How the fuck could this happen in Western Europe? This is some Africa-tier shit.
The Troubles
remove anglos
What happened?
>How the fuck could this happen in Western Europe? This is some Africa-tier shit.
Irish being irish
Not to mention most genocides commited throughout history were done by white men
A civil war
irish chimped out and had to be civilised
is google broken?
>What happened?
Irish separatists doing terrorist attacks on civilians
Fascists only good at fighting zulus got btfo
>Le epic troubles meme
There were what, 3.5k deaths over the better part of 30 years. Or about ~100 deaths a year. Fuck's sake you had more chance of dying from cow tipping or being struck by lightning than in the """""""""""""troubles""""""""""""".
1 word: anglos
Irish are honorary Africans
Chimps gonna chimp, but I don't understand why the British wouldn't just cut Northern Ireland loose like the rest of their third-world colonies.
>waahhhhh leave dem goodbois alone
Nearly a thousand British soldiers and police got killed in British soil
It's hardly nothing. You won't lose that many policemen to violence and terrorism in the next 200 years
angloid cope
autistic paramilitaries pretending to be either revolutionary freedom fighters or defenders of faith and tradition
>How the fuck could this happen in Western Europe?
terrorism was widespread in Europe at the time, same shit also happened in Spain and Italy for example.
no one asked
Peace is a recent thing
Hes right tho, all anglo nations are pure evil
What did the Aussies ever do to the Americans?
yanks aren't anglo
yeah total nothing burger
it probably refers to this
The people mostly aren't, the state sure is though
Honestly the IRA sucked major dick at being terrorists.
Compare them to the italian Brigate Rosse who managed to kidnap and murder the president for example.
Depends on the area. Utah is Anglo, the south is British.
It also produced some great kino
t. evil anglo
How did they get M16s?
Most Yuro armies had the G3/SLR/etc.
Looks like America funded them
They got a lot of donations from Irish diaspora in the US.
This is why the Boston marathon bombing was, and should be, celebrated
>Ah, Seamus, get the poipe bahmb, dose dahm Ulstermen are marching tru our neighbourhood again!
and the rest is history
Of course, Western Europe has no history of ethnic violence at all other than the Troubles
Unsurprisingly, 'charitable donations' to the IRA from US citizens decreased drastically after 11/9 gave them a taste of their own medicine. Americans are keen on the idea of white children being murdered, so long as their Hebraic bankers and their lackeys are kept safe in Noo Yoik
>Americans are keen on the idea of white children being murdered, so long as their Hebraic bankers and their lackeys are kept safe in Noo Yoik
Truely, Americans are anglo spawn
Systematic discrimination in every part of life, peaceful means didn't work so there was no alternative.
>Have an historic event
>Call it "The Troubles"
That's kinda hot
British police and army beat and attacked irish civilians so we formed a guerrilla army to fight them.
We called WW2 'The Emergency'
Post troubles kino
What happened on the ninth of November?
The IRA were actually very effective. The British state is much more formidable than the italian state. They also did nearly kill Margaret Thatcher
That was the biggest falseflag in the history of falseflags
Irish diaspora in the US. In the 70s you could go to gun shows, buy like 50 rifles on the day and no record was kept. Then they smuggled them back here.
They inhereted some weapons from previous incarnations of the IRA, US supporters and smugglers provided them with AR-15s, AR-18s, and M16s, Gadaffi gave them AKs and RPGs, and they made their own mortars and other explosives
why did they bomb my hometown in england?
>Unsurprisingly, 'charitable donations' to the IRA from US citizens decreased drastically after 11/9
You mean almost 4years after good Friday when the IRA had disbanded? Fucking moron.
Take the fight to the british
>Eastoïd discover western europe had terrorism before muslims
Many of the peoples of Europe are very nationalistic, to the point that they make up ridiculous histories for themselves whereby they originate as Roman Emperors or fleeing Trojans. The Irish are unique in priding themselves on peddling an ahistorical version of events in which they are oppressed, subhuman niggers living Stone Age lifestyles, only to have their neighbours ruin their lives as noble savages by imposing civilisation. Literally the niggers of Europe, by their own reckoning
There is little difference between the IRA and African militia
Centuries of hatred and mutual atrocities resulted in another civil war.
They only killed that cuck mountbatten
Accept it the IRA was shit at their job
Ulster Scot protestants refusing to let go of their privileged position for the most part, as well as the failure of the British Army to administer fair policing when the crisis could've been prevented.
>The Troubles
Typically brits understating things. Wonder what they called this: The Growling as in "the stomach growls".
Wonder what they are calling the corona pandemic? The Sniffles?
What? Their kill ratio was very high against the police and army. And The INLA killed Airey Neave who was the NI secretary
fee fi fo fum
i spot a seething hun
Always seemed a bit of a wussy target, going after police
>waged an effective campaign of bombings, attacks on british military and police, assassinations
>had considerable overseas backing
>more or less achieved their goals, Northern Ireland is practically part of both Ireland and Britain, Irish Catholics have equal rights and representation, British military have left
No they were pretty good at what they did, there were all sorts of violent right-wing, left-wing, and nationalist movements in Europe during the Cold War and the Provisional IRA were one of the few that really got what they wanted (for the most part)
We are proud of being Irish, we do not need any pseudo history.
Police in NI are considerably better armed than British police my man
Because Irish people are Africa tier.
Yeah but they're police they're not the army, you ring them when you're been robbed
The Irish narrative when it comes to their history with Britain is delusional, hypocritical and contradictory. One minute you have had 800 years of subjugation, the next you're talking about a 'Tudor invasion'. One minute you're talking about the crimes of the English/British monarchy, the next singing of the glory of men fighting for King Charles against the forces of Cromwell. If you were so proud of being Irish, and so convinced of the perfidiousness of ANGLO rule, you wouldn't claim all of the British buildings, literature, poetry, art, etc as your own whilst whining about how awful your neighbours have been to you.
>Brits shitting on the irish
You guys are the reason why the IRA existed morons
And the reason they're gone, the IRA were autist terrorists, the normal people of both countries sorted that horrible mess out together