I'm only attracted to Asian women.
I have never been sexually attracted to non-Asian women.
Are you attracted only to your race?
i like white, chinese and japanese women
Since you are Asian, it's natural I think.
I also think East Asian women are the best.
asian here, I just want a white gf
just image being 12y old white shota and getting raped by hot japanese milf teacher
I am always puzzled be people that are only attracted to one race of women
can't say i'm ONLY attracted to Asian women
Yes, I'm only attracted to my race, the human race.
>child abuse
sounds like you're talking from experience
I only like chubby, white, women.
Especially English.
Sorry mr. Shunsuke Kitajima from Kyoto, but I don't like your women.
Unrealistic expectations mate, you are bound to depression
t. English teacher
There's a few execptions, but for the most part I'm attracted to any race.
I'm only attracted to Arab, black, and mixed race (black+_) women. White women are disgusting.
I'd be friends with her
I only date burakku women
why she wearing a diaper though?
no need to say sorry.
i am physically attracted to any woman who is attracted regardless of race or ethnicity.
are u gaijin or japanese?
I don't get it. Why do gaijins assume posters with Japanese flags are English teachers? Are you jealous?
i'd also give her the benefit of the doubt. just not the d yet.
trust, but verify. you know the deal.
how did u meet them?
Mainly whites then Latinas and Asians.I like chinks the most out of the asians. Arabs and Indians are meh and Blacks only have mixed ones or Ethiopians
I'm attracted to all races except blacks..
Hot is hot
but in general I don’t find the average black or Indian that good looking
I’d probably say the same thing with Asians. i don’t really like their faces, just the small feminine frames they have look easy to dominate
Yes but I could fuck an asian or Latina woman.
I've been attracted to people from all over the world.
No, I'm attracted to all races except for Australian Aboriginals.
women are gross
black women aren't all ratchet hoes. there's some good freaks out there like Nia Nacci.
don't just limit yourself to one race?
she has the mouth and smile of la goblina
Pretty much this
Latinas for hoteness russians for their beauty and asians for their cuteness
Romantically only to my race, sexually to every race
like you wouldn't cum if she was hopping up and down your dick :/
Race doesn't matter to me as much as phenotype, basically if woman is hot who gives a shit , but cultural differences could pose some issues.
well not her, probably
Post your passport to prove that you are Jap.
>that lard
Only ukranians can be attracted to this, so you are honorary ukranian, congratulations.
I like japanese woman with MOMMY face
Americans gonna american
This is the most based answer, I pass on my will to you. Bang 1 women from every ethnicity. This is my wish.
I'm attracted to all races but i'd only have kids with a white woman (i'm white)
Im attracted to
I used to lie to myself that I don't have yellow fever. I would date anyone though as long as they have other more important qualities.
that's just primal instinct though. Not an object measure of attractiveness.
>muh instincts
all women belong to me
Based Nobita.