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LITCHERLY me playing videogames

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Earlier than the other one faggot.

Jeust twigd we is the heidmaist fowk i Breitain.

for me, it's shut the fuck up terf

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this thread is incredibly high quality and cannot be left to die.

bizarre that the janitor deletes the thread with 100 posts and not this one

what the fuck is his problem lmao


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told you big iron wont take kindly to you lot anymore

hes forever on the prowl

get him jannie

The muslamics ain’t having none of your lockdown


Just want to go travelling so I can be a manwhore

just forgot about niggers for one blissful moment

don’t know why you’d teach english in japan unless you were a weeb. china and korea pay the same with like half the cost of living

Persona 5 Royal



stop it

fat wotsit-munching, egg-slurping, mouth-breathing retard

Fat Niggers
Ugly pakis
People that watch anime
People that want to use the opposite sexes toilets because they have got a wig on
People that want children to wear the opposite sexes clothes
People that think it's perfectly fine for children to take hormones god designed for the opposite sex
The world was made pure by the white man
The jewdogs have twisted the white mans work and laws to accommodate the sickest more depraved freak individuals that make up a tiny irrelevant amount of the population
Vocal degenerates screeching from their bender trees
All need hanging and setting on fire



















>UK set to have the highest death toll in europe pathetically trumping the likes of Germany as another 256 die in 24 hours.

corr will be participating in this next time

what a ledge xxx

Imagine if an ethnic minority posted in here and saw the racism


thoughts on my pet cat niggerman?

immigration is ok only when white people do it because white people immigrating to a non-white country always improves the country

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Put /brit/ as an interest in omegle. Let's talk to each other.

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Would love to gun em down

you need experience to go to SK

piss off

Fuck off frogwog

fuck off underage runtoid

not even close dickhead

people still use omegle?

just saw this lad on it lads

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Why contain it?

very irish post

very gay

im an ethnic minority and can see your racist posts

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mad how all of russia east of the urals (which is pretty much 90% of the country) is literally just uninhabitable wasteland/tundra

pretty much all it's big cities are right next to its european borders

was he wanking to his cousin's arse

There's webms of them licking holy statutes or some shit in mosques Iran to protect them from corona

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just get a radiator in your house
now shut up

2015 was a different time

The imperialists 'War against the Virus' must be turned into a proletarian war against the imperialists.

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same as australia but west of the blue mountains aha

What the fuck? Vile racist should be banned

fucking hell....

delete this or I will sue you

face like a dogs arse

just get aircon in your house
now shut up

absolute state of middlesbrough


[wheredoyouthinkyouare.jpg] comes to mind 2bh

someone had to say it

SK pays better but t.b.h. I don't want to be within shelling distance of NK and I don't care one iota about Korean culture/language. Also China is a literal authoritarian communist state.

corr that's a female women
imagine her vagina and that

Jesus, what a shit hole

racism belong in pol

wow its literally me

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>Anwar Said Driouich

what sort of name is that

i am not high because royal mail seems no after 2 days for first class
plenty of booze
but doesnt quite hit the spot


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you belong in /drugfeel/

aye got aircon its grand

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>trumping the likes of Germany
Weird thing to say... Germany has a famously low death rate...

raghead name

Yakutsk, Vladivostok, khabarovsk, novosibirsk, Norilsk, krasnoyarsk

pathetically trumping

please go then

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>Anwar Said Driouich

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quintessentially British name you racist dickhead

>dad phoning and asking me if i want anything from the shop because he is there yet again

the third time in three days. This boomer will not listen

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Dead man walking general?
Poor ugly fucks, a fucking chink virus is taking you down one by one.

SO long lads

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ask for some choccy

Lunch is ready lads

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pathetically trumping the willard


Continuing to listen to the smiths

How do I shave my chest without having it sting or be itchy afterwards

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>noo don't go outside you'll die or get arrested nooooooo

mad how germany mogs us at every turn


Some problem with my mother. The boomer just will not stop going out to get a few ""bits"" as she calls it.

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how much gin do i have to drink before it's bearable?
i got over the hump with whiskey and vodka but gin is really giving me a hard time



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mental how our death rate is doubling by the day
not even italy was that bad

good chance he will die though

just witnessed a wmaf couple

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190 thinks he’s one of the mandem

If he came to America and acted like he does around black people they’d beat the fuck out of him lol

Wouldn't be the first time Germany under reported deaths

wow he's just like me

>not mixing the sauce and the pasta in the pan for a few minutes before serving
cardinal sin! STATE! STATE!!!!

gin is very much bearable if you mix it with aloe vera juice

hmm reckon this explains quebec's cases too
very interesting

Test Nigger test

hair removable cream
follow the instructions closely otherwise it'll sting for a few days after

AH blu blu

is it bread and milk? They go through a loaf and about 4 pints every day

1,019 down, 66.44 million to go

how will I explain to the guards that transporting large quantities of heroin and high-powered weaponry hidden in my boot counts as 'essential' business if they ask me where I'm heading to on monday lads?

Having wax on my chest sounds even more irritating than itchiness

stopped checking the death rate since ive been sent home
may be becus im too drunk to even acknowledge it

The Irish are a race of inbred, subhuman parasites,

how do I pronounce that

I made 1kg of the sauce lad will last me a week.
Will just cook pasta separately and reheat a small portion.

ahbblublu to u too x

So we’re on target to recovery? That was the daily amount predicted until we peaked in the coming weeks.

Niggers belong in chains

nobody drinks it straight (nowadays)

good in various cocktails and good with tonic water or bitter lemon (which is basically al lazy tom collins), no other mixers are good with it.

Actually, reading about microwaving food doesn't look like a surefire way to kill viruses, looks like takeaways on hold for the foreseeable future.

Homemade chips and chicken madras it is then.

Oh fuck you meant like actually wax strip my chest haha silly me

you probably have some irish blood lad

nah we are on a higher trajectory than italy
we will have 1000+ deaths per day next month

oi mate i'm fucked aye
need a bit of entertainment or at the very least conversation for the next hour

25% of cases in the UK are old muslims because they keep having tea and sitting with their elders, not being seperated at all

>Old and sick people get relatively harmless disease and die
How is it mental? It's like people think old people literally just evaporate and float into the heavens when they reach a certain age. No, they die of disease. This has NEVER in human history been considered tragic until the past few weeks.

just called the ministry of based and told them about this post

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You poor ugly son of a bitches, this is your last days on earth, how we feelin' ? One of these days you're gonna go to bed and wake up dead.