/brit/ edition
Is /brit/ a incels general ?
the fact is that if you've lived in yorkshire then you'll never live anywhere better
have no friends lads
dunno what to do about it either
The computer I'd picked out 2 weeks ago today costs close to $200 more today. Worst part of all this 'rona stuff is it stopped China buying our rocks.
only on weekends
pootoil imminent
if you're a 21yo+ male then its over
you'll have to settle for friendly workplace acquaintances I'm afraid
Might eat a pizza for breakfast.
Suspect there's quite a few places in the world better than Yorkshire
Somerset exists
you suspect wrong
The right on is a proper cow. The left one is a poser
Lancashire for one
I'm not scared by corona /brit/.
I'm from Ballyanus and I say kill 'em all
the whole of wales
LOOOOOOOL the delusion
based do your part citizen poster
imagine being this socially retarded
No one under 50 should be. If you have a preexisting condition then it's for the best your shit genetics are wiped clean anyway.
Just read a book by Marx in which he argued that the Black Death was great because it destroyed feudalism.
Just shows that lefties have always been utter mongs.
I've been to ballydehob
Mateys shoulder was dislocated, other person is now jobless
says the autismo that cant understand obvious sarcasm
>friendly workplace acquaintances
have these
dont have someone i can just have a pint or play fifa with
nor do i have a gf or any clue of how to get one
I'm not allowed to go outisde /brit/ ...
>His workplace colleagues don't go out drinking
What sort of shithole do you work at?
>obvious sarcasm
if you say so
why are you even in this thread? you realise no-one wants foreign cunts like you here
Advice for getting friends 1. Drink more 2. Be open 3. Don't be a hateful bastard, helped me make actual friends at work that I see on weekends and go on holiday with
just seen some dreadful bait
grown men dont make new friends
we go out for like a pint every now and then.
this doesnt mean anything to me
on a saturday(after lockdown) what do i do to make some friends
where do i go
what do i say
what do i wear
Saddo cope
i have friends
Because I'm British but unlike you I'm not on a VPN
these girls must be so redpilled to see how easy it is to get so much male attention already
>the worst period in western history is when jews are in charge
neurons firing on full blast
>Drink more
>Be open
>Don't be a hateful bastard
I have only enemies and slightly-less enemies
Yankoids btfo
dangerously intellectual post
Making friends? Cringe
thinking a lot about self esteem issues i had as a child and teen that i never really resolved but just sort of learned to distract myself from but now are taking over my mind due to sheer inactivity haha
Oh. So it IS just a cold.
can you stop looking at my fucking feet /brit/ you disgusting pig
got bullied at school lads
by lots of different people as well
the past doesnt exist right
the past doesnt exist
How many years ago?
This rishi sunak/priti patel love people have is weird af
allow me to share with you my sad obsession
great chance for alt lites to virtue signal as not racist
girls give me a lot of grief about myself
i clocked on aged 18 that i wasnt going to get a gf like in the movies
9 years ago
i thought if i could just be enthusiastic about partying at uni everything would all fall into place
on the end of year party of the first year, i just realised that there is no point of trying to pretend
have you eaten breakfast yet?
i went home after about 30 minutes
What’s the purpose of having blue boards if you’re going to put pornographic ads on them?
Unironically internalised anti-racism as it were
Why even care at this point then
Is Priscilla famous britain.
miss my ex. she was attractive and i just dont think i can replicate that fluke.
any next gf is going to not be as attractive.
probably factors into my latent perceptions of myself
i find nihilistic ideas appealing because rejecting that there any inherent things is soothing when youre sense of self is otherwise built on a foundation of bully, doubt, rejection and complexes
I want to take Emma Watson doggystyle.
kek this is me
done a massive clean since rona
just flicked on the light then flicked it off
this covid isolation lark is messing with my mind