Iran and US Relations

Why do we hate these guys again? They seem fairly stable and just don't want to be messed with. Genuine question.

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>t. reza mahmoud parasharanazaradezadeh

War hungry boomer neocons mad about shit that happened decades ago

They all need to die

Search Mossadegh

Because... They will not stop being aithoritsrian and will.not dismiss their elites even.though they.are more republican than Saudis.

sorta blew up one of the highest ranking men in Iran but since their reason was sorta legitimate Iran cant chimp out

it's all just money and oil, they refuse to bow down to your system so they got cucked

>more republican
well no shit iran is a islamic republic while saudi arabia is a monarchy so not even a republic

American reason: they want to expand their sphere of influence and Iran wouldn't allow it.

Iranian reason: religious leaders, bigotry, great satan, etc.

Both sides are quite retarded tbqh.

Iranian diaspora in the US hates the regime

Because government told you so?
Wasn't that enough for mutts to die in Vietnamese jungles? So just go and hate Iran, it's possibly good for you as an American

Who cares if they’re authoritarian, why is that our business

Difficulty to find a better rival to present as "the other".

Because they are Jews and Zo*oastrians.

It's too bad that the Islamic regime won. Iran is beautiful, Iranian women are gorgeous, their food is amazing and their architecture breathtaking.

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Iranians Jews love Iran and dislike the leader and policy of Israel which is an enemy to their country Iran.

Im taking about the ones living outside Iran.

They did that revolution in the first place because they were getting westernized and their culture getting forgotten, you may not like the regime, but without it the culture of Iran might have been erased like in Kuwait now

>It's too bad that the Islamic regime won
No it's not, Living under the Shah must have been hell. Revolution was needed and bound to happen. It didn't have to have a religious push, but it just so happened that Khomeini pushed for it hard

If a cheeseburger is enough to erase you culture maybe it wasn't such a great culture to begin with.

>It's too bad that the Islamic regime won.
>Iran is beautiful,
It's not. It's mostly baron deserts with horrendous overpopulated urban areas
>Iranian women are gorgeous,
They're really not. They're hairy, big noses and often have deformed faces like most inbred Arabs
>their food is amazing
It's objectively not.
>and their architecture breathtaking.
It's really not. (see No.2)


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t. Mohammad Reza Inceli

At this point they are hated because it serves US business interests with Arabs to hate them.

Iran hasn't really done anything to the US while the US (and UK and a bunch of others) have caused lots of problems in Iran.

Iran was a shithole before the revolution, most people were poor illiterate peasants, fertility rate was about 6 children per woman and industry was completely non existent.
You probably saw some pictures of Tehran University campus in the 70s and assumed it was a modern and rich country.
Iran is a lot better now than before the revolution.

They would never breed with a gook like you tho, forget about them mate

Because Israel told you to.

Did the Nazis follow international laws?

>Persian food objectively not good.

Someone hasn't had Ghormeh Zabzi.

Attached: ghormehzabzi.jpg (1280x720, 177.55K)

What kind of curry is that?

We don't have any good reasons for having bad relations with Iran, Russia, Cuba or North Korea right now.

Israel doesn't

I think it's saffron

Once your economy is less dependent on military fearmongering add China to the list, you guys should just be friends

More of a stew than a curry, but now that I think about it, isn't a curry just a brit word for a foreign stew?

Anyway it's mild, but delicious, it's mostly lots of herbs with lime, beans and lamb, though I like to add potatoes.

japan and iran have a super good relationship

lol there's a reason why 90% of the country from communists to milquetoast liberals to ultra-conservatives came together for a short period of time to get rid of that "wonderful" Iran. Reminds me of people who lament the Romanov's demise. Not to mention despite 40 years of sanctions and war Iran probably has more power than they've had since the Qajars. Not that I'd particularly want to live under the Islamic Republic though.

Iranian food is great. Not for vegan "healthy" soys tho.

>It's mostly baron deserts
*Barren, and no Iran is mostly mountains.

Because their governments stated goal is the spread of a worldwide Shia thearchy with socialist tendencies.

Cause immigrants and faggot they make no sense to me, they come to our country and think they'll do as they please - like start some mini-Eyeran, or spread some fucking disease.

because they finance and support proxy terrorism

t. literal state terrorist


>baron deserts

I said you're a terrorist nation

>Because their governments stated goal is the spread of a worldwide Shia thearchy with socialist tendencies.
Then why do they not force convert their Iranian Jews, Boomer?

Israel disobeys international laws of human rights and anti apartheid for a racist ethnic nationalist state.

he's saying he is a paki cunt

Because they oppose "gods chosen people"
Simple as that

Ahmed my boy

yea im asking why since its clearly not true
> international laws of human rights
you know its not a real thing right ? i never elected anyone who sits in a parliament that makes such laws, its a meme.
>racist ethnic nationalist state.
israel has no ethnic nationalism and state racism is forbidden in the deceleration of independence and every administration since israels founding followed this law.
how is being a paki relevant ?

You should have more respect for Israel and the Jewish people.

because we can get away with it and make money off it

we don't have strong feelings towards them, but as per usual they have a hostile and bellicose retarded dictatorship that chafes at our opposition to their faggotry so we come to scuffle with them as they impotently lash out

Most of them left. And jews and iranians have a special relationship

> i never elected anyone who sits in a parliament that makes such laws, its a meme.
That doesn't mean they don't exist, doofus. Are all Israelis this stupid?

> israel has no ethnic nationalism
t. Ashkenazi
You make it very tough for non-Jews to immigrate and settle there.

Israel isn't the Jewish people but a Nazi country

That's retarded they can't be Nazis, Nazis don't like Jews, they are Jews.

They follow the Nazi ideology of securing a future for jewish children and the Jewish race as well as following what's good for the Jewish race, which is fundamentally an enemy to world peace.

There is no tolerance for racial nationalism in 2020 only diversity and human equality.

What even is "Jewish people" no such thing exists as a Jewish race or ethnicity, all humans are the same and you have more differences between individual than races.

What reason does Israel have to deny highly educated professionals who happen to have darker skin?

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t. tranny ahmed