Would you let Princess Eléonore of Belgium rule your country?
Would you let Princess Eléonore of Belgium rule your country?
No, monarchists can FUCK off
if by rule you mean ride and by my country you mean my cock, then yes
no becaus she's 4th in line
is she related to Leopold II?
are you retarded?
No, that would be treason.
with Eléonore
Seize her means of production
Which in fact carries a life sentence.
Crap, I meant to reply OP. Sorry!
imagine her growing up and having affair with some black immgrant hot
or better yet, imagine her having bastard mixed child
muh dick
C . U
CU means asshole/anus in macaco, fucking pedo
I have a special throne for her
>belgian royalty
I much prefer keeping my limbs
I would personally guillotine her and the rest of her family
just say "N . N . Y" you dumb preto
no that's a foid
You've been making these pedo threads for years now lmao
B-B-BASED !!11!11!!11!!!!
(and that's a good thing)
Imagine those little hands around a BBC
>imagine her growing up
>having affair with some black immgrant hot
>or better yet, imagine her having bastard mixed child
holy shit imagine interracial royal child pregnancy, now that's some next level coom manufacturing.
just fapped to her lol
She needs to get BLACKED
pedoturk go away
Fuck k*ngs they truly are the faggots of the world, an eternal parasite to humaity that must be purged, much like how the old Romans killed their Monarchs it should be done again, to all K*ngs
To all the nigger posters, imagine going into the room of your younger ambitious self and declaring that you dedicate hours of your day to posting about nigger porn.
What an absolute waste of your time. Are you doing it because you think its funny? Or because youve convinced yourself that you arent good enough for beautiful women and therefore she is "one for the niggers"
What an absolute disaster of a person you turned out to be eh? Id feel bad if i didnt want this shit banned and censored like furries.
i've been doing this since i was very young
I'd to her the same thing my ancestors did to Romanovs.
We have our own royal lolis already
No king but Christ, no sovereign but God
I don't really care about out royal family, but if a woman inherits the throne, i will be highly upset and will probably move to leafland.
no, death to m*narchs
We already have princess Vittoria
isnt she banned from entering Italy?
The ban was removed like 20 years ago
fake princess
why is Belgiums princess so much whiter than yours?
Her grandmother is from Brazil
Why are you obsessed with blonde kids?
I want a blonde blue-eyed daughter.
to molest?
Not him but that's why I would want one.
Same. And preferably marry her.