/cum/ - Canada, USA & Mexico

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Other urls found in this thread:


havent had any pussy in 19 years going on 20 soon

cough syrup

get a hooker
women are expensive if you aren't chad or rich

Coming out of your mother's vagina doesn't count.

ahh... home...

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rape is free

Say hey hey


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whos gonna buy me bannerlord

theres that too
rape is free aka sex with an incel is considered rape

don't trust women

OC btw
me and the GF

you find any new tiktokers bro

haven't been looking


zoomers were a mistake

want to kill her for those finger nails
want to shoot her for that ass chin

ass chins can be sexy

based asschin poster

hey so how was today did anyone get btfo? haha

girls be like that

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ok larper

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you can't tell me what to do losangeles.gov alert. if i wanna go to the beach this weekend I'm going to the beach

How do I feel good?

how old is she and how old are you


short or long term?

I want to put my dick inside her.

Thinking about manipulating my diploma for better grades

how do I get a german gf

Howdy Cat

Short term. I think I know the answers to the latter

idk i have never had one

drugs worked for me

i like this slovene group

That's the plan once the house goes to bed

read the thread again
no one asked

does anybody wanna have a discussion

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got a filtered (you)

about what?

Let's discuss Asian girltoes

that's rough buddy

fuck off cringelord

are you in a group home

pretty sure the majority of germans hate us

i am not a cringe lord shut the fuck up tranny

No I live with my family. I know it's a weird way of putting it.

been getting A LOT of repeating digits today

Okay. After coronavirus, when will the next massive global happening happen and what will it be?

do they check in on your without knocking? or are you just a loud jerker?

it wasn’t really. i was just being annoying for the sake of it

I just get annoyed if I hear people during. I don't wanna think of my family while in sexual pleasure

o wow clear time was 2:24:46

>look son, a /cum/ thread

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I want to have sex with an attractive female woman.

All good

Same here bro

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gross what's this bitches problem?

she steals the souls of beta males

>firefox recommendations

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i want to have sex with an attractive feminine boy

NO wonder you posted her


yeah she's going to steal your soul

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i hate coronachan, online classes suck dick, I have more busywork and homework than ever

this is me.

rate me and don't sugarcoat it

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A toast!

i use other threads for discussion. /cum/ is for feeling better about myself as a relative measure heh

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then tune them out by turning your porn up louder

>/cum/ is for feeling better about myself
So you're saying you're a loser?


looking mighty classy

Less of a loser than most of (you). but yes nonetheless.

suck the farts out my ass

There is not a more soyboy name than "Adam".
If your name is "Adam" you might start thinking about buying anime stockings

Yea I might just put some tunes on.