What country do you think has the greatest history in Europe?

What country do you think has the greatest history in Europe?

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Spain or France.






France, its not debatable



In that picture it's either Italy or Greece



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Great Britain, France, Germany

Also Greatest history ≠ country I like
I would prefer Spain or France but Anglos surpassed them.

Unironically Britain

Russia up until 1917


>great pidorussian history
>slaves of scandis
>slaves of mongols
>slaves of themselves
>slaves of germans
>slaves of jews and churkas
>slaves of fingol pynya

Probably UK tbqhfam. Though even meme countries in Europe have richer histories than the best of the Orient and countries like German, France, and Spain are only just behind the UK as they are all so closely historically intertwined.



France > UK/Italy > Spain > Germany

megacope of liberaha post


I just know history of my country


Mother England. God save the Queen.

nah, thats just WE WUZURY, modern italians have nothing to do with romans

The med

For me, it's Britain.

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Lituania. The last pagan kingdom of Europe.

you havent been beaten in wars since when? you don't lose territories ever?
alaska doesnt count

Probably France tbqh followed very closely by us, then Spain and Germany

Greece and Italy haven’t really done much of relevance for thousands of years

France, that region had always shit happening throughout written history.

*us being the UK, I’m a proud yorkshireman living in the US

Turkey, not even debatable. They beat the Romans, later the British & French, were the first to introduce freedom of religion, had a great empire and colonized Europe with döner kebab.


You're a funny guy, Ahmet.

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Kosovo, of course

France because I like Napoleon

More European than you Zhang

The Anglo-Saxon man is the ultimate power in the universe, the central driver of the current epoch in human history, and doubtless for all time to come (barring the extinction of mankind of course!). Who humbled the haughty French? The plundering and nigh unstoppable Spaniard? Brought low the bellicose and perfidious German? Laid down the egalitarian groundwork for our shared modern democracies? Safeguarded the immensely important Suez that so revolutionized trade with far off Asiatic climes? Humbled the proud and covetous Chinese emperors? The list is long, and weighty. I have not even begun to name his great industrial, and scientific achievements whose enduring impact on your lives require no introduction! Surely there has never before been a people so singularly instrumental to the prosperity, and advancement of Humanity on this Earth!

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>Russia up until 1917
Just lol...one of the biggest backwaters in Europe especially up until to this point

>you havent been beaten in wars since when? you don't lose territories ever?
>alaska doesnt count
WW1 by us. Inb4 it doesn't count because it wasn't long enough or some other cope.

Russia has never been really conquered because of its size. It's just a big pile of nothingness and tundra, hardly an indicator for the superiority of its culture.

Is this a Cecil Rhodes quote? If so it's a solid based from me user.

Italy because the Roman empire is the best part of European Antiquity

I'm no Chinese, but I'm not European either. Proud English stock.


>what is first chechen war
>what is collapse of soyviet union

We are the enemy of Europe which is better

>slaves of scandis
when did this happen? the vikangz?

basado y rojopastilleado



Calm down, don't feed a troll, he's just a coping self-hating liberashka who doesn't know the history of his country and has a one-sided view on things. I mean, just look at his original post. In Russian we would call it a 'Vyser' or Bыcep. Something that has been shat out.

Britain has the greatest history but also the most popularized one so it's a bit boring. The Balkans have an interesting history that is often being neglected.

It definitely sounds like him.

Attached: Cecil Rhodes.jpg (293x390, 19.62K)

God the world is so divided and corrupt

the only one with an actual empire, spain.

It never happened. Slavic people were never 'enslaved' by scandis or any of this bullshit. As it has been happening with every nation throughout history, an external power helped us to establish our first government (Because we had too many tribes living together and we couldn't come to an agreement on who will be in charge, so we invited some foreigners to play this role.)

This is basically it.

>beat the Romans
They beat a pillaged, corrupt and divided Eastern Rome that spanned the Greek world and not much else.
>British & French
No. Winning a defensive war and pushing them out of your territory does not count as beating someone. It just means you’ve successfully defended yourself.
>freedom of religion
This isn’t a good thing and you could argue their policy of multiculturalism and religious tolerance is what lead to the empire’s downfall
>great empire
It was smaller than Eastern Rome and encompassed the pillaged by Mongols Middle East, internally divided, isolated and pillaged by Western Crusaders Greece and a bit of the irrelevant Balkans. How impressive. Coincidentally these places are all now shitholes. I wonder why?
>doner kebab
Now made with the flesh and organs of white schoolgirls™

How cultured and magnificent. The Turks are truly the greatest people in Europe. Their legacy and contributions to the modern world will never be forgotten.

The influence of Italy, France and Germany in the world is enormous. Britain and Spain are the only ones that have created new civilizations beyond Europe based on their own cultures.

Cmon this is just ridiculous. I have nothing against Russians and I find Russian history interesting but up until 1917 Russia apart from some composers Russia almost contributed nothing to Western progress. Meanwhile Britain had colonized 2/3rds of the world, kickstarted the industrial revolution and set several institutions in place that are valid up until this day.

Why don't you tell us about how turks lost literally every war they had with Russia? (And they had many)

Depends on what you mean by "greatest". Most interesting would have to be Italy and Greece by default, also Russia even though they aren't nearly as old, props to them.

Most influential would be Greece, Italy, Britain and then France/Germany/Russia/Spain. That is if one is counting entire known history, classical antiquity, middle ages, modern period.

The alleged European superiority is merely casual. Sub-Saharan Africa, on the other hand, is the mother of all civilizations; while in Europe we were eating shit and walked on all fours in Africa they already had kings, technology and science.