Thinking about it, Iberians are the fiercest of all the southern euro people

Thinking about it, Iberians are the fiercest of all the southern euro people.

Warrior culture is strong there specially in Spain

Attached: iberian.jpg (736x1010, 125.55K)

these are celtic designs


he's right this is celtic and celts lived in Iberia too

Attached: 16796825471_0021541225_b.jpg (1024x795, 147.09K)

based blackamoors

everything he's wearing and holding is of celtic design and make.

Based English teacher who's so ugly that he can't even get laid in Japan

chino de mierda bro

Australians are part of the Anglosphere...
They don't leanr know history in school so they don't know that the Iberian Peninsula is full of Celtic Menhirs and Dolmen and that Iberia was Celtic before the Arabs mixed in.

Iberians are Celtics aren't they?
You know about Celtics?

The whole thing about Celtic culture beeing basically Franchise the same way like Chinese culture is a Franchise or American culture is a Franchise?
You know that right?

I don't think you know what that word means.

You can't deny Iberians sport Moorish heritage in blood, language and culture.
Portugal just got rid of the Moors 200 years earlier than the Spanish.
yet it still a few hundred years of beeing under Moorish rule and with Moors beeing allowed to choose what ever infidel female slave they like.

they weren't, iberians were different people with a non-indoeuropean language

Attached: Iberia_300BC-es.svg.png (727x599, 259.01K)

yes, a 10% of moorish blood, some words, and old buildings

I think I know exactly.
I'm every year ...well probably not this year. In the Pyrinees or in Galicia and Northern Portugal.
These places were Celtic. There are Celtic reliques everywhere. They also became influnced by Greek, conquered and culturally anihilated or reeducated by Rome, conquered by Visigoths who then couldn't keep out the Moors and at the end the area became part of the Moorish heart land.
Yet there are still war reports in Latin talking about the Celtic heros that kept the Roman legions a foot bsically with terror tactics. Long after rome colonised the place.
Oh and you know the Iberians once offcially owned the whole world...

Not even 5%, and it varies. You can barely see a Moorish building and even though there's a significant number of Arabic words in the dictionary you only use like 5% of them in a week's worth of conversation

>Oh and you know the Iberians once offcially owned the whole world...
Whatever you say, chief.

But Southern Spanish look like a gypsy crossed with a Turk. The only whites are in the far north or Catalunya.

They? Who
Your map show a lot of Celtic space
and Galicia in total Indo European language ...
OK, I see what you mean the group of people that are Iberians...I mean all people of the Iberian peninsula when I say Iberians.

Southern Spain literally has like half a million Gypsies lmao

Iberians are literally the most irrelevant meds. Of the three of the meds, they are the only ones who never had a great civilizations

*great ancient civilization

You come to northern portugal every year?
I'm from northern portugal. Where do you usually go?

Perhaps because you're an ignorant imbecile.
Spain ruled the world for a century, Northerners thrived off stealing what they discovered/builld.

Look at this and tell me spain is'nt moor

Attached: f9.jpg (669x446, 106.21K)

Galicians and Northern Portuguese are pretty white. The people of Girona at least at the Golf of Roses and in Barcelona are also pretty white.
Hm Thinking about it, most Spanish people even in he south are pretty white , you just get tan if you are there in the Summer...
Also Spanish women are beautifull. And Spanish people know how to make you feel good enjoying the stay.
While Portuguese make you feel like a burden on them. That's why I only book Apartments in Portugal. So I don't feel like I should apologize for causing so much effort...

>three of the meds
What are Samnites, Illyrians, Etruscans, Veneti, etc.?


1. You can barely find those building anywhere else on this peninsula
2. At the time that place was far more advanced that the Christian settlements, as much as I hate Moors

I meant major med civilizations (Greeks, romans)

I base in Montemor-o-Velho ...we(my dad) even had forest the some years ago.

Spain invented Mexicans
Portugal invented Brazilians

Just for this one act both countries are forever shit tier.

I have to agree...

You judge civilizations by their militarry capabilites.....
Guess you have walls full of guns, and that makes you more civilized compared to your neighbours who only one...

Portuguese look strongly moorish thb

Attached: images.jpg (226x223, 7.63K)

Hmmm... montemor-o-velho is not northern portugal tho.
Its center.

I live close to the border with galiza


We're Southern Euros, we're swarthy on average (some people look like Nordics, some look like Arabs) but that guy would stand out

Aztects invented Mexicans
And the Christos Order and Jesuite Order invented Brazilians.
And both countries were much better countries, back than than they are now.
Much better organized, way higher spirit of endeaver and with a mind for business and respect of the law. Every peom payed his taxes back then and demanded nothing back from the state.
After the empires were gone both states went into decline and never realy bounced back again...The English lost their empire way later and they are in decline since WWI....and still dropping...

There is some more moorish blood in the Algarve...even the Portuguese call them out for that!
In Northern portugal you can have blue eyed blond hair born people...but they darken when they get older.

Im a dark celt

Attached: 20200320_123013.jpg (1158x1650, 1.1M)

convert to islam you fucking iberian mutts we saved your asses

Yea it's where I can base for free because relatives from my father.
I do field trips to the north and all over Portugal from there.
So as you live right there, your honest opnion:Is Galicia Portuguese?

You literally look like a pale arab

My nigger!
My beard has all colours lucky you that you only have one...

There is for sure a strong affinity between northern portugal and galiza. Culturally, a northern portuguese has much more in common with a galizan than a lisboner/southerner.

However, the national divide is still there. Most people see them as "spanish" and they see us as "portuguese".
Ultimately, galiza is not portugal. I wpuld love, however, for more cultural exchange and proximity between galiza and northern portugal at least.

Not him, but Galicia and us have been separated for a long, long time. We think of them as brothers, and the feeling is mutual, but they've been Hispanicized. I do remember though that when we won the Euros the most prominent Galician channel held a celebration, while others Spaniards didn't give a fuck (When Spain won the WC I couldn't hear a beep, even though I live in a place where I can literally see Spain from my balcony)

Semite Arab or one of the forcefully Arabized people outside of the Arabian peninsula?
If you say someone looks like an Arab is like saying someone looks like an USian...because USians have all this uniform distinct look...

Based Fernão de Magalhães

>while others Spaniards didn't give a fuck
I did but I was in Portugal at the time

He is you moron!!

You gotta go back

>be american
>see a picture of a literal black beard

Ah yes! Its an "arab" (because "arabs" look all the same for an american)

Get Corona insurance, just in case

You have to admit it, no doubt he has atleast SOME moorish blood in him.


Extremely common Arab look, gotta have brown hair and blue eyes at minimum to begin qualifying for white, and even then you have to pass through other non-white barriers

Its all about the pink nipples

That's another non-white barrier, but not the only. If you have to look twice, not white, easy as that

Back to where?
There is no vacationing this year...I guess
I have 2 vacations a year when everything went as Summer vacation in Spain or Portugal and one winter or autumn vacation where ever fits. This year would have been Empuriabrava(Spain) for the Summer and Duinrell(Cheeseland) for autumn...
But it looks like the Wuhan Virus makes this a pretty unfun year.

So if you are still vacationing this
or next year visit at Saint Johns Eve. Somewher wher there is a golf so you can see the fireworks fired from the beaches on the other side, reflecting in the water.

If you're a native celt, pre Indo euro, slav, germanic, finnic, Hellenic you're white if not then no, that's it.

whatever, we fucked you up good just right after flandes, your tercios didn't feel so good right here in the south