Freezing climate

>freezing climate
>created originally by Scandicucks
>still full of SOUL
Explain this phenomenon.

Attached: Russia-National-Flag.jpg (600x398, 15.09K)

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I think you should focus on your own problems first.


Who knew that AIDS was the essence of SOUL?

Because the scandicuck myth is an anecdotic tale and climate isn't what makes you autistic.

top one

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What is "soul"?

>*checks flag*
You wouldn't get it

Sucking On Uncut Limp dicks

inb4 "b*nned for r*c*sm"

When people say this it's because they try to cover up that they can't actually answer it


Attached: stalin_hat.gif (220x192, 216.8K)

>a nation of bullies and murderers
>the ugliest architecture in the world, Russia is literally uglier than Tanzania

Quintessentially soulless awnser

Thank you, we really needed the Austrian stableboy angle on this

We aren't poor enough to be irrelevant and poor enough to be soulful

Compensation for poor countries as an excuse of being shitholes.

i think you should go to russia live there for a month and then come back and then tell us if theres soul or not


Nah I don't like the climate, maybe Crimea or something would be nice though

Everyone is welcome
Consumerism is what makes western cunts so soulless. They are literally slaves of their income and can't appreciate simple things until they are old fucks

bruh then your opinion is literally worthless and its gonna be worthless forever. Sorry to say.

No man, I lived in similar country, theres nothing to do except to work and drink. And I dont drink. It's depressing.

You are more diseased x10 over than any place in europe LOL

for some reason northern Russians hate the southern Russians and call them Kubanoids. I haven't been able to glean from google what exactly defines a Kubanoid that he is so deeply hated by his countrymen other than dark hair.

>full of SOUL


Sochi has a humid subtropical climate. You may enjoy that, it is a popular destination for domestic as well as international tourists.

Attached: 58.jpg (608x380, 75.16K)

You are right. There is nothing to do here and that makes people think more about their lives than work and useless shit from amazon. What is a soul anyway? No one knows

>It's depressing
If you don't find this picture comfy, you don't have soul. That being sad, having soul = having a sense of comfiness in things that are related to the idea of the home as your own place you love no matter what.

Soul is not a religious thing here.

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If you mean
>still full of SOUL of communism and oligarchy at the same time
then sure.

Imagine how soulless nordic nations have to be when even Russia gets more tourist than all of their countries combined.

it's just memes and internet banter, there is no irl divide between northern and southern russians

>SOUL of communism and oligarchy
Divided by 0

>still full of SOUL

prove it

ты eблaн?

Because we sent all negros to mountains.

Self hating Russians?

Attached: wedding slavia.jpg (717x536, 51.53K)

Attached: 1581623306229.webm (450x360, 2.95M)

A lot of russophobic comments ITT. Where is janny when you need him?

>Freezing climate

Do us a favor and fuck off back to

There is no snow for 6 months of 12.

All is possible in Russia.
It wasn't hard to force communistic mindset on majority and have high rank party members become oligarchs.

Russia is a tropical paradise

Russians where is this located? it looks comfy

Attached: 897656.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

Russian summers are much warmer than German or French summers

>Poccия – cвящeннaя нaшa дepжaвa,
>Poccия – любимaя нaшa cтpaнa.
>Moгyчaя вoля, вeликaя cлaвa –
>Tвoё дocтoяньe нa вce вpeмeнa!

Attached: Russian cat.jpg (1103x1280, 101.49K)


Yes but the winters are longer and colder

Attached: Daily Mean Temperature January.png (6500x4100, 2.84M)

I thought for a moment it was intro to some porn.

>All is possible in Russia.
Then why are you still in your shithole? Come here

I will show you the soul.

Attached: 0fTO8gWdWJ4.jpg (1435x2160, 468.05K)

>this post
>that flag

Attached: LeBcUiT1Vuk.jpg (1280x833, 251.84K)

not anymore, thanks to the climate change. This winter we had the lowest temperature of -10 and barely any snow. All throughout it was fluctuating between +10 and -2

I meant it in a "Logic does not apply here" way.
Also what would be the best way to learn Russian? Many people form Ukraine migrated to Poland lately but not many of them speak Polish.

No, that's Yekaterinburg

Attached: yekaterinburg.jpg (2000x1125, 2.85M)

> Also what would be the best way to learn Russian
Play dota 2 and cs;go

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Cheeky breeki

>that being sad, having soul = having a sense of comfiness in things that are related to the idea of the home as your own place you love no matter what.
I kinda agree, if you find comfyness in your paйoнчик with ur pals and can be comfy and fulfilled, then theres nothing wrong.
Wherever your home is your soul is.
Russia is not my home, i especially dont like when theres snow mixed with mud and dog shit turning up after winter.

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sydney 2019

Did you mean: pid𝘢rsburg ?

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"I love you, Rita"

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I know иди нa хyй as well, this is the same method poles use to teach polish.

The whole world is under consumerism's boot at this point. Also from what I saw slaves of income were my co-workers.
I am defending your soulless ass here Sven. be grateful

ah yes the mysterious SOUL

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Man I really love Russia, more than my own country.

looks like slavik & dimon
>дaвaй зaлeзим димa
>дa зaчeм? Чё-тo я oчкyю Cлaвик, дyмaeшь пpoкaтит?
>дa ты УCПOКOЙCЯ я тe гoвopю

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Mne pohuj

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Yes, their classical as one example absolutely shitted on British "attempts" and Nordics.

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