In a study by Oxford Economics, while everyone will suffer from the virus, emerging markets will suffer the most...

In a study by Oxford Economics, while everyone will suffer from the virus, emerging markets will suffer the most, in fact disproportionately compared to the tutorial first world, given that they are exposed to all risks (external demand, low consumption, slowing trade, etc) with NONE of the benefits (good healthcare, money to stimulate business, quarantine enforcement, investor confidence compared to the poor world, etc).
The study is rightly named "Coronavirus, bad for some, god awful for others".
India, Philippines, Vietnam, Brazil, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mexico and China will suffer the most in that order, according to the study.

Are you ready to suffer even more, anons from that list of countries?

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Bring it on.

you wouldn't be suffering because you're a middle upper class lawyer living in a big house with a lot of money in the bank

nonononono i dont want to have to learn 2 brown people languages

>Believing economic forecast
They can't even correctly predict shit when things are stable and you think they can predict shit when there is a major shock?

I'm already suffering

Not exactly. All his moeny is rooted in the Philippines

I'm gaining a lot buying up the stocks that fell to the lowest and rising up recently
Sold it yesterday and earned 20000 USD in a week from selling it, not much but feels good :)

Sure you did.

he still would not be suffering, unlike the actual poor filipinos that live in the slums.

I can't buy because our Econ,y is collapsing.
>mfw missed a one life chance because of stupid politicians


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I dont live in a big house and only have a few in the bank. I am middle class, who will suffer a huge amount.
You are probably a neet living in a mansion with actual servants akin to slaves. You will still suffer because half of your businesses taken from people illegally would be closed

so much projection lol
looks like I was right
you will not suffer

20000 usd is what 1 trillion yen? Assuming like a 50% return which is already very high even in a bear economy, you mush have put in 2 trillion yen or some shit

>so much projection lol
Look who's talking? I mean, I would understand why flipland and india for example are good english speakers, but why Indonesia? Only privileged people there probably speak english.

wow okay so now you're stereotyping? poor Indonesians can't learn english? wow typical spoilt ignorant upper class behaviour there.

Is it true that you're rich?

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It's profiteering time

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>wow okay so now you're stereotyping?
Well, I'm not the one accusing people of being rich just because.

I am doing fine, but not rich.

How do you profiteer in Vietnam? Here, people just go into stocks now, or just overprice which is really despicable.

it has been proven many times that you are a wealthy lawyer.

No, not really. You just keep repeating this over and over until you could claim it is in fact true because other people said so. I keep telling you I am not but you keep forcing the idea anyways.

Feel sad for Lebanese. Still, your countrymen should feel ashamed for abusing poor filipinos who work there.

you have said yourself that you're a lawyer. don't try to lie.

Real estate nigga. The housing bubble I was fearing is gonna burst is actually gonna bloat another 10 times. Gold, shares, crypto, aren't shit. Nothing beats a house in a place with no natural disasters while everything else is literally memes. European real estates are gonna go down too, when this blows over. I suggest you prepare some cash reserve.

I am a lawyer but a new one. Not all lawyers start rich, most start literally taking cases almost for free. You wouldn't know this living in your home while your servants and the ill gotten wealth you have is keeping you alive, and I am working.

Real Estate is easy money, land never depreciates, is you have the capital.
But that is a good suggestion, Viet user.

haha again with the projection
you are a rich lawyer
stop pretending that you're poor
it's disgusting

>haha again with the projection
That is you with your current post.
Even if you keep repeating it, it will never be true. Actually, I hope one day that becomes true.

that doesn't even make any sense
if it's projection then that's true because I'm pretty poor
meanwhile you're a rich lawyer pretending to be poor for pity points
fucking disgusting

>that doesn't even make any sense
What doesn't make sense though? I told you why a lawyer doesn't necessarily mean you are rich. Many lawyers start with little income. But you just keep repeating "NO U R RICH" in your posts.

Shut the fuck up. I wish I was you though since you can still live a normal life amidst the crisis. Meanwhile, us poorfags are having a problem on how to feed ourselves without our daily income.

I have that problem too, faggot.
If anything, I am trying to go in on stocks for now, online.

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stop lying you piece of shit
you're a rich lawyer fighting for deplorable people
you do not suffer

Does this mean flip hookers will be cheap?

Can I pay $5 to fuck kaguyafag?

>thirdoids create virus
>complain when said virus fucks them up
We should actually send you a bill for all the damage the virus causes us.

God, you are like a broken record.
I will stop replying to you now if you have nothing else to say.

Hookers are not allowed. That would mean you voilated the quarantine and as punishment you will stay under the hot 40 Celsius tropical sun for 5 hours.

I mean after the virus dummy.

I dunno, you can have the usual ugly hookers reserved for sexpats. Which is frankly, what they deserve.

Well, what I would say is that: who has all the money? What are the firstoids doing?? They should be making a vaccine for this shit. Our obligation is only to prevent the spread.
What are you tutorials doing with all that money and there's no vaccine yet?

With your kaguyahfag face everyone will suffer regardless


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Oh I don't want the hookers, I want you

I am not gay, so no thanks. I can go to canada anytime I want without any sexpat help. That's the only thing sexpats are good for, anyways.

Sure you do you massive YUH faggot. I bet you went for a panic buying too. Us poorfags can't do anything but just panic. I bet you're having some delicious steak for lunch meanwhile I'm here just eating my freshly harvested string beans to save our canned goods.
$3 is the standard for faggots here but with a face like this you can probably get it $1 or for free.

We havent gotten any money from you yet, maybe we should cut development aid for a while so we can focus on the vaccine.

>I am middle class, who will suffer a huge amount.
You don't deserve suffering, you deserve death. Fuck the middle class.

>Kaguyafag admits he's wealthy

Could i help the flip economy by fucking some flip women and leaving them 10 bucks?

I'd be willing to pay someone AUD400 via paypal for proof of killing this disgusting piece of shit rich avatarfag.

I don't admit it at all; I have cousins living in America because life is hard here. It's typical for flips to do so; and Canada is easily accessible from the United States.

You use development aid for your political aganda anyways, so by putting it on making a vaccine you actually help us more. Just read the OP.

One, you are replying to yourself again. That is not me. Alas, another case of "keep repeating it until it's true". Whatever.
Some user told me though, you in fact were actually doxxed with your face around here somewhere, is that true?

>I bet you went for a panic buying too
Yes, like most of the middle class did.

> bet you're having some delicious steak for lunch meanwhile I'm here just eating my freshly harvested string beans to save our canned goods
I just ate Ligo a while ago.

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Kek, only an absolute mouthbreather did panic shops, suits you.

Surely our developed countries friends will help us if it ever comes to that, right?
Especially Philippines, who is in alliance with US.

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>One, you are replying to yourself again.
The fuck you talking about? I almost never post here, I'm just a lurker. Suffer my ass. Nice """"""middle class"""""" you have there, being able to go to canada whenever you want . Truly the middle class experience.

Why don't you just move to Canada and stop whining about "Tutorial countries"

>being able to go to canada whenever you want (You). Truly the middle class experience
Just because you can go doesn't mean you can afford to. I am just saying getting a green card is pretty easy for us flips.

In fact, I received from US immigration that they are willing to accept us there as immigrants. My grandpa who worked as a security guard applied for us 18 years ago and just acted on it now.

Anyways, chances are you have a relative living abroad too, or working there. You can go with him if you really wanted to.

What can a flip lawyer do in Canada?

Import export? Immigration? International law?


What's wrong with that? You shop now because those lines are really long.

>Surely our developed countries friends will help us if it ever comes to that, right?
Only when they realize they need us too, which would be after they tend to themselves. They will leave us to the dust and only when they need us will they help us.

I dunno about Canada and immigration though. International Law, maybe, but you have to pass this really hard foreign affairs exam and know at least more than one Yas Forums language.



The lines are long? We are already bqck to normal, i went yesterday and most of the canned food is stocked and all the frozen stuff is stocked.
And youre supposed to have food and water for 14 days at all times, not panic buy like a sheep when some chink coughs.

Why are pinay so loud?

alot of pinay living in japan and one of my coworkers are pinay.

they always so loud in every place.
they make japanese women very quite.


But the bundas, think about the bundas.
I was a little reticent to get venezuelans at first, but they have some culos you wouldn't believe, couples with qt faces btw.

Well, our lockdown measures are more draconian. You cant stock up for all 14 days, you are limited in how many you can get.

Flips are loud by nature. And I mean, we are noisy. Very noisy. In fact, flip language is really loud, especially when we are engaged in nice conversation. You could even say that filipinos are kinda afraid of silence.

I strongly believe I'm going to die this semester.