Stares at you in Finland

>stares at you in Finland

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why is finland so gay

>act in norway

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They just are.
I prefer a Polish mummy.

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I prefer iranian granny

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why are norwegeans dunmer?

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I see slavic runes there

Why yes, Sibyl is very cute and she's my favourite character.
I don't know, I made it that way and it stuck ever since.

she looks like she bullies mikko's two foot dong

No sexualising granny.

How is your project going?

>tfw no two feet dong mikko bf

Pretty good. Got the story drafted, lots of old characters coming back, and some new ones. Basically a point and click but plays like a 2D RPG.

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how easy is it to find cute boys in finland?

This is now a nedroid thread

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What chad?

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god I want to fuck that alien

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Lads I'm back

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oh boy

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Nice, can spoil the premise of the story for us or is it still super secret?
Based eesti is beesti.
...And cuteesti. :3

best news ive heard today

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based Vark elf alpha

thank you for your service

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She's an extremely flat drow.
All I can say is it's inspired by Half Life 1 and cosmic fantasy.

can you draw norwegian girl fondling finnish girl


That's not bad. I like that..

I think I'm going to come back lueking like i have used to and some mimmi posting

I've been playing alot of vidya so I've been too lazy to post and sometmes lurk, lel. Maybe I should post more.

If you made norwegians Dark elves atleast makes finns snow elves. The lion thing is getting old.

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Mimmi is not for sexual, the Norwegian one, maybe. I don't have a name her yet.
The Danes and maybe Icelanders are normal elves. You can think of the Finns as feline-elves.

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Lots of stuff has happened past month. Also not a neet anymore. Ben working out and keeping a good diet so i have been losing weight also.

That is nice. Good for you mate.

so are you gonna draw or not?

mimmi is not 4 lewd



mikko on the other hand...

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well well

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I'll only lewd the Norwegian one. Perhaps you'll get them rule 34s when this thing becomes more than a meme.

Bloody hell...

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silly mimmi, why is she eating a chocolate bar on her knees?

Oh my...


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this desu
we need more lewds of him and his monster

relax guys she's just nibbling on a block of frozen mämmi

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Fake news.
What did they mean by this?

I don't remember how to moomin (muumi) Mimmi anymore

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Mikko can be lewded though

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got any proofs? i need to coom

uh oh............ janny aint gonna like this one

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