Italy update in 2 hours

Italy update in 2 hours.

How many deaths and new cases today?

Attached: f6df7362e88942b188dce2bb6466430c_18.jpg (800x450, 60.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably more than 12.

More than 1000 hopefully

All of them.

If there are more deaths than yesterday I'm going to say the N word


Maybe there isn’t going to be any :3

imagine having more than 0 deaths lmao

Attached: 1584968708043.jpg (798x452, 106.3K)

You understand the crisis is over here, right? Go talk about Spain and America because the situation has been solved here, no more new infected.

>832 in Spain

The numbers seems to be zigzagging upwards, so we might get 1k+ deaths any day now.

But you got almost 1000 deaths yesterday, Italy...

Are you aware that in a few weeks the peak in Italy will be over and it will go this way in some other country (yours maybe)?

I wonder i there will be a daily "X country in its peak" thread then.

>j-just give me 2 weeks more bro...

>I wonder i there will be a daily "X country in its peak" thread then.
There probably will

Anything short of 1000 will be a disappointment

>I wonder i there will be a daily "X country in its peak" thread then.
When deaths start rising in the US, there will be dozens of thread, amico

>the crisis is over here

Attached: dude.png (360x247, 190.92K)

However it's not going to be as exciting as the first time.

Maybe if happenings get tripled or quadrupled

heh... my boy italingz... he just needs some more time to pass the peak...

>However it's not going to be as exciting as the first time.
>Maybe if happenings get tripled or quadrupled
What happens when the happenings happen to you or your loved ones?

Giuseppe seeeeeething lmao

This place has no future anyway

>I wonder i there will be a daily "X country in its peak" thread then
There's defitinely gonna be

It will suck of course but if it doesn't affect you directly it's easy to make kekz out of this.

They do have new deaths. Just not new cases (inside the country and not repatriates)

Anyone got that article about Swiss cases being more dangerous to the Italic and French cantons than to the German ones?

Italy. A question here. If you had a button that could kill 50% of your population, would you do it? Better employment opportunities, cheaper housing, etc. But it means it could also kill you, your family, or your friends. Would you still do it?

There will be a peak in *your* country too because of:

Attached: Weierstrass.jpg (551x800, 60.17K)

What is the scientifical conclusion out of this? Arab/Latinos have weak genes

so far it's going pretty slow and we're one month into the outbreak already.

we closed the borders and schools a couple of days after the 1st case...

Attached: 1571128270762.jpg (1748x1296, 593.58K)

Only if "my population" meant entire humanity.

Can I adopt an Italian bf before they go extinct.

white women hate gooks

Has nobody here been in this bridge?

Spainbro, but he died due to corona

Sure. It's close to the Ponte dei Sospiri

I was not in that bridge

I checked it on Google Street View and I see crazy amount of tourists. Compare it with OP's pic...

good thing he wants an Italian woman

That's the bridge in OP's pic in a usual day

Attached: 1584781297155.png (1280x854, 2.89M)

why so many elderly people

Venice is a bit of a boomerish destination


Remember when Excrementalians in their 3rd week of damage control said the peak had been reached and they defeated the Chink flu? Where are they now?

Attached: deadpootalians.png (917x485, 24.42K)

just think how much this little thing will affect Italian tourism and economy

Attached: 1569207358739.png (921x730, 137.02K)

some regions reported all week deaths, missed reporting the last days for some unknown reason
today numbers should be 30% lower

This, you can't have any Corona patients if you never test, clever China.

People dead yesterday were infected 20 days ago, make sense.
The problem is Lombardy, other regions are ''yellow''.

Now that Johnson is out, it's Raab's moment.

Creepy as fuck

I kinda wish the US did daily announcements rather than reporting numbers as soon as they come in.

I wish we could have the same hype waiting for big numbers like 15-20k dropping.

>Better employment opportunities, cheaper housing, etc.
That's what the autistic italiAnons from the /filo unironically think
>implying that you can't shine because boomers and elders are unironically better than you in everything and you will be a rich chad cause of the virus

My region didn't even start, 26 cases for one million people, nothing burger as fuck

>boomers and elders are unironically better than you in everything
If they really are then why are they dying like flies LMAO
Boomers BTFO

Attached: 1583494799539.png (713x611, 44.85K)

the EU would just replace all the dead and Germany would buy all the businesses

>Imagine beig autistic even for finnish standards

we've hit 1000 deaths total now. Might keep jumping up each day, we'll see

>Family hit by double tragedy as Heathrow immigration officer, 61, dies from coronavirus - followed by his pharmacist daughter, 33, the next day

Ive got sick of this virus already, please go away

Have you ever heard of a natural process named ''invecchiamento'' or you failed 3rd elementary?
>No, you will not shine after their departure, stop moving your failures as a person to boombers/elders/females/the State/the PD and 5s/etc.

>'It's all so cruel': Fit and healthy father, 27, dies with coronavirus symptoms just 10 days after the birth of his son


I love it when western euros suffer like this. They deserve much, much worse than this though but it's still amazing.


Attached: boomercide.webm (360x640, 1.54M)

deal with this. Global death rate is 17%, many people will die

>Covid-19 Clinical Care: Cardiology researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston or UTHealth are warning that the SARS-CoV -2 coronavirus that causes the Covid-19 disease can have fatal consequences for people with underlying cardiovascular disease and cause cardiac injury even in patients without underlying heart conditions.

just stop this madness

The peak has been reached, number of comfirmed cases are getting lower, but the deaths lag behing at least one week (due to the nature of the disease, symptoms get worse after 5-6 days). So next week we will see the peak of deaths probably.

Very based.

Attached: Tf6qIPD.png (400x400, 112.3K)

I unironically beat 3 turks in a street fight in Sicily and all of them had a knife. I left two of them almost dead and they were even scared to sue me to authorities lmfao.
You're pussies, nobody fears you. You fail even as street gangs.
Pussiefags who pray a pig god named Allah

based T*rkey

>I unironically beat 3 turks in a street fight in Sicily and all of them had a knife
Lol that reminds me of albos. They act the same.

Cool, but why should I care? I'm just here to laugh at western euros dropping out like flies.

why the hate?

He will be never white.

>South Korea reports 146 new coronavirus cases, highest in a week

ehhhhh will this ever end

>Cool, but why should I care?
Cause you're a nation of muslim kurds asian-wannabee pussies. Nobody respects you, nobody fears you.
You're the only one to have lost a war against modern united Italy after Ethiopia and Austra.
A war lost.
This is more entertaining than Marvel lmfao.

>Lol that reminds me of albos
Same behaviour, but shiptar gangmen at least have balls to seek revenge.

Top kek

Attached: turčin.png (764x399, 20.05K)

>ehhhhh will this ever end
Only when they find the cure or a vaccine.
Hong Kong is facing it's third wave of coronavirus and will have to quarantine again.
All countries will suffer many waves of this virus.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind



Ok nonno let me know if you need to use the computer again so you won't die going to collect your pension outside lol

Turkroaches will perish by the end of April.