>stares at you in Finland
Stares at you in Finland
why is finland so gay
>act in norway
They just are.
I prefer a Polish mummy.
I prefer iranian granny
why are norwegeans dunmer?
I see slavic runes there
Why yes, Sibyl is very cute and she's my favourite character.
I don't know, I made it that way and it stuck ever since.
she looks like she bullies mikko's two foot dong
No sexualising granny.
How is your project going?
>tfw no two feet dong mikko bf
Pretty good. Got the story drafted, lots of old characters coming back, and some new ones. Basically a point and click but plays like a 2D RPG.
how easy is it to find cute boys in finland?
This is now a nedroid thread
What chad?
god I want to fuck that alien
Lads I'm back
oh boy
Nice, can spoil the premise of the story for us or is it still super secret?
Based eesti is beesti.
...And cuteesti. :3
best news ive heard today
based Vark elf alpha
thank you for your service
She's an extremely flat drow.
All I can say is it's inspired by Half Life 1 and cosmic fantasy.
can you draw norwegian girl fondling finnish girl
That's not bad. I like that..
I think I'm going to come back lueking like i have used to and some mimmi posting
I've been playing alot of vidya so I've been too lazy to post and sometmes lurk, lel. Maybe I should post more.
If you made norwegians Dark elves atleast makes finns snow elves. The lion thing is getting old.
Mimmi is not for sexual, the Norwegian one, maybe. I don't have a name her yet.
The Danes and maybe Icelanders are normal elves. You can think of the Finns as feline-elves.
Lots of stuff has happened past month. Also not a neet anymore. Ben working out and keeping a good diet so i have been losing weight also.
That is nice. Good for you mate.
so are you gonna draw or not?
mimmi is not 4 lewd
mikko on the other hand...
well well
I'll only lewd the Norwegian one. Perhaps you'll get them rule 34s when this thing becomes more than a meme.
Bloody hell...
silly mimmi, why is she eating a chocolate bar on her knees?
Oh my...
this desu
we need more lewds of him and his monster
relax guys she's just nibbling on a block of frozen mämmi
Fake news.
What did they mean by this?
I don't remember how to moomin (muumi) Mimmi anymore
Mikko can be lewded though
got any proofs? i need to coom
uh oh............ janny aint gonna like this one