Japan & Korea

Why do they hate each other when they're so genetically, culturally, and sociopolitically similar?

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They both need to work together against the Chink menace.

I want to kill *mericans with Korea bros

Japan, Korea and China should work together against the white supremacy

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yayoi are fake jap= gook
real jap are jomon

>t. Zhang

honeslty i was neutral about korea but i started hating it after kpop ( im okay with the girlgroups but the boygroup shouldn't exist and this is degeneracy)


>im okay with the groups that make me coom but NOT with the groups my girlfriend likes


Okay Davido

> t. agent John Smith from Langley, Virginia

This but without the white supremacy part

nah i don't watch gook girls, they are ugly insectoid but at least they look like girls while the men doesn't look men which is the peak of degeneracy.

>Zhang vs Smith

>t. Qi Xiang Huang from Tsinghua University

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because it worked out so well for you last time?



they hate us cause they aint us

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> t. PMC operator Johnson McDonald from Guantanamo Bay detention camp

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>Working with Japan

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>Why do they hate each other when they're so genetically, culturally, and sociopolitically similar?

Isn't that basically how nearly every neighboring rivalry works?

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i didn't imply that though, they also hate us

Disregard flag. Korean expat in the US.

The younger generation really don't, at least not so much on the Korean side. We're far more concerned with China if anything. As for the older generation, because they still lived through/grew up feeling affected by the colonial past. In the long-run, the anti-Japanese sentiment is increasingly becoming less and less relevant as the cultural and commercial ties deepen.

As for Japan, as far as I know, it's super weird because for them it seems to be the opposite. The older generation whose worldview is still viewed by the Postwar liberal consensus is more reluctant about nationalistic attitude while it's the young that tends to veer more and more towards the right.


has japan ever apologized for the war crimes against the chinese? i'm not saying you should, just wondering

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Here's the reason why the history conflict between Japan and the former WW2 victims never end.

In terms of individual Japanese government heads and cabinets, yes, there were apologies and expressions of regret. But it's never codified not even as an informal protocol, so not only do the attitudes shift change completely when the Japanese leadership changes, but the same politicians who went on international media to say, "Japan is apologetic about its past" often turns around instantly to the domestic audience to say, "we won't let damn foreigners tell us how to commemorate our history."

At least from the Korean and Chinese side, the issue is not so much the absence of apologies as opposed to commitment and sincerity about it. As for the Japanese side, it seems to me that they interpret such condemnation as external interference.

Why should they fuck the Chinese

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Japanese are built by chinese


Korean monkey are built by japanese .

Koreans are built by chinese too

We have zero connection to japanese

Has Mexico ever apologized for the war crimes against the Confederacy of Tlaxcala, Cempoala, Texcoco, Otomis, Xochimilco, Mixqui and Iztapalapa peoples? I'm not saying you should, just wondering.

japan should've had a koeran-esque split in the cold war with a communist half and the current western half so things would be perfectly balanced in east asia

Nigga that shit would of never happend if you kept your dick in your pants.

What the hell are you talking about, José? All this happened before the Spaniards arrived, and the Spaniards were the ones who liberated all those peoples from the Mexica tyranny.

>t.Japan rape baby

are yayoi gook?


Haha Japan rape Korea in WW2

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It seems like they have a pretty childish pride. "why should we apologize for the bad things that we did? that's like bending the knee for the enemy!"

No lmao

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No, they rape us before WW2

they were all destroyed in Korean war so doesn't really mean anything

because of you

It's not about psychology; it's about history. Even more so than it was in Europe, in Asia, almost everyone who had worked for the Japanese imperialism & fascism during the WW2 whose profile was slightly less prominent than Tojo himself just came straight back into the positions of power and influence. The overseeing overlord of all the Postwar reconstruction, the American GHQ was only concerned with finding the 'best personnel to contain communism', so their choice naturally came to....

Furthermore, hardly any of the sensitive parts of the WW2 period history is taught in Japanese historical education curriculum. The sustained cultural interaction with other Asian countries like Korea and China was shallow and only became serious after the '90s and the fall of the Cold War. And nowadays, the Japanese themselves are very insecure about losing the "best of Asia" title in various things.

Only by understanding the combination of those factors, it seems to me, could you make sense of a country where individual citizens are too polite to even walk around in their own house, but as a collective, they run rape-armies and go in full-denial mode.

Then, give back Sumsung Posco SK, and pretty much all of your companies.
They are all based off the Japanese industry.

Give give give. So lame.
This is why Korea is way cooler these data.

former colonies tend to be butthurt against former suzerains.

nigga, korea is literally in the middle of a campaign of "no japan (until japan gives money again)".

I find it sad that Japan, which historically enjoyed an ovo lacto vegetarian diet (with fish eaten only on special ocassions) for over 1200 years is capable of naturally growing larger breasts but its continental neighbors doesn't despite their long history of eating meat. Even with the proliferation of westernized food nowadays and increasing consumption of dairy the continental East Asians are still unable to naturally grow bigger titties than the Japanese in most cases.

hey, modern China and Korean made by Japan.
gave lot of money helped construction and any social necessities.

China and Korea are betrayed Japan.

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what is interpunction you fatty


I guess that counts as an apology

Imagine dying because your hospital works for money and not for you”
this post was made by the rest of the world

Aren’t you missing someone?