Black American woman goes to Serbia, both her and all her viewers lust after the Serb BVLLS.
Serbia confirmed for in reverse.
Black American woman goes to Serbia, both her and all her viewers lust after the Serb BVLLS.
Serbia confirmed for in reverse.
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its called the swirl movement. self hating black girls looking for white men
The boys in ex-yu are gonna love this
it's mutual
have you ever seen /ex-yu/?
South Slavs absolutely adore Black Girls and treat them like queens
so many balkan guys here love black woman.
What's the deal with american black women doing sex tourism in europe
Male niggers are chasing after white and Arab women so black women are looking for more options.
black women and eastern european men looks like match made from heaven
There is a group of wealthy niggers called something like "nigger girl travel" they literally come to Italy just to fuck lol
Disgusting. We have already too many Nigerian prostitutes
I'd BLEACH her.
can't imagine a black serbian mutt would look like, must be a spawn from hell
Knew a few Serbs in high school that all wanted to fuck black girls. They were sent to Iowa...
Zaddy worshippers baka.
Apparently they learned "interracial dating skills"
>swirl movement
lol just looked it up on twitter and see nothing but nog men seething and black women celebrating it
yeah it's a popular fetish, I know a guy who went for student exchange to Belgium and only swiped right on black girls
But I can assure you no one wants black children
Its just one fucktard who posts them in every thread
Man, she's pretty.
> in reverse
Don't we usually just say "bleached" or some shit like that in these instances?
>have you ever seen /ex-yu/?
>South Slavs absolutely adore Black Girls and treat them like queens
That's most of Yas Forums.
No, its literaly one lone fuck that obsessively posts them and calls them 'black angels' its like running joke
why are all these black American girls moving to Europe all of a sudden?
Oh. I thought maybe /ex-yu/ was riding the same black queen meme as the rest of Yas Forums for a second there.
Seriously though you guys should be riding the black queen meme.
She's beautiful 2bh
I really want to fuck her.
>through media in recent years it becomes apparent to many people that most european countries have a vastly superios welfare system to the united states
>why are all these black American girls moving to Europe all of a sudden?
Really gets the noggin' joggin'.
No its seriously a joke, there i just spilled it
jeje its well
who said they are looking for white men when they clearly said serbian men
Who got the get tho
Fuck i missed the get by 4
I feel raped
is this the thread?
dude every croat and serb on in Yas Forums is posting black girls since forever dont lie
It's time, brother.
SHe is quite ugly
No its literary just one lone fuck and the rest of us just sort of get in on it, its kind of getting old, at least if he poster some tribal quties alla faccetta nera but its alvays the same old 2016 jpgs, its getting spent
Dumb that shit on anonfile, mega or something like that and post here the link
There is no shame in liking African beauties.
Black reversed (or "Bleach'd") doesn't work, we all know that the white person involved is getting the raw end of the deal whereas the black is climbing the ladder and moving up
seething little coon lmao
>yeah it's a popular fetish, I know a guy who went for student exchange to Belgium and only swiped right on black girls
Come to Brazil and fuck our mulattas. I have a big erection right now.
Moroccans are the ugliest people on earth, even niggers look better
But Italians are black - so no racial taboo.
Black women seem to love Slavic men. I think it’s the traditional masculinity combined with being tall and white. Just an observation.
That's why you guys keep loosing your black qts, you treat them like shit.
This mulatta for example only dates white men. Your loss.
lets go
COLONIZED sounds much better desu
Yovana Ventura?
If yes she is an escort
I mean when people say they’re “white negroes” they aren’t wrong. Black girls here are obsessed with lightskins (mixed black dudes) so Slavs are just an upgrade from that
Not all europeans colonized non-whites.
fuck off garcia sancehz hernanzdez
Cope incel.
Black women in the us and canada are obessed with europeans, it's weird. I told them that I was British not European but she still sucked me off.
Black women even like non-white Europeans as well!!!
idk, dont think so
Why would an American nigger bitch go to Serbia of all places. How did she even hear of Serbia?
I want to put my head in those titties
black people search for countries with virtually no blacks and then fly to them with all their family