This is how an average Mexican family looks like. Thoughts?

This is how an average Mexican family looks like. Thoughts?

Attached: family.jpg (600x398, 58.27K)

why breed what you cant feed?

That olmec mother is looking toady

>there are no pictures of white families sitting together like this anymore

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Their abhorrent distribution of body hair and middle facial projection makes me think they're amerindians. Of the chicano tribe.

Only gender reveals now.

Me on the left

My ancestors :)

Divide & Conquer, my black friend

Do not address my posts, exiled amerindian.

Attached: nigger43.png (405x98, 9.57K)

I'm absolutely speechless, this is beautiful, a happy family gathered around a hearth, I might cry.

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comfy and wholesome :)

Too much olmec genes. Sadly aztecs could not exterminste their kind due to spanish intervention
They are olmecs

Attached: 1578282886072.jpg (2400x1800, 1.68M)

Good and soulful people. I'd recommend to befriend them.

How many of these CHichemeca fags are there? The guy calling himself chad something kept calling aztecs cucks or something

they seem like a happy family, whats the matter?

The Aztecs were at war with the Olmecs?

Kys olmec subhuman

Attached: guatemalan olmec andy.jpg (1082x1018, 600.32K)

no, they didn't exist at the same time. It's just
retarded shitposting

I see two hardworking parents who love and care for their kids. More than can be said for other minority groups in this country.

Dont touch native americans you fat burger asshole

No, they existed far apart.

Here's your Italian family spaghetti bro

Attached: Italian_Family_1024_512_75_s_c1.jpg (1024x512, 88.37K)

I wish I had a family

He is a Native American, he just doesn't like other types of Native Americans

he's a schizophrenic mutt lol

Notice how the actually look human

Why are the parents so fucking fat?

Memss aside, what would be the ranking of spanish speaking countries in terms of whiteness?

The aztecs were extremely violent mesomorphs who measured up to 6ft while the olmecs were endomorph manlets. They would have exterminated eventually, I can guarantee you that.

Attached: aztec silvid eurasian.jpg (650x564, 133.42K)

Nonsense they all end up this

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>Memss aside, what would be the ranking of spanish speaking countries in terms of whiteness?

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Only the Germanic race is considered pure white, so, knowing that no one here is of Germanic descent, I'd say about 0% whiteness.

Average Costa Rican family for comparison.

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>>Memss aside, what would be the ranking of spanish speaking countries in terms of whiteness?

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To conquer the world, whitoids will feed them for us

What baffles me the most is that they keep having children even after the first one came out looking like a goblin
Like what drives non white people to want so many ugly little monsters?

literally nothing wrong with this

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kill yourself nigger

those aren't goblins or monsters, user, just normal people
it's well known that poor people have more children than privileged people

Olmec civilization was gone by then but injuns who were racially olmec still existed.
Im not native american.
I just want the to reduce the number of low caste amerindians (olmecs), high caste ones like andeans and plains indians are fine

Attached: aquline nose ruling class.jpg (533x677, 289.26K)

user is spaghetti country, his family got all sick :(

>mexicans copying the yayoi/jomon meme with the aztec/olmec meme

Are they Chichimeca?

They look like goblins to me, they are probably stupid and loud too

what do you mean?

Exactly. Thats hillarious

No, they existed far apart, olmecs existed before mayans and mayans existed before aztecs, also aztecs migrated from the north while olmecs are polynesian descent, but not of the same ones in easter Island since those had high pointy noses

idk about that, desu we mexicans tend to be loud and annoying
although in poor families, seems like the humble ones are the majority

It's just one guy though

lol not they won't, whites got their own shit to deal with and once we lose control we arn't going to wanna feed the useless.

Nope. They are olmec subhumans.

Attached: 1585190436020.png (540x465, 311.74K)

Olmecs are not loud, they are docile farmer types who were bred to be slaves

chichimeca is the name of nomad indians from the north of mexico
olmecs were from the south and weren't nomads

It is more than one guy now

Keep saying that, I am right now watching and USAID patrol giving good to the kids here because of the coronavirus quarantine, also being born in such shit conditions have made us immune to such as weak virus like this chinese flu

>Olmec civilization was gone by then but injuns who were racially olmec still existed.

>polynesian descent
No, they all came from the north, just different times. All natives came from the bering land bridge. Only some natives in south america have some polynesian DNA


Que hijueputas tan feos.
why are central americans so ugly, what went wrong with evolution ?

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They only exist because spaniards interfered in the new world, Aztecs would have killed them all.

Attached: aztec silvid eurasian master race.jpg (750x944, 133.74K)

Mmmm no, olmecs are descendants of those aboos mixed with chinks, more specifically Taiwan natives si ce many central americans share genes with them, polynesians started in Taiwan as well and the incas also came from the pacific sea but for some they look different, they are descendants of the first people that lived in the easter Islands, the ones that built the moais

I am an American of Mexican descent and I need a PJ Harvey gf

Attached: pjharveyismywaifu.png (2048x1112, 1.75M)

They are south mexican/central american olmecs, average mexican does not look like that not because he is more spaniard but because he descends from another amerindian subrace

>PJ Harvey
>Born: October 9, 1969 (age 50 years)

Mommy ...

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Jungle climate

They did not even live at the same time. Stop giving attention to those idiotic mentally ill CHI LARPers.

SEETHING olmec subhuman

Attached: 100% olmec phenotype (you).jpg (300x533, 37.25K)

Mexico is white, it's just the sun that makes our skin browner, those goblin looking indios do not represent me

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Olmecs are central american invaders

This is what a real Mexico look like

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Do you have a source? Or is that all black isrealite level larping

giga cope, 98% of the mexicans that i meet look like mexican andy

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You're not white and will never be widely considered white, if you have a lot of white genetics then you'll be an outcast in your own country.

Amerimutts aren't Mexicans, dumb Moor.

No, this is how the average Mexican family looks like.

Attached: hijosdepenĖƒa.png (1000x600, 911.36K)

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Mexicans look more like this guy.
Central american olmecs are not mexican

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>if you have a lot of white genetics then you'll be an outcast in your own country
Guess I'm white then