Why do Scandinavians are autistic ? I just saw a Norwegian TV show. A guy takes two people in his arms by surprise and strongly. The two people did not react and wait for the guy to withdraw his arms and when the guy is not here anymore, they said «what was that, really » ?
In France or in Italy, we would have hit the guy, headbutt or right hook
Rafale is soo expensive to maintain and can't even take off from a short runway! India only bought some because they felt sorry for you. Two engines gives more power? Not when it's so heavy!
Tyler Carter
>In France or in Italy, we would have hit the guy, headbutt or right hook But you guys are the ones who won't stop touching people
I can understand like 95% of spoken Norwegian and 100% the written language. It's pretty much the same language but different dialects. Danish on the other hand, I understand maybe 40-45% of that.
Levi Martin
Swedes and Norwegians can communicate with each other in our own languages, no problem. Danes stand out a bit more but it's still perfectly fine if you get used to it. Icelandic and Faroese are both understandable as well for me. Finnish is impossible unless you learn Finnish.
Adam Bennett
I find Danish easier to read than understanding them speaking. The Danes seems to understand swedish without any problem though.
Matthew White
the danes are little cuck island
Thomas Lee
Same, reading it is a lot easier. >The Danes seems to understand swedish without any problem though Probably because Swedish is the "purest" of the three languages. Especially Rikssvenska is super simple for foreigners to understand.
Noah Richardson
I only have a problem with danes from the south west, but most danes, especially from the north like Copenhagen is straight forward. In my experience, most swedes from the west and north understand Norwegian fairly easy, but people from Stockholm tend to switch to English. But I suspect that's it's just a lack of trying, I mean, I understand them perfectly well. But then again, I grew up with Pippi and Emil från Lönneberga on TV when I was little, so that's probably why.
Jordan Reed
What is the swede version of that ?
Ryan Reyes
>What is the swede version of that ? What do you mean?
Chase Ross
They secretly enjoy being violated
Ethan Gonzalez
How do you write this Norwegian sentence in Swedish version ?
Wyatt Anderson
Oh yes they are! If it weren't for lego they would be irrelevant as a nation.
Jace Ross
>people from Stockholm tend to switch to English Yeah, they like to be special little snowflakes. They come up here to Härjedalen and act all "oh I can't understand you". Makes me wanna shoot them.
Parker Walker
Och nu ska jag krossa ditt ansikte.
Lucas Watson
>Härjedalen oh wow, you sound like the swedish chef
Alexander Phillips
Stockholm is the most arrogant place in Sweden. They don't bother to learn anything about their own country but are instantly drawn to trendy foriegn things.
Jack Morgan
You could also write, "Nu ska jag slå in trynet ditt". It's a bit old fashion but still works.
Landon Anderson
>Och nu ska jag krossa ditt ansikte. >Og nå skal jeg knuse trynet ditt.
>local frog is shocked and horrified to discover that people from different cultures behave differently
Jason Martinez
Small differences in the meaning of the word. You can still use it like user here said In Swedish "trynet" means the nose of a pig.
Evan Hernandez
That's what it means in norwegian too, its just extensively used as slang for ''face''
Levi White
>danish infused language >pig nose used as vernacular for one's face
ebin :D
Jordan Parker
You know, I didn't know that. I figured it was just another word for face in Norwegian. And I've lived and worked in Norway for 8+ years during the summers.