Alright time to be honest since I was figured out in the latin thread...

Alright time to be honest since I was figured out in the latin thread, I'm a femcel femanon pretending to be a guy because I used to be a fujo and I find shitposting as an incel entertaining.

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Ignored again fuckos

Post timestamp, genius.

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colombian-fattmerican here

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Who cares, you're black so

Wanna be my gf?

Wanna be my gf?

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why did you stop pretending? what's your endgame?

timestamp or else nerd.

I need a fucking gf lads

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>I'm a femcel femanon pretending to be a guy because I used to be a fujo and I find shitposting as an incel entertaining.
Unironically me too. I also just think foreign boys are cute.

Thanks bitch

Nobody really cares about your weird shit

How many gayposters are femoids?

actually there is a country named "el salvador"

--> El fucking Salvador

wtf that name is so cool I want it too, for my cunt, why nobody told me about this shit

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>I'm a femcel femanon

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We're all princesses here. Am I right fellas?

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Have you ever tried going on r9k? If youre a woman they cut you off like asap, and some of them are really interesting and you can have long convos with them so
Honestly both of us are going to think the other is larping i know how it goes but its not fair how they shut you off
Lel isnt article on a name a third world signal

I'm not black

So are any of you beaners gonna be my gf and stick your feet in my mouth?

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Foot fetish is low tier

I didn't hear a no.

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You look like some sort of incel douche. Also my feet are ugly, so nobody wins with this.

Show me your feet.

If youre who i think you are stay away your constant shitposting on r9k is not funny its demoralizing and again foot fetush is low tier

>half the posters on Yas Forums are girls according to these threads
fuck off you attention seeking virgins and trannies
go suck a dick

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>australian can't follow the banter
You're a disgrace to your country, sonny.


Do the right thing, user.

>You look like some sort of incel douche
>Also my feet are ugly
ugly stinky brown female feet are my fetish

You'd win by humiliating me and dominating me and I'd win by ejaculating. Win-win

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A foot fetish is wrongful sexualization of things that serve no reproductory purpose

this isn't even in the same dimension as banter, this is just attention seeking 100%

>you can only get aroused by a vagina
Salvadoreños, not even once.

I want you to look down and tell me that while I kiss and worship your feet goddess.

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>>A foot fetish is wrongful sexualization of things that serve no reproductory purpose
I don't think you're male or female, I think you're a robot. Show CPU.

Its not that, first sexualization is a real concern on society more and more people from both genders are suffering due to not fulfilling every stantard that society puts as attractive we have to worl towards changing that and ok ok i understand why some like it, i have a hands fetish but hands are just more pretty

Hey buddy the incel thread is two blocks down just advice for you you might want to check it out

I have sexy hands, I'll dominate you with my hands if you dominate me with your feet, deal?

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You're just being a douche then. I mean foot fetish is fairly common, and you yourself have a god damn hand fetish, which is not unheard of but not as common as the foot one.
>he can't possibly fathom the concept of being gay as a joke
I guess even aussies have their autists.
I'm not into humiliating, but rather the opposite. Sorry lad.

im already here

Post a hand that you'd consider 10/10

Perhaps the incel thread was the friends we made along the way.

thanks, we needed to know that.

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top kek

Now, do you have blue hair or not?

Hands fetish>foot fetish
What makes a hand fetish great? Well hands are attractive feet are not hands can be prettier and their shape is very expressive you can tell a lot about someone if you look at how they move their hands while feet sre sure emotive but its gross

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Thats true lol
Ok alright maybe i was being fsr too rude i just dont like foot fetishists because feet are not as appealing as hands, hands can be string rough soft etc while feet are not as accesible

Read this post user, that's what makes hands work while feet are distateful

I wish I had a latina gf still

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Besides swissanon
Have you kept up with my threads? Don't you think each episode of jokercel was a tad too much, like almost an exaggeration, it's all hyperbolic. No one can be that incel.

no, they can be pretty bad

Calling lies ok that, there may be outliers but at that point they do something else, you can'tbe that incel and seek company online, we need friends and the jokercel persona was made so that he was at that line.

Well I wont out my buds, but I used to talk to a lot of edgy folks that we're probably on the edge of snapping.
/soc/ is full of a lot of real sad dudes that just want someone to speak to and treat them as a person and listen to them.

Ion think I give a shit, nigga.

Time to go to bed female joker

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literally a tranny that is still more masculine than the entire website

There is no jokercel my friends, it's an exaggerated character of what i think incels are like. The show's over and it was starting to consume my posting on Yas Forums it got borung and ive had enough.
Art hoe user?
Yeah,ive added some guys on soc but theyre boring and are like that, r9k is where the fun is.

suck my maghrebi cock tranny

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The one and only

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Isnt it a little bit late for you too?

Dude, like you can enjoy hands while not being an asshole to footfags, is not that hard you dumb cunt.

I usually go to sleep at 4 am it’s still to early for me, actually

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buen bait asuka

Why did you stop being a fujo?


Bl*ck women are bottom of the barrel tier

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