Why do Scandinavians are autistic ? I just saw a Norwegian TV show

Why do Scandinavians are autistic ? I just saw a Norwegian TV show.
A guy takes two people in his arms by surprise and strongly. The two people did not react and wait for the guy to withdraw his arms and when the guy is not here anymore, they said «what was that, really » ?

In France or in Italy, we would have hit the guy, headbutt or right hook

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Hiding behind things and scaring people is a traditional Norwegian game, Yas Forums told me. They're autistic beyond our comprehension.

I would probably punch him from reflexes

I used to do that until i was 10 years old

I'm a Finn. Someone grabs me = I stab him.

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>tfw no green eyed Mediterranean gf

your knives are too small

> a french guy would have headbuttes him or right hooked him


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it's a tv show retard, it was set up

>It's another episode of
Every norwegian reacts the same and think the same way

BØ!!! xD heheheh he got scare xD

I've seen butter knives more intimidating

Why did Viking become that sissy insel giant?

Du er en skitten hore

Trve finns dont use lappoid knife

Have you ever been stabbed under the armpit with a butter knife?

I have the same knife. Inherited it from my dad.

How are you suppose to fight?
You haven't build a good fighter since the Mirage program. No one likes your stinky-dinky Rafale.

>Why do Scandinavians are autistic ?
This really tickles my autism.


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takamura come here suckle on this dick

who would actually let you get in such a stab?

Og nå skal jeg knuse trynet ditt.

Based. I carry this one most days.

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Rafale is soo expensive to maintain and can't even take off from a short runway!
India only bought some because they felt sorry for you.
Two engines gives more power? Not when it's so heavy!

>In France or in Italy, we would have hit the guy, headbutt or right hook
But you guys are the ones who won't stop touching people

entrenchment tools are based

It is too small

>Can understand Norwegian


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nice. my dad used to make knives like this

Most scandis can understand each other. I can even read icelandic, faroese and old english if I spend some time on it.

It works just fine.
Simple Scandinavian knives are the best. Nothing flashy, just a knife.

If I was female
I want to be impregnated by YOU
I wanna give my boy girl blue blood

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I can understand like 95% of spoken Norwegian and 100% the written language. It's pretty much the same language but different dialects.
Danish on the other hand, I understand maybe 40-45% of that.

Swedes and Norwegians can communicate with each other in our own languages, no problem.
Danes stand out a bit more but it's still perfectly fine if you get used to it.
Icelandic and Faroese are both understandable as well for me. Finnish is impossible unless you learn Finnish.

I find Danish easier to read than understanding them speaking. The Danes seems to understand swedish without any problem though.

the danes are little cuck island

Same, reading it is a lot easier.
>The Danes seems to understand swedish without any problem though
Probably because Swedish is the "purest" of the three languages. Especially Rikssvenska is super simple for foreigners to understand.

I only have a problem with danes from the south west, but most danes, especially from the north like Copenhagen is straight forward. In my experience, most swedes from the west and north understand Norwegian fairly easy, but people from Stockholm tend to switch to English. But I suspect that's it's just a lack of trying, I mean, I understand them perfectly well. But then again, I grew up with Pippi and Emil från Lönneberga on TV when I was little, so that's probably why.

What is the swede version of that ?

>What is the swede version of that ?
What do you mean?

They secretly enjoy being violated

How do you write this Norwegian sentence in Swedish version ?

Oh yes they are! If it weren't for lego they would be irrelevant as a nation.

>people from Stockholm tend to switch to English
Yeah, they like to be special little snowflakes. They come up here to Härjedalen and act all "oh I can't understand you". Makes me wanna shoot them.

Och nu ska jag krossa ditt ansikte.

oh wow, you sound like the swedish chef

Stockholm is the most arrogant place in Sweden. They don't bother to learn anything about their own country but are instantly drawn to trendy foriegn things.

You could also write, "Nu ska jag slå in trynet ditt".
It's a bit old fashion but still works.

>Och nu ska jag krossa ditt ansikte.
>Og nå skal jeg knuse trynet ditt.

Why the trynet disappeared?

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>local frog is shocked and horrified to discover that people from different cultures behave differently

Small differences in the meaning of the word. You can still use it like user here said In Swedish "trynet" means the nose of a pig.

That's what it means in norwegian too, its just extensively used as slang for ''face''

>danish infused language
>pig nose used as vernacular for one's face

ebin :D

You know, I didn't know that. I figured it was just another word for face in Norwegian. And I've lived and worked in Norway for 8+ years during the summers.

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is this true for all non-med yurop? russian student at my middle school did this constantly

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We are forest people. Hiding behind trees and other things and then ambushing our prey is normal for us.

Just like people in Oslo

>oh wow, you sound like the swedish chef
Yes we do.

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It's no wonder we used to have plenty of bunkers deep down the earth.

I need to buy one of the old bunkers one day. There's two or three for sale in my area alone.