This is how Russian people view other nationalities. Where do you find yourself on this diagram and how fair is it in your opinion?
This is how Russian people view other nationalities...
Why are we less warm than Germans and the Chinese?
do russians really see us as cold?
I never had a problem with any russian tourist here
Most people from this sample size have never interacted with bongs, their opinion is based on russian stereotype about brits being reserved and smug
>tfw no warm Yakut gf to keep me warm on cold wintry nights
I have no idea why Turks are so low on warmth scale. There are a few very questionable results on that diagram
very fair
must be due to the fact that you were bombing the shit out of our syrian frens when this thing was conducted
>not on the map
>fucking Slovaks are
>even though there is a shitload of Russians here
Why Serbia so high?
explain the 3 colours
>warm and competent
Because their main passtime is fellating Russia for free.
Meant to respond to
Serbia is literally the only nation in the world that hasn't turn its back on Russia
Who the fuck sees Americans as cold
did you zoom in or something? my country is not even there
Maybe you should take a world history class))
Not even on there. Do Russians even know we exist
Just because you Russians lost everything to us doesn’t mean we’re not nice people
Russians think that American psychopaths that a driven only by money use their famous smiles and politness as a mask to hide their true nature from normal people
What do russians have against the baltic people, to view them like arabs
I'm sorry you scored so low, maybe it's due to small sample size
But our kindness isn’t fake, foreigners always think it’s fake but that’s just how we naturally are
And they're 100% correct
>More warm than cold
And I'm a Finn myself.
>how are you?
>"not too well, my dog died last week and I-"
>woah, woah, woah, I didn't ask for your life story
Russians are spot-on about your true nature
They are definitely low and for me it's a fair map
That's more about relationships
>Who cates what r*ssia thinks, its a festering shitheap of deseased ridden alcoholics.
>Id sooner care what Turks think.
>you Russians
I didn't know Americans are this bad at flags.
we're not warm we're fucking cold insects
you are anglo-reptilians
Balts are successful and hate Russians. This makes Russians seethe.
I know, but once again this shit is based on stereotypes, most of those poeple never had any kind of meaningful interaction with foreigners
That’s not how we’d act
Do you not know what )) is you uncultured swine
>what is ))
I didnt know limeys were this retarded
sosi moi khui, pepik
t. cuckhol refugee in Prague
They're the butt of a lot of jokes that have to do with being slow, kooky or incompetent.
I doubt the average Russian ever thinks about Balts at all.
Dont hide your flag, eh... Haruto
Ok so Russians know nothing about my country. Cool. At least it means Putin won't try and destabilise us
well it is what it is dude you asked
That's true though. Amerimutts are cold impudent psychopaths.
Right now you have reputation of pathetic muslim bootlickers on anglo leash who decided to virtual signaling all muslims and sentece people who shared a simple video.
Tarrant is a guy from Russia...
that's bullshit, the absolute majority of russian people have no idea about what's going on in new zealand, and this subject never occupies the thoughts of regular people
That's pretty accurate though.
>Tfw Russians are frens
no source no n no nothing
>Your country
>Why aren't you as warm and competent as the Finns?
I'm fine with that.
We're warm and competent
Lol most people here barely cared about the shootings. You guys have far more Muslims than we will ever have. I agree that our government went too far with censorship bullshit though.
quod erat demonstrandum
>Lol @ the kaccap mod that temp banned me.
>What kind of a shithole site let kaccaps be mods? 4shit, thats who!
You're just salty that you're not on the chart
>Brits the descendants of the most powerful empire in the history of the world are as competent as Kazakhs
why are armenians so high while chechen so low ? they are caucasians
what mean warmth?
That's like asking why Albanians and the French are different because they're European.
Armenians are christians and have been our allies for 200 years, Chechens are durka mujahideens who are prune to chimping outs and beheadings
Armenians love sucking russian dick while chechens fought for their independence.