China is lying about their numbers

>China is lying about their numbers.
>"Okay, prove it."
>[posts nonsensical irrelevant circumstantial shit. no direct proof]

People need to stop doing this.

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But... But.... China man bad!

why are you reposting reddit shit here? why don't you fuck off back there?

Ok but how do you explain the fact that the second best healthcare system in the world (Italy) has twice as many deaths with the same amount of cases?

>doesn't understand the relation between smoking, lung disease and pneumonia
Is the Canadian education system really this based?




If you are anti-china you are a fucking redditor and you need to go back.

Because Italy has a large percentage of old people who are the most vulnerable. But more importantly, Italy is a Med country so their culture involves a lot of close contact, stuff like kissing on the cheek to greet others is common.

If you are pro china you are a fucking chink and being canadian makes it all the more likely.

They also don't wash their hands or use soap

That’s just affects the total amount of cases, not the death rate
The median age in Italy is only 8 years more than China. Sure it would account for an increased mortality rate, but not double.

B…but Chinaman bad! Trump and CNN told me so!

>Japan defending China


the fact that China is most likely spending more time and resources in trolls and PR strategies on how the virus was made by the US and China is victim (but China no.1) than treating or researching a cure for the virus is evidence enough

>Italians be like yeah time to go get my hair done
Then you ask us why China's quarantine is successful and Italy's failed? Chinese people understand discipline and rules. We are strong people. Italians are a weak people and culture. They require Chinese guidance and our government is telling Italian government how to act.

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>canadian flag
>defending chinkistan
what a surprise

Refer to my other point about Med culture. If still unsatisfied consider stuff like from where it spread and how effective containment from those areas was in both countries.

>We are strong people
you are not chinese

Who knows. Germany has low numbers of deaths as well. Are you going to start accusing them of lying as well? Or does that only apply to the Chinese?

Quality of healthcare doesnt matter as much at this point, it's moreso about overall capacity, which is a metric that's not usually being tested to this level. And Italy's response was way slower than China's.

sometimes you can't prove things but it's still likely. For example, North Korea claims they have 0 cases but no one actually believes that

Yeah but my point is if there is bad containment there will just be more cases and more deaths. In Italy the death rate is over twice that of China’s.

Go choke on a burger you fucking animal. Tell your stupid dog president to stop calling Xi Jinping for help. American bastard.

There's milllions of chinks living in worst korea and japan.

honestly getting urges to beat the next chink i see on the street with a baseball bat. should i call a therapist


>second best healthcare system in the world (Italy)

Idk but I assume it’s because Germany did good testing so they’re actually getting all the positives.

Italy is one of the most based countries there is and recent events are a tragedy. It's too bad China won't be wiped out by the Chinese Virus.

reddit is owned by china you dumb fuck

>Yeah but my point is if there is bad containment there will just be more cases and more deaths
obviously, and i think italy messed up initially on this point and combine that with their older population and likeliness for close contact you get higher numbers.

They probably do have a lot of people doing that, but there's probably even more from the CIA. But nobody's talking about that now, are they?

>South Korea
>Hong Kong
all have similar death rates and trajectories as China. So they are all lying right? American brain is so small and filled with burger grease. Even American CDC believes China. Only stupid trump cock suckers think China is lying. Pathetic peoples.

that has to be satire

And how do you know this? You know the owner? Fucking retard. Pull that shit back in your ass you stupid moose nigger.

China is clearly lying just based on Did you see the “hospitals” China was storing the sick in? I didn’t see a single ventilator in them. There is no way the mortality rate of Italy should be 2x that of China.

>There is no way

Are you a doctor? Are you stupid? Look at Japan. Look at South Korea. Look at Taiwan. Look at Hong Kong. ALL same as China. Look at Germany. All same as China. Italians are fucking stupid and begging for Chinese help. And we are helping them because we can correct Italy to become a strong country once again. American will go to hell where it belongs.

Why are you automatically giving the Germans the benefit of the doubt but immediately questioning the Chinese? Honestly, everyone's numbers are probably way off, including our own, but I don't really get why it's only the Chinese that are being constantly accused of cover-ups, unless it's just a conditioned response from the anti-china propaganda that's been running nonstop for the last few years.

Why would the CIA be doing that? The whole world knows the virus started in Wuhan.
America doesn’t even have a propaganda arm.

>America doesn’t even have a propaganda arm.

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No, I didn't see those. Did you? Or are you just taking some random person that you've met's words as fact? Are you really that gullible?

looks like all the factory slaves are working from home now.

>Are you a doctor? Are you stupid? Look at Japan. Look at South Korea. Look at Taiwan. Look at Hong Kong. ALL same as China. Look at Germany. All same as China.
Again. Germany has a terrific healthcare system, China’s hospitals were awful. Hardly any ventilators, if Italy didn’t have ventilators I guarantee you their deaths would already be at 15 or 20 thousand.
Seriously, go back. Why don’t you go back?

t. cheng moderator of /r/chinathebest

fuck off you slant eyed shill.

What you said is Chinese numbers are impossible. Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Germany and many other countries prove its possible. Yet you still think China lies because you are a fucking stupid American dog with grease brain.

Look at your own fucking words and think again. "Numbers are not possible". Fuck you

>No, I didn't see those. Did you? Or are you just taking some random person that you've met's words as fact? Are you really that gullible?
Idiot I watched the news. Their hospitals were just rows of beds with no life support.

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I hope now Amuricucks finally realized that they shouldnt've invest shittons of money in china or giving them any technologies. Never trust twofaced chinkoids.

china literally built a bunch of hospitals just for this
we are letting people die in their homes due to lack of resources

Why wouldn't they? The CIA has been running constant psyops since WWII. They even have admitted propaganda outlets flooding "our enemies" with falsified "news" today. Eg. Radio Free Asia.

>America doesn’t even have a propaganda arm.

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fuck you plumber. we own your stupid country.

If you love China so much, why don't you go back?

>What you said is Chinese numbers are impossible.
Chinese mortality rate is impossible
>japan Hong Kong Taiwan
The didn’t have that many cases
They haven’t hit the dying stage yet
Again, why don’t you go back to China?

hey dumbfuck. it's not chinese capabilities that are in question. it's the transparency of the government in power. that's the difference between your batmunching countrymen and other asian democracies. can you actually not understand that

>Americans lecturing people on health care quality

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>I watched some tool read from a teleprompter on the news
Just kys because you've just demonstrated that you're incapable of independent thought.

If you hate China so much, why don't you go to hell where you belong?

Our only state owned media are pbs and npr and that sort of thing.
Compare to China’s multitude of media outlets owned by the state.
>why wouldn’t they
Because they don’t need to convince the world of something everyone already takes as a fact.

Because our government is transparent amirite? They wouldn't hide anything from a good law abiding citizen. It's not like they have literal secret courts with no due process or anything. Right?

>Believing any government statistic that comes from the CCP, a group of propagandists who increase their own legitimacy by controlling information

I wont go as far to say they're straight up lying, there is a possibility after all, but I'm not dumb enough to assume they're telling the truth either.

>n-no your evidence isn’t valid because of m-muh feelings
Go back to China. I don’t like the idea of being within a 5,

except i didn't mention the US at all?

I don't hate China but you're obviously a rootless chink who doesn!t know the first thing about life in China yet you suck CCP dick.

What's it like in your little fantasy world? I'm genuinely curious what runs through the mind of a self admitted zombie.

>Our only state owned media are pbs and npr and that sort of thing.
>Compare to China’s multitude of media outlets owned by the state.

wow you really are retarded

>Haha I said the nigger-word, did that impress you guys? xD
As much as you try to fit in here, you don't. Talk to your manager, he may need to re-train you.

you should know that you will always be an ugly slant-eyed manlet and you will never be respected by the country you live in. if you love the dystopian shithole that is modern china so much, then get the fuck out of comfortable first-world countries that white people built and go live there.

shut up white cock sucker lmao. pathetic keung kee ng

Fyi OP is reporting people that get him assmad. Everyone who used the phrase "slant-eyed" is probably getting banned.

Of course not, since you've already been conditioned to assume that we're the "good guys" and the Chinese are the "bad guys". After all, real life is just like a marvel superhero movie.

If you’re really comparing CCTV to some wet dream you have about CIA agents making twitter posts you should swallow bleach