Was Jesus white? Palestinians are the closest living population to the original Jews genetically...

Was Jesus white? Palestinians are the closest living population to the original Jews genetically, and most people don’t consider them white.

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Jesus was actually American


He moat certainoy wasn't white but in fact dark skinned like southern spaniards.


Attached: turk not middle eastern.png (731x541, 43.89K)

He was jomon

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Who gives a shit, he was just some random goat fucker like the rest of them.


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>or turk

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What is he trying to say here exactly?

no, he was middle eastern semite


Attached: Jesusamerica.jpg (360x450, 28.14K)

Jesus isn't real, dipshit.
Imagine believing that people can walk on water, raise people from the dead and turn five loaves of bread into 5000.

sub 130 IQ spotted

yes he was white

>be of glorious balkanian heritage
>worship a brown conman on a stick

Palestinians cannot be considered white because that would make them human and then Israel would be commit crimes against humanity.

They are not actually swarthier than a lot of "white" people. It's bullshit politics.

You’re not even aryan faggot, I’m an amerimutt and probably more “white” than you.

That’s why it’s called a miracle ass, the reason it happened is to shock people because it’s something unbelievable


Why are Americans so obsessed with not being mutts?

It's called a magic trick, retard. You pay someone to pretend to be dead and "oooh look I resurrected him, now plz gib me free food and shelter and become my follower". Cult leaders do it all the time.

>Was Jesus white?
No, he was brown like natives of middle east and north Africa.

they still do it in africa, both american and arab missionaries

His name was yeshua bin Yosef so tell me if this sounds Germanic wasp

No. Jesus was imaginary.

I know I have chad-mutt genes and know you're not aryan.

This is how Egyptians before Jesus was born looked and who were 50km from Jesus birth place

This is the prophet people worhsip

Attached: 333px-Egyptian_-_Mummy_Portrait_of_a_Man_-_Walters_323.jpg (333x638, 98.33K)

>This is the prophet people worhsip

Okay, but that doesn't change the fact that Jesus was still -- if he even existed -- a conman. I mean, you've fallen for literal jewish tricks.

Just should change the image of the prophet people people to be more accurate.

why does it matter what he looked like?
the entire point of jesus is the opposite

another jewish trick in early stages of christianity, paint him as european man so he appeals to europeans

I don't care what you believe has value just to be more historically accurate to his ethnicity and nation.

Based redpilled brother enlightened against Judaism (christianity) dominance over Europeans, hail Alexander.

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no, we don't know what jesus looked like
maybe he had a huge nose and thin lips, straight hair and pale skin, or maybe he had dark brown skin and curly hair
it literally doesn't matter, especially if you're christian
stop talking nonsense

>no, we don't know what jesus looked like
maybe he had a huge nose and thin lips, straight hair and pale skin, or maybe he had dark brown skin and curly hair
it literally doesn't matter, especially if you're christian
stop talking nonsense

Why do you care if he's portraid as residents who lived in his region and ehnic group/linguistic ethnicity looked like?


Because he's from balkan, it's not so long ago they had a massive ethnic cleansing war there. Race is very sensitive to them.

Attached: jebus.png (480x648, 494.58K)

>maybe he had a huge nose and thin lips, straight hair and pale skin, or maybe he had dark brown skin and curly hair
it literally doesn't matter, especially if you're christian


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Jesus was one of the 5 founding fathers

because it is irrelevant?
people of different regions on the planet portray people in their own way, not everybody uses the westerner view of the messiah

Germanics should be portrayed as Germanics, Nigerians as Nigerians, iranians as iranians, Hindus as Hindus, slavs as slavs, semitrs as semitrs.

well yes, i am a christian and i believe it doesn't matter what you look like but what you've done
this might be hard for you to understand, because you're probably sub 18 and haven't realized that christianity is the most liberal religion in history of the planet

>christianity is the most liberal religion in history of the planet
Deus volt!

Attached: deus-vult.jpg (1137x1649, 341.97K)

the crusades were the work of the devil, not christians.

Black, white, asian...Whatever. Who cares how he looked like? Jesus is Jesus.

christians worship the false prophet jesus, so they are by definition devil worshippers

maybe according to you he's the false prophet, but to me he isn't
grow up

>christianity is the most liberal religion in history of the planet

this is what bothers me
tradition and culture must always be above liberal international cult

A satan worshipper would say that

>maybe according to you having sex with little boys is wrong, but to me it isn't
>grow up

Don't feed that Norwegian anything.

yes, he would, doesn't mean i am wrong though
your whole country was based on the word of christ, if there was no christianity there would be no half of european cultures
this doesn't make sense at all
i don't promote pedophilia or anything of the sort, i never did or never will
just because some priests do it doesn't mean all do, you're stupid as hell

>this doesn't make sense at all
Exactly, your logic is retarded and so are you. Your only evidence for jesus being worthy of worship is "it feels right for me" which is just stupid as hell.

Can't defend your jewish/palestinian conman, eh?

>jihad and terrorism is the work of the devil, not muslims.

well obviously you're the stupid one, because i worship the word of christ and his actions, not him
it doesn't matter if he existed or not, just the ideal of him matters, he helped billions of people just by existing on paper
you're so mad for no reason
i am not a muslim, so i don't really care
if you commit genocide and murder, you're not christian, simple as

the miracles and all the other shit are obviously not real as per any other religion, but there most certainly was a mentally-unstabled jew named yehoshua who believed he's the messiah,had a large group of followers, and got crucified. It makes a little sense to come-up with a story that your god had to die like a common thief, unless it really did happen and you had to work around it

>your whole country was based on the word of christ, if there was no christianity there would be no half of european cultures

borders are imaginary lines, ethnic groups that inhabit certain area get to define it, european tribes based on ethnicity existed long before christianity came

medival serbian culture was defined by christianity, just like southern croatian was

>It makes a little sense to come-up with a story that your god had to die like a common thief, unless it really did happen and you had to work around it
That's a fair point actually.

The words of jesus and the bible has also been used to cause immense suffering. If you're going to cherry pick only the good things and leave out the bad, why keep the christ part at all? Why not just be a good person?

I find it pretty amusing that Serbs use Perun as a personal name though

>The words of jesus and the bible has also been used to cause immense suffering.
no, they haven't
>If you're going to cherry pick only the good things and leave out the bad, why keep the christ part at all? Why not just be a good person?
because i believe he existed and i believe i am a good person, and he showed me the way
christianity is everything good to me

also, his words weren't aimed to cause suffering, but only good and peace
you're the one that is cherrypicking

>no, they haven't
Yes, they have. You're delusional.

>because i believe he existed
So you're a liar then?
>it doesn't matter if he existed or not

You're a disingenuous little cunt, aren't you?

Historical Jesus was real, one of the several subjects that declared to be the Messiah during Roman rule over Judea. Religious Jesus is another thing

>You're a disingenuous little cunt, aren't you?
it doesn't matter if he existed or not, his words on the paper were aimed to create good but i believe he existed
>Yes, they have. You're delusional.
read>So you're a liar then?
i do lie sometimes, yes, but in this case i don't

medieval christian times here were only for less than 1000 years, what about times before those? serbian and croatian as names of two slavic tribes started to appear 1500 years ago,

But what ethnicity spread Christianity when it was banned?

those slavic tribes don't exist anymore and the name of the tribe doesn't matter
my whole point is that all modern nations in europe have roots in christianity as a religion and that plays a huge role in the nations culture and tradition

There's no actual evidence of it, though. It's only likely and circumstantial, and like pointed out, some good arguments for it. But there remains to be found any actual evidence, in the form of archaeological evidence (like clothes or his grave etc) or written evidence beyond the gospels in the Bible that he existed. In fact, if you read the gospels from a non-christian point of view, it's actually more likely that at least the gospel of John is about an entirely different person altogether. And then there's the gospel of Judas and other writings that didn't make the cut, that again contradict alot of what has been cherry picked.

>those slavic tribes don't exist anymore
They definitively do, they didn't just vanish and got replaced by medieval christian slavs, they are the same tribes that just converted to Christianity.

alright so hypothetically speaking, lets say all of the europe converted to islam today, in 2000 years will people say that all modern nations of europe have their roots in islam?

Christianity is a brain parasites to destroy identity and ethnic bonds

yes, and their culture changed greatly, they're not the same people they were 1500 years ago
yes, if in 2000 years all european nations adapt to islamic culture and tradition, all european nations will have roots in islam

>yes, and their culture changed greatly, they're not the same people they were 1500 years ago
Obviously. But some things obviously remained, like the slavic languages and certain customs and stuff. Christianity did a good job of corrupting and eradicating cultures in Europe, but luckily not entirely.

>was jesus white
do you you unironically ask this

Millions of Christians think Jesus was a Germanic man and not a dune coon