Redpill edition

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helllllo fellow harbringers of civilization
how's your day?

I feel enlightened to bring civilization upon the norfs

Good morning, to humans and Romanians

Romania is the Texas of the Balkans
Greece is the Florida

Macedonia haters on suicide watch

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Ai da lele lele ș-a mea lele, pentru tine trag belele

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Based and deserved after all the years of waiting. Took only one Zaev


thank good im from the right side of france (the south)

Pretty same so far

Gotta love those based sand kings

Attached: The Educated Of Europe.jpg (1260x1260, 772.89K)

Couldnt agree more

Aaaaah, Yas Forums. The only board which prides itself in NOT being white.

I'd talk back but I really dont know anything about you

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Based Sofia once again the leader in the peninsula

It's not difficult to see why:

My hometown has more inhabitants than Lithuania and is coloured the same way

why is this general so good? it is the only general I browse here

they peed on our flag

>Politics: Anarchy


Бpaвo Caшкo! Чaкaмe ви дa дoйдeтe в EC.

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>Θίχτηκαν οι Βούλγαροι
>Εισαγωγή ξυδιού άμεσα να βγάλουμε κέρδος

>Σουκα μπλιατ ιντιναχουι


>мaкeдoния в EC
>нa гpaницaтa нямa дa ти зaдaвaт 3 млpд въпpoca зa тoвa кaквo щe пpaвиш във вeликaтa aнтичкa импepия
пpeдcтaви cи


just woow

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Ah, the good old electronicless, advertless marble tomb feel. It's an abstract kind of feel.

these full shelves in full-on communism, if I didn't know it was Bulgaria I'd think it was Yugoslavia

sad that Bulgarians couldn't bring their houses in order

i've been playing the same song on repeat for 2 days in a row

>dobar den
>kakvo da bude
>tochno li e
>lek den
A da ti sera v ustata kurvo nevuzpitana, posledno si kupuvam ot vas

i miss bullying him

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Not part of that ~40%, huh?

You wuz relatively based @ 1 point tho. (Pic related)
I believe in you, user. Keep chugging along. I BELIEVE!

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Dont get too emotional user, we know life in Lithuania thrives people to suicide when reality kicks in (who can blame them)

funny how we're about to enter an unprecedented crisis yet people still post GDP charts and other maps, it won't matter at all in a few months

Evalata, bratmeee

No, the swarthoids have overtaken, its a 80% brown country.

The world will continue

Yes, but we'll have to wait until ~2025 to reach GDP from 2019 again I guess

well, the crisis was expected to break out sooner or later but everyone thought it would be in 2021 and of course it wouldn't be as severe as what we can expect now, this crisis can be only compared with a war or maybe Great Depression from 1929

For us it's good, theyll outsource even more. Also fuck the greedy bankers

>theyll outsource even more.

they won't if all businesses are closed

who will need your outsourcing when the economy is simply on hold?

also, Bulgaria lost its monetary advantage by joining ERM2, you can't just lower your currency's value to become more attractive for foreign investors

We never were able our currency value since its tied to the Euro since 15 years. They come cause our tax is 10%.

cant be worried about money if you never had any
what do i care if some westoid countries collapse,if anything its better for us as the gap will be closed a bit

>They come cause our tax is 10%.

again, the problem with the current situation is that we have never seen anything like that, all other crises in history were purely financial crises - economy could work, but it didn't because of financial reasons

now it's different, there's no problem with finances, there is a lot of money 'in stock' but the problem is that no one can run his business (and even if he does, most of his potential customers won't come to him because they're afraid of going outside) - this is something your comparative advantage (low taxes and wages) won't help, because you're on a lockdown, like everyone else, and your people can't work efficiently (if at all)

I dont see it as dramatic. The virus will vanish and with him most of the impact. What can happen is that certain manufacturers will have been replaced with others, which didnt stop working. The whole thing is pretty shady to begin with, not sure who's behind it but I dont want to know what the purpose of this will be.

Not him, but sooner or later, people will accept the 0.0001% risk of dying from a chink cough and start working, when the risk of not being able to support your family or dying of hunger is 100x higher.

> The virus will vanish

If it was a certain thing then you'd be right. But there are more and more signals that it won't just disappear. South Korea found 150 new infections yesterday, it's just spreading despite controlled borders so just think what will happen when EU countries are open again. Until the vaccine is available the virus will be with us. We can only hope it will lose its intensity in the summer (along with new mutations) but we don't really know, and it can still hit us again in the autumn.

>most of the impact. What can happen is that certain manufacturers will have been replaced with others, which didnt stop working.

Exactly, a lot of firms will go bankrupt, there will be a total mess in the market. It will stabilize but not within a week, more like a year or more (if the virus is already contained) and making up for lost GDP will last until 2025 I'm afraid.

It's 0.0001% if our healthcare is still working and every person that needs oxygen/ICU can get it (and even 20% of patients need hospitalization). If there are millions infected people and tens of thousands who need ICU, the healthcare system will just explode and people will be dying not only of coronavirus but of all other diseases that could be cured if they could be hospitalized

Good. You don't want those weaklings anyway.

young people die too, don't underestimate this virus

Clean shaved my whole face after 3-4 years and can't recognize myself in the mirror. Also my neck fat is on par with Sloni's.

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It’s okay shqiptard you will lose the weight when you starve now


>Macedonian rap song talking about drugs and money, music video full of girls dancing
>Not single one of them has revealing or whorish clothes

Wow, its almost as if Macedonian women are not whores

Arthoes are obnoxious, change my mind.

кaј дa ce пoтпишaм нa пeтицијaтa дa имaмe цeлo вpeмe eвтинa cтpyјa дoк тpae кopoнaтa

odi slikaj koli na plostad i ne smaraj

not only that, they are boring and not unique
you can't whore your ass on a video in a small country, everyone will know and judge you lol


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>what purpose
2019 was the first year since fall of communism more Bulgarians returned to Bulgaria than left. I assume it's similar in other eastern euro countries. This is a danger for the west, slaves are needed, but the faggoid westerner is not willing to accept more Africans and Arabs, so the east needs to be brain drained more. And people will go if the economies collapse cause they will still think there it's easier for them. Now Serbia, Albania and Macedonia will be fast tracked to the EU to make it easier for them to go there, and since they are poorer with way more unemployment than us people there will seek their luck in the west as well. It's always the same scheme, east has been nothing to them but a cheap labour provider. Of course, with the beneficial help of the local corrupt governments. That's why they hate Orban and other nationalists, not cause they are corrupt (as if Boyko, Romanians and so on arent) but because he tries to keep his people.


if there's one type of women that really get on my nerves just by looking at them, it's artwhores. pic is some macedonian "singer" artwhore, i wanna strangle her.

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