Do boys do this in your country?

Do boys do this in your country?

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Not to me at least

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this is the thread

One day you will find someone to love you. Dont give up fren

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They don't do it with girls anymore. :'(

thanks Brazil bro

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Me neither :(

I think about it every night...

Move to Massachusetts so we can cuddle

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where in massachusetts

t. springfield fag

Wtf there's three of us!?

Framingham fag

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South Shore

I messed up

Are you two the same anons from that "cock... gay sex... anime" thread that was take down?

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I was one of them but you didn't link my post here ;_;

Which of you is the college lad? How're things on your end? Thought any more about talking to your parents (so it wouldn't be awkward to bring gentlemen callers home) or was that a dead end idea?

That was me. It's kind of a non issue right now because my mom won't let anyone see anyone in any capacity because of Corona

Oh and I'm the South Shore one

I see, with Corona Chan doing her thing it sounds like she's opposed to you bringing anybody into the house, period. What's the deal with graduation? It get postponed?
I actually used to live on the south shore lol, I still have friends down there and I worked in Quincy for a while

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>mfw I reunited all the USA anons from that thread
Everything going acording the plan

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It's been cancelled, possibly postponed but there's no clear information on when/if there'll be a replacement

where do I fit into all of this?

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Soon you'll assemble all the whoremen of the a-cock-alpyse...

based mastermind
fugg, that sucks. My brother and his long term gf are in a similar situation, I'm guessing it's the case for most schools given how shit is getting shut down

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Yas Forums's gayness has seeped into my dreams. in my dreams i was a girl and a cute guy was spooning me. his erection poked my butt. i pressed my ass harder.

hi, is this the jersey user?

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Thread so gay I can smell it from halfway across the catalogue

Based, just be yourself tho user regardless of labels

what does gay smell like out of curiosity?

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how'd you know

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you usually post akarin~~
also I'm a super sleuth

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Playing a 4D chess here my fren

Good let then know each other better, plan still going good

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Yeah it sucks, but it is what it is

only with lewd euroboys

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Hey user!

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Like sweetened salt water. A nose-wrinkling odour.

what're you guys doing during your Corona downtime?

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I was just lurking while I was getting bullied on voice chat.
I have been summoned

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if you are Iberian clay then I must plant my flag deep, to claim it for Iberia of course
(my flag is my dick)

Don't I get a say in this?

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Being reading some HP Lovecraft (aka guy that had a cat with a funny name), playing some cs: go and working out in home. And you user? How is your quarantine?

Lol you trannies are really pathetic

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reading my history books, watching anime, and using my aneros (no homo). How's lovecraft? Are you reading it in English or a Portuguese translation?

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cute desu.

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Yes, i do that with my boyfriend. No homo

of course, you get to say "harder please"

How'd you guys meet?

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guess I will say nothing at all then.

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do you know bart

You're not cute

have sex... with me.

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you say that now but we know you'd be moaning lewdly in case of penetration

Ah you’re right
Based killuaposter

it's true. I do like to make sounds like that

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spoken like a true lewd slut :)
speaking of you being lewd do you have any short shorts jeans?
I'd quite like to see your cute ass that!

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Kini taste my dude

No I don't sorry :(