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Calvinism > Lutheranism > Catholicism > Anglicanism


i put mayonnaise on chips


fight me spastics

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Do you drink the soup after you eat instant noodles?

is it easter yet?

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only gimps dont

is that eddie

never understood the sneed meme, maybe im a mong

How much beer is too much in one day?

of course

any amount of alcohol is bad


its dumb anti-humour

True. But total prohibition is bad for mental stability.

you will die from heart disease

Watching Better Call Saul

Watching Piers Morgan go off his tits about people going outside when they should be at home, and how we need to protect all the old folks that went to war for us. What fucking did English baby boomers fight in?

don't even acknowledge it

more like better call the police because a sex pest criminal is in the thread

a third of all people die from heart disease, it's by far the most common cause of death and becomes inevitable as you age

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Kind of feel like having a wank, but will be having sex with the gf later today, oh what a world


any lads been to Blackburn? is it comfy?

Some take aways from the 95 theses

13. When you die all your student loans should be forgiven
29. People in purgatory may not want to leave
66. The indulgence system redistributes wealth from the poor to the rich, allowing the rich to live off the public trough
86. The pope should rebuild St. Peter’s with his own money, rather than leeching off the public like Jeff Bezos

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no and no


>Some take aways
yeah lad get us some chicken salt chips

simping is one of the most manly things you can do

Went with my 6'2 friend, surprisingly white for 50% Pakistani town

it's a fucking toilet and genuinely one of the worst towns in the entire country. the whites are scrotes and the muzzers are muzzers. avoid at all costs


Yes and no

did you film anyone shitting there too?


if the blacks start looting in my neighborhood im buying a gun


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what makes it shitty? is it a poor working class town?

So luthor was a proto-marxist?

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on the free pornhub premium

When can we go to a pub again?

went earlier lad


feel another big shit coming up

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not if you're healthy

Everyone with half a brain moved out years ago so all the whites left there are the absolute scum of the earth. The worst kind of dirt. Then all the empty houses got filled with pakistani's. It's a recipe for utter disaster and the town is indeed a fucking disaster

is it worse than blackpool?

How to get a qt Blackburn gf?

hmmm hard to say really. i'm not in blackpool much desu but there's no where near as many pakistanis there which can only be an improvement because they really are a dirt people. Why? you planning a poverty holiday?

have a supply of drugs for her same way the muzzers do it

move to blackburn and drink enough to find the women there attractive

just curious, I was looking up where Darwen was and saw Blackburn was close by

not been to blackpool for a long time but I'd guess blackburn is worse
check out the house prices on rightmove

Both dogshit towns. It's not even poverty particularly. Nearby Bunrley is far poorer and run down but is genuinely a nicer town with nicer people. Blackburn is just mean spirited. Why you looking up Darwen?

Anyone else ill? been feeling worse and worse this week. really scared because it's getting harder to breathe.