ITT: foreign heads of state you like and impressed by
ITT: foreign heads of state you like and impressed by
This is the king of Spain.
He looks so nice.
Goddamned coward
i am also impressed how bad he did
with what?
with the increase of unemployment and in general the youth misery.
idk i changed my job 4th time this year because i didn't like any of them
sounds about macron to me
>liking monarchs
unemployment decreased in france since he's in charge, but nice try switching points, take note that your blue house resident turned a florishing economy with very low unemployment to a ill economy with a very high youth unemployment, the situation in sk is in general worse than it was before he was in, oh and japan is better than korea.
It's easy for unemployment rate to come down when your capital has turned into manure pile of shit reeking with tear gas and you need more sweepers to clean up.
Well you are French
What did he do?
wow nice maymay fat cunt, just stick to orange hairs speeches if you need some laugh.
But you are French
and you're a cucked stamp flag, so what ?
and you have the amerimutt flu, don't (You) at me with your infestuous disease.
Fucking surrender monkey. You surrendered in WWII and now you surrendered to arab and african immigration which is raping your country with Islam. You have no room to talk shit about any other country.
No, I am French American
lmao, nice cope my seething mutt coughing cunt
It wasn't even an insult but considering how angry you got, it just proves to me that the french are the most pathetic people on this board.
I like Macron. Leo Varadkar isn't bad too.
Have finished praying 5 times a day? You won't get into paradise if you don't, Ahmed
>impressed by
funny, koreans are not
coming from an aussie cuck craving for attention that's rich
How would you rate Bolsonaro's actions so far regarding the pandemic?
imagine wasting your youth years calling anybody an arab in a mongoloid board using your mother tongue, you make me laugh kid.
>coming from an aussie cuck craving for attention that's rich
Je suis mucho Francaise. I am proud French American living in America's Wetland. Je mange muy french food como gumbo e queso.
1/10, unironically.
damn, you're so dumb to find something to respond you stick to wojak meme, in fact i expected this kind of behaviour from somone too cucked he still bows under a far away granny.
Dangerously based
>damn, you're so dumb to find something to respond you stick to wojak meme, in fact i expected this kind of behaviour from somone too cucked he still bows under a far away granny.
Seethe more. Salami alaykum you french
baguette faggot. You might as well hand over your wine production to us before sharia law comes into effect in your country.
so you're an arab too ? i don't get your point.
oof, i got you kid
Sure you did, jr.
nice source, also
lmao, never change burger
T, 대깨문
We won't change here in America, don't you worry about that. Can't say the same about you though
None in contemporary times but this guy was pretty based.
so you will stay dumb and ignorant while a minority will enslave you in an endless larbour routine, indeed never change, this is how we like to see americans, on thei knees craving for more semen from their overlords.
Funny, you seem to be in a similar situation. The main difference is that, well, you're french.
i'd better be french than american tho
why do they have the "mom i finished my homework can i play on the xbox now" stance
Good posture is important habibi
>manlet union
If ex leaders count, Lee Kuan Yew.
fuck him and fuck you
I always wondered what's the deal with that pose
He's telling you where the bathroom is
calm down Jean Pierre