
Lithuanian healthcare edition

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Based Latvia has no beads - no time to sleep

3rd for that pozzed mulatto larping as banker


4th for maxas


I agree

I don't think you can count ground as a bed.

hello mr. late nighter

How has your day been, anons?

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Latvians don't need beds. Corona only affect low teesties and pissthuanians

>an emigger that came back from UK had a party
>three corona cases confirmed

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>t. Too poor to travel

i still dont understand why dont they put all returnees into isolator

muh human rights chimp outs

we did until they started to stab each other.

They tried it here for 1 day during which one person got stabbed.


No need to become a gypsy if you have all you need right here

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No Swedish music please

>Not going skiing to Italy
>Not partying in Ibiza
>Not having anniversary in Paris

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>I love to travel
Is there anything lower test than this?
Latvians stimulate their minds and bodies by reading books and lifting weights.

for real? lmao

been in all of them except valmiera and daugavpils

>Fox and the grapes

>Kuldīga and Jelgava
>no Ventspils
what the fuck is that map

U cute

"Travel" is something groups of girls do when they buy cheap tickets to Milan or Barcelona. Real men explore.

>lifting weights
I lift twinks

Well is right, but what's funny is that the guy who held the party could be sentenced up to three years in prison. Now let's see if prosecutors actually will have the balls to press charges.

It's hard to tell with Delfi titles because they're often misleading, but if he did not do self isolation and if it was actually he who infected those people, then yes he could face prison.

Sorry, but Latvia literally has nothing interesting to visit. No cities with good architecture, no interesting subcultures, no good beaches, no good mountains, no good lakes, nothing.

>tfw no emo gf
Why even live

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isn't that only in the case if he got tested and knew he was infected? pretty sure a lawyer could get him out on ignorance

>also inb4 cute little towns
Estonia and Lithuania have a shitton of those, no need to visit Latvia for just that.

At least we don't have slovenians

visit latvia :(

user, 2005-2008 are not coming back... stop living in the past..

Everyone coming in from abroad has to self-isolate for 2 weeks. And there's the whole bit about not knowing the law not doesn't mean you get to ignore them.

history is cyclical

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Also forgot to add that gatherings over 5 people are forbidden now.

No hard feelings, I know you like your country, that's normal. I'm just pointing out that Latvia seems pretty boring from the perspective of a foreigner.

not in another 20-30 years

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And thats a good thing, if only R*ssians would figure out it out as well

>over 5 people are forbidden now.
over 2.

>Tfw you will never have a chance to have emo gf who will call you daddy

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i had a chance but i fucked it up.

Tell us a story user

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Who the fucking fuck keeps getting my IP range banned from posting images?

there's no story. I used to text with chubby emo girl back in 2006 but i chickened out and never met with her irl. I'm not a sexual person.

The Virgin Canadian Graphics Card Reviewer vs The Chad Latvian Virus Opener

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Someone is posting cute and funny pictures?


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69 and unprotected

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last set was pretty good. im always up for dj assault songs

>sister comes to visit me
>open the door slightly
>spray dezinfect solution on her
>basically a window cleaner
>receive slaps afterward
>yell CORONA as shes hitting me
worth it

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feeling so fucking angry right now

what happened?

just angry

let it out. its not healthy to repress it.


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