1. Country?

1. Country?
2. Whats your ethnic background/ ancestry? Are you happy or proud of it?

I'm a castizo. It kind of feels bad knowing that you will never belong to a native culture with a strong homogenous ethnic background, I will never be considered a Native American and I will never be considered a Spaniard even tho most of my genetic background comes from there. That being said, I love both Native American and Spanish culture.

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Spanish from both parents
It's fucking hilarious, back in Congolombia I'm the spaniard and here I am the sudaca
Proud about it? Meh, I don't care about it much, I feel like a sudaca
It got me into a functional country though

My parents are Taiwanese. I'm different. It's not a big part of my self-identity

2. Finn with a hint of sw*de on my mothers side
I would love to be a pure Finn. But the brown eyed whore with semi distant swedish ancestry seduced my blue eyed pure Finn father and now I am a green eyed mutt. I can not believe my father let our bloodline be defiled. I always post here about being the wgitest and I claim to have blue eyes but in reality i have green eyes and i am mixed with indonigger.

*I'm indifferent

I have Spanish citizenship because of my mothers side of the family and I wont go to Spain because I dont want to be called a panchito or Sudaca.

>Irish/Anglo mutt (officially like 75% Irish, but who knows how much of that is Brit rapebaby anyway)
I don't really care that much about it. My family's been here generations on both sides, the most recent Irish immigrants were my grandfather and his brothers (and that's more than most "Irish-Americans" can say). To me it's basically a footnote, something that doesn't matter at all aside from an answer when people ask this question and an excuse to get blasted from Guinness on March 17th. I just see myself as a white American, even if I do live in the biggest WE WUZ MICKS N SHIET part of the country.

Fenn*swede nigger get out

My surname has a long history in both Croatia and Herzegovina. Very proud with my heritage and genes and glad to know all about my ancestors and my culture. I just wish I inherited my mother's blue eyes, but can't compare got 201cm height from father.

What do sudacas look like

I am Salvadoran (by descent; I wasn't born there). It's not a problem in the US, but I understand why the dwindling majority population is upset by its own displacement. The demographic change in the US seems insane even to myself. I don't think it promotes long-term stability.

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British Isles/Norwegian old stock American

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I'm sure you know what Latinos/mestizos look like. Sudaca is just the Spanish slur for them.

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Most people don't care, and the ones who actually do will call you sudaca based on your accent, so practice some Valladolid Castillian (fuck M*drid)

On average, like MENAs

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>The term Russia Germans (in German, Russlanddeutsche, Lit. "German of the Russian Land") means "Germans of Russia," that is to say, Germans and/or their descendants living in Russia or in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Our culture is different than both native germans and russians. I don't have any connection to Russia and don't speak russian though, so people don't notice.

Did your family get kicked out by Stalin during the purge?

If I was you I would come here, it's better to stop starving than to having to deal with being called stuff desu, but you do you sudaca

2.Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Czech, all around slavoid and happy with it

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Mom is PHOENICIAN and dad is *talian. I don't mind either but I'll only ever marry a Lebanese gtirl

No, they emigrated after the fall of the soviet union. I was born here though.

Pure north morrocan here, would have loved to be a native Belgian would have made everything easier for me but things are as they are and I love both belgian and morrocan culture.

What was life like for them in the Soviet Union?

Do spaniards view all latinos as the same people or do you guys differentiate between different countries? Are argies treated the same way as dominicans in Spain?


> dominicans
Dominicans are treated like a separate group from the rest of latinos. Their own thing

I can make a ranking, though
> Peruvians, Bolivians, Ecuadorians
When people say "panchi", they think of these, mostly amerindian looking groups
> Venezuelans, Argentinians, Brazilians
Usually returned spaniards, still sudacas
> Colombians
Drugs, Pablo, hot women
> Central Americans, Mexicans, Chileans
We don't have them, they rarely come here
> Dominicans
Machete fights

Not even latino, but based on how all the other local mostly-Mexi/Central American Hispanics talk about Dominicans and Ricans, probably not. They're basically seen as niggers who speak the Spanish version of ebonics and don't know how to pronounce the letter S.

This is just what American Latinos think of them though.

>1. Country?
>2. Whats your ethnic background/ ancestry? Are you happy or proud of it?
Black American but I have German, French, and English Ancestry as well. Happy? Yes. Proud? I don't care enough about my ancestry to be proud of it lol there's no merit in being proud of it.

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They mostly kept to themselves, but were heavily discriminated both because they were german and religious. They were called facists even though they were born years after the war

How many women have you BLACKED today, Tyrone?

Central European I guess. My ancestors came from all over the place, palatinate, Hungary, Czechia, carinthia, etc

Yeah, I know Russia is so very multi-ethnic but I figured Germs would be way down on the Russian-ethnic power level charts between WW2 and Soviet collapse

British isles, mostly Scottish, I'm a 6th gen NZer

Yeah it's cool, proud of my culture/heritage and the history of my people. Decently successful irl too so not just a larper.

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why do you want to know? Are you going to masturbate to my sex stories?

Pied noir and Russian Jews.

Español puro de oliva, wich means 100% Spaniard.

I'm not proud of it in the racial or genetical sense because I think is stupid but I'm happy and proud in the cultural sense.

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>niggers who speak the Spanish version of ebonics and don't know how to pronounce the letter S
All of this is true, and they also drink shit beer. They're good at baseball and gave us Big Papi, though, so I'm willing to let it slide

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Yes, have to settle since BLACKED ceased production

Armenian, Russian, Ukranina, Jewish, Gypsy

>these are the euros posting "mutt's law" images


Jewish, German, Chinese.

northern greek

Well I've been single for two years now so no one today, Manuel.

Don't listen to this autist If a boomer here listens to your accent he'll think you are a panchito plain and simple, they have no time or interest in dividing you into rankings, all go into the same basket.

you must be good at music sir mutt

>between different countries
There's barely no integration, mostly because the massive migrations tend to do ghettos, yes you are better than most of the migrants but even if you are "white" if you live in a medium village you will end with all the sudacas.

I do like to play musical insturments, but I can't really decide if the Russians or Jews make better music.

I'm 1/4 Ukrainian + 3/4 Spanishmutt. And I don't care that much about socially constructed concepts like le culture or muh race 2bqhwy, my nig.

> 1/4 Ukr
Story here

only foreign precence i know is that one of my great grandmother was from croatia. i fear Turkish blood more than anything desu.

I was, am, and will be always a japanese (hairy dark-skinned jomon type)

>socially constructed concepts
You should stay in reddit, thats where you belong.

Icelandic, can trace my lineage back to the first settlers. I've been told I look irish/scottish, so I guess I'm a good example of a norse-gaelic mix

no matter what people say I'm extremely proud of my heritage

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>mother's side is semi-venetian , can't tell if they were romanised croats or slav'd Italians and I'm not sure if the last name is Slavic or Italian in origin
>my grandmother on my father's side has a Slovak/Czech last name although she doesn't know anything about non-Croat ancestors
>grandfather on my father's side has some Ožbolt and Rajšel ancestors
>my last name can be found in Bohemia but it's still most common in West Croatia
I'm ok with that, I just hope Babuš isn't a gypsy last name

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>white British. Yes I am proud, i am of good racial stock

The blue, red and yellow flag is the flag of the Kingdom of Galacia. They were what was called Galitzianers.

Am I happy or proud? I don't really care. I'm interested by where my ancestors came from and would love to know more about them, but it doesn't change who I am as a person or make me proud.

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I'm Swedish/English on my mother's side (New England), Spanish/Nigerian on my father's side (Cuba). Idk how I feel about it, sometimes I hate being part white other times I hate being part black.

Long story short, my grandpa went to Canada as refugee after WWII, then moved to Costa Rica (as the quintessential sexpat).
Based 4channeler!

West coast Swede
I'm proud but personal accomplishment matters the most

White. Yes, obviously, I'm European, duh..