Does your country have unholy demons from the pits of hell?
Does your country have unholy demons from the pits of hell?
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Yeah, we call them gypsies.
Never seen one no.
But I do get these in the summer. They are my friends but my wife hates them. So they are allowed in my office room (I work from home) but not the rest of the house.
Nope, we don't even have cockroaches and mosquitos.
Worst thing you'll run into here bug wise is hornets in summer, I've never been stung though.
he a cute boy
he gets rid of other insects in home
never seen one
I want to move to iceland now
If you see one of those you need to be worried about what it's eating.
I saw one a few months ago. Scoured my house for roaches afterwards and didn't find any, so hoping the centipede was just lost.
There is a downside though.
While it is nice to not worry about bugs here at home, I am a total weakling when it comes to bugs when I'm in other countries because I've had so little exposure.
I spent a week in my friend's roach infested apartment in Fresno, California once. it was literal hell to me, I couldn't relax for one second.
Even the spiders minding their own business up in the corners of my GF's house in Manchester, UK bother me a lot, she likes to tease me about it.
yeah we call them "zmijski cesalj"
snake comb
Your wife sounds gay
She hates insects. She's even afraid of butterflies.
what the heck was an Icelander doing in Fresno?
Caught one of these fuckers yesterday. Was literally shaking
Yes we have lots of asians here
>roach infested apartment in Fresno, California once.
Does he know that they're easy to deal with?
yiss - used to hate those fucks, but now we're chill
(also made sure to patch all possible entry points in walls inside and outside of the house, so they became a much less frequent guest)
commie-partisan movement to topple your corrupt government, john - arm up
These are good bugs though. You can’t just judge a bug by his appearance. These guys are solitary hunters, they eat annoying bugs, they don’t build nests, and they do their best to stay out of sight and out of mind. Yes, you might find their appearance unnerving, but I’m sure your giant bipedal form is similarly repulsive to our friends. You should be thankful if you find one of them in your home, because they are protecting you.
i love them too.
A friend of mine married a girl from California and lived in Fresno for a while.
They live here now though.
>These are good bugs though. You can’t just judge a bug by his appearance. These guys are solitary hunters, they eat annoying bugs, they don’t build nests, and they do their best to stay out of sight and out of mind. Yes, you might find their appearance unnerving, but I’m sure your giant bipedal form is similarly repulsive to our friends. You should be thankful if you find one of them in your home, because they are protecting you.
Based. They are cool, really chill creatures. They even eat potato chips.
>roach infested apartment in Fresno, California
Why is it whenever I hear something about California it's something about medieval infectious diseases, shanty towns and parasitic infestation?
> the post
> "unholy demons"
The absolute state of american "men"
Here's an actual big fella (pic related):
>being afraid of something that doesnt bite or sting
Nuke Peru
North and south California are pretty nice.
But there's a surprising amount of middle California people don't usually hear about on TV, that place is just farmland and sweltering heat and very poor cities.
My trip there was very eye opening, Fresno is by far the worst city I've ever been to, there is no culture there and the only landmarks are fast food places.
I did enjoy the Mexican parts of town though, that at least was different and culturally interesting to me.
Never seen one, but there's ton of these fuckers outside my house. they look so alien, yet so amazingly chill
all of these are cute and adorable
It is south region, yeah.
jesus christ what the fuck is that thing?
>"if it has more than 4 legs, it's a monster"
That's how my wife explains her insect phobia.
Sweden have just a handful of bugs that can cause people pain (and unless you count bees and wasps causing allergic reactions) we have no insects that can kill you.
I've been a big fan of insects since I was a kid. I had a huge blue tarantula in my teens that I called Emma. She was so cool. I also had beetles, centipedes, huge roaches and a giant crayfish (bugs of the ocean really).
But people here are scared of everything.
We have those, I find them cute. They apparently hunt cockroaches so I leave them alone.
it's a type of spider
I had something that looked like a giant silver fish on my wall last week. I tried to scoop it up with a piece of paper to put outside but it fell on the floor and ran away. It's probably going to eat me in my sleep
>south California are pretty nice.
I'm pretty sure LA isn't a poor city.
That looks like a type of rock/cave "scorpion". 10/10 on the awesomeness scale. It's really a spider though.
I used to have those all the time in my room but one day they fucked off. they don't do anything. Also have 3 inch long roaches, g*rman roaches, thanks german immigrants, they didn't bring their best
it carries venom in it's back, if the stuff touches your skin it'll eat trough it
Unfortunately, yes. Nearly shat my pants when I saw one.
Opiliones. They don't bite at all and are extremely slow. they also stink when smashed.
how can you be scared of langostas? well if you have a farm you should but other than that they are funny fellas, my cat hunts them on summer
We only have corckroaches here
blue-balled administration with retarded economic policies that plunge entire region into catastrophic conditions
>I had a huge blue tarantula
do these ever show anything along the lines of an emotional connection with their owner? or are they just big, dumb spiders from the moment you buy them to the moment they die?
Imagine taking a shit and this little bastard jump into ur ass
As far as household animals go, you can't get any more based than this.
Looks like the ennemies in Bloodborne.
wish our lizards were THAT based (all they do is having sunbaths outside - lazy pricks)
These fuckers once bit me in the finger in my sleep. Their jaws are strong as fuck. We call this subspecies "hay horse"
I mean, you can't mix human emotions with spiders. It's just not gonna work.
I guess the easiest way to explain it would be that they get used to you. And only you.
My spider would gladly sit in my hand or walk over my arms no problems. She didn't give a fuck. But if anyone else tried to touch her she would display her fangs and rear back in a "touch me and I'll kill you" position.
Is it emotional connection? I don't know.
They can live up to 20+ years so there's that. Mine sadly died from an infection (probably from a bad roach) and died at age 6.
Yes, it's called アメリカ人
I don't they are able to have emotions
That's not very nice.
Do these bastards grow more legs the bigger they get?
I saw one of these in nyc and had to google what it was to see if it would kill me in my sleep or not
these little niggas just don't die. you stomp him and he just keeps going.
Your wife
>paul joseph watson
LA is more of a massive urban area than a city. There's very nice parts of it, decent parts of it, normal parts of it and total shit parts of it. Saying "I live in LA" could mean pretty much anything.
Those little critters eat other, way worse bugs in your house. Leave them be. They keep your house bug free.
We call them "vårtbitare" or "wart biters" in Swedish.
You were in the San Joaquin valley. It is, indeed, nothing more than farmland. The diversity of its crops and produce is unparalleled though, perhaps in the entire world.