it.

and people are blind to their country them self, like they living in finnish matrix.

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>finland has no propaganda or corruption right?
Then why did you come to spain?
This is corruption land

what I tried to say is. finnish people think eveything is good and dandy in finland when it just isn't

>This is corruption land

Hey there little kid

Are you euphoric?

Yes but in Spain you can gossip about it while in Finland you'd be considered a weirdo to even mention that it's a thing.

Well said user. Don't know if any country is good tho

I guess you're right. Anywhays what are your thoughts on Spain? For how long have you been living here? In what autonomy?
>as of the Transparency International's 2017 Corruption Perception Index, the country ranks in the 42nd place out of 180 countries.[5] Which ranks Spain with a similar corruption index as Cyprus or the Czech Republic.
How's Romania?
Here we had a president called Mariano Rajoy, and a paper with a signature that read "M. Rajoy" wich said that he stole money came out and he just said that that wasn't him and keept being the president.

We even call it the good brothers club wtf

White people thing. Groupthink losers, just look at reddit. Majority pasty white losers.
Honestly wish I was a nigger instead.

yes I am very ephoric.

worked for me. I was 20 years depressed and decided to move out. Ive been in spain for 3 weeks and I'm falling in love with life again.

How did you come here if the airports are closed?

>these niggas think they be corrupt



>collective thinking
every fifth person here has autism and everybody is used to autistic people

>Honestly wish I was a nigger instead.
me too, just because the BBC stuff

>This is corruption land
in spain nobody pretends it isn't
you could say the same shit you he said about finland about sweden instead, corruption runs even deeper there and every person will be in extremely deep denial

I chose barcelona. I met some a bout 20 year olds barcelonians. they were cool bunch. I'm too old to really share my life with them, but I don't dislike them in any means. I got one night drunk with them. then I've just been chilling out indoors since the quarantene.

barelona at least, is beautiful but worn out. gradfiti everywhere which I like. everybody puffs weed even in work time. grocery stores have less variety than in finland. I can not really say I've been here for few weeks. I Wish life would go back to normal so I Could just explore and meet new people.

Used to shunning autistic people*
go to ylilauta and tell me normal people accept autists

It's autists not realizing it looks bad to make fun of autists, making fun of autists

also don't care, sissy

nerdo madre


You are 58/100

You are not first world so who cares

Cool! Lived in Barcelona for a few years while studing and moved recently to the catalan countryside.
Hope you get used to the tourists (well, with the situation right now you might not need to)

so what nigga whats yor problem.

I was actually thinking I could move to smaller place. somewhere here on this coast line where barcelona is. I just rent an aparment in barcelona. I need to learn spanish and catalan.

Truth is, you lack sisu.
Your whole post reads like the woes of a little crybaby.
And as for your whole problem with "collective thinking", buddy, that's the whole world.
Ironically you whine about globalism, yet, you are more than willing to migrate to Spain, a foreign country.
Basically you're a pussy like Varg.

Finally, you're gay.

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If I were a Spaniard I'd live in a semi rural comfy town and just chill being unemployed and drink beer all the time.

Neither is Romania lol


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You said you were old, how old are you? (if you don't mind me asking
>Insulto a la segunda ciudad más importante del país
>Hostia por que los catalanes se quieren ir?

the good thing about Barcelona is that it has sea, a god, i wish in Madrid has sea because it in summer is a hell

Barcelona da puto asco

everything here smells like pic related

Attached: i-am-a-freethinker-i-am-an-individual-therefore-i-do-not-believe-in-silly-archaic-doctrines-or-follow-established-religion-like-the-mindless-sheep-you-all-are-i-am-intellectually-superior.jpg (735x820, 129.26K)


I chose barcelona cause it has lot of young adult action. and I like it so far.

I'm 32.. I just realized I've browsed 4han since I was 17 or 18. like I literally stopped for like 10 years other than some random rare occasional things but still. I'm living now real life rather bash in internet. you all got hope.

>i wish in Madrid has sea
Has ido alguna vez?

Barcelona is trash. Gayest, most hipster, most soulless city in Spain.
Go somewhere else.

He's not wrong though. As a north american Im really culture shocked by the scandi herd groupthink mentality. Like you would all rather be poor than have losers fall through the cracks lol

where should I go? sevilla bilboa and barcelona was on my list. got any recommendations?

That's anti-taxation vs taxation and he's not moving to an anti-tax heaven, you're talking about something completely different

Don't lisen to this people they are retards who hate catalans and project all of that on Barcelona (ironicaly the part of catalonia in wich catalan is the least spoken)


>normies in this other shithole will be different
yes yes interesting take user

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Barcelona da puto asco porque esta llena de modernillos de mierda, esta sucia y llena de pakis y guiris.

If you work from home and don't need to find work then somewhere in the south like Cadiz or Granada.
If you don't want heat and prefer more civilized places then somewhere up north like bilbao or santander
If you need work Madrid has got more soul than barna by far.

Has estado o no en Barcelona?

Better than pampering to obnoxious snowflakes

Los que creeis estas mierdas, habeis estado nunca en Barcelona? Es literalmente la parte más de derechas de Catalunya

south italy would be best for me, I heard from realiable source they are more or less more like me..

He tenido la desgracia de estar ahi
Modernillos de mierda, pakis, negros, marocas y señoronas de ciu
Que puto asco de sitio

southern Spain is probably were you want to be, catalans are cold and boring

Barcelona is ok, i've never been there (i'm from Madrid) but i think it's cool yes, the bad thing is the argentinians who migrated there.

i want to move to the north , Bilbao because it's cold and personally i hate the heat

what a bout the argentinians?

(I hate to say but to me the south amerians seem less plesant people than the actual spaniards.)

Argentinians turn in separatists when they move to Catalonia ironically, that's why i dont like them.

Gilipollas esa es la norma de cada ciudad, en Barcelona no hay más que en Madrid o en cualquier otra.
You guys are the reason catalan independentism is growing

Sounds like Jap society. Is this why you guys are memed on being asian?

>Gilipollas esa es la norma de cada ciudad
se cree el ladron que so todos de su condicion, barcelona es de lejos la ciudad con mas modernillos de españa, a esto hay que añadirle que hay pila de negros y pakis pobres como las ratas, guiris a cada tres pasos y los paletos de ciu
ademas de que todos los barceloneses sois retrasados e insufribles

finland is japan of europe

you dont want to see catalan independent?

man I chose not to interviewn with spanish issues. I stay out of other peoples beefs.

>you dont want to see catalan independent?
no, of course

user, are you working remotly?

I wait for this corona shit to over and I study then. I don't need to work atm.

>finland is country of mediocricy
>*moves to spain*

At least it wasn't portugal

bro, cheek? most succesful finnish artist is kinda literally mediocre rapper. mkdsmk mediocre rapper. art in finland is joke, fake artsy bulshit. people try to even you out if you are better. call it equality when its even not.

its old lutheral country you know? just dress in gray like all and do work and die.where's manjana?

I see we are exporting our autism

that's great and all but why you had to come to spain

well since I wanted something really else.

>why you had to come to spain
this, we are in bankrupt

talented people typically move to the US or something, not southern europe. Sounds like a cope to me

I don't see any difference with what you are describing and Spain, you won't be happy here.

and the culrutal out put in spain is more my type. you actually have things I enjoy in life.

yea I was told to go south italy.

hope you have fun wherever you end up